Title: License Verification PPS ELIC Screen
1License Verification PPS ELIC Screen
- Laine Vehar
- lvehar_at_ucsd.edu
- Overview
- Process
- Forms Tools
- Tracking and Auditing
- The University of California School of Medicine,
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Science and the Medical Center provides
excellence in clinical, clinical trials, and
research by licensed or certified professionals. - This presentation provides an overview of the
license verification process for the Vice
Chancellor Health Sciences.
3License Verification Overview
- State and Federal regulations as well as
University policy require employees in certain
professions have valid license and/or
certifications. - Performing license verifications for new
employees and conducting audits to re-verify
licenses prior to the expiration is mandatory.
4License Verification and Documentation
ProcessAdd license information in the PPS ELIC
Screen at the time of hire to document the
license information which is used for tracking
and auditing employees licensure prior to
expiration. This ensures the license is
re-verified as current and documented.
- Refer to the License Verification and title codes
to identify positions that require license
verifications. - Complete the UCSD License Verification Form
initially for new hires, and again to confirm the
license renewal is completed. The employee and
the HR contact should sign the bottom of the
form. - Use the primary source links on the SOM HR
website (http//som.ucsd.edu/hr/healthcare) for
title codes. - Enter employees license information and verify
it is current and in good standing. Print the
results and attach it to the UCSD License
Verification Form. - Add license information in the PPS ELIC Screen
at the time of hire to document verification in
the Data Warehouse. This will allow searching
capabilities and identify an employees licenses
prior to expiration to ensure the license is
re-verified and documented as current.
5License Verification and Title Code List
- Refer to the License Verification and Title Code
List on the SOM HR website http//som.ucsd.edu/hr
/healthcare - to identify titles that require license
6UCSD License Verification Form
- Complete the UCSD License Verification Form on
the SOM HR website (http//som.ucsd.edu/hr/healthc
are) - initially for new hires, and again to confirm
license renewal) are completed by the employee
and documented by the Department. The employee
and the HR contact sign the bottom of the form.
7Primary Source Links by Title
- Use the primary source links on the SOM HR
website (http//som.ucsd.edu/hr/healthcare) by
title to verify the employees license information
- Enter employees license information and verify
it current and in good standing. Print the
results and attach to the UCSD License
Verification Form.
8Document License Verification in PPS ELIC Screen
- Adding employees license information in the PPS
ELIC Screen at the time of hire documents the
verification in the Data Warehouse. This provides
reporting capabilities of employees license
expiration dates to ensure the license is
re-verified and documented as current.
9 Fields to complete in ELIC Screen
- There are three fields to complete in the ELIC
screen - Code Select appropriate code from PPS ELIC
Screen License Verification Code from the PPS
ELIC Screen License Verification Code document
on found on the SOM HR website http//som.ucsd.edu
/hr/healthcare -
- Do not use the F1 key in the code field.
The options for the F1 key do not reflect
license code choices. - Number - the license or certificate number
- Renewal Date the date the license will expire
10File the License Verification form with the
license verification from the primary source
attached in the Personnel File for reference.
11Audit Information
- Reports from the Data Warehouse provide
information for VCHS employees and list the
following - Employees Names
- Employment Status
- Home Department
- Employee ID
- License Code entered in PPS
- Renewal Date
- License Number
12Re-verifying Licenses/Certificates and updating
- Review the audit report and identify licenses at
risk of expiration. Notify employee their
renewal information needs to be provided to you. - Repeat the License Verification and Documentation
Process 1-5.