Title: HIV People Who Inject Drugs Harm Reduction
1HIV People Who Inject Drugs Harm Reduction
Sexual and ReproductiveHealth Rights Kevin
Moody, EdD, MBAInternational Coordinator
CEOOSI ConferenceAmsterdam, 13 November 2006
- What is GNP?
- GNPs work
- harm reduction / people who inject drugs?
- sexual and reproductive health and rights?
- The Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS
(GNP) is a global network for and by people with
HIV/AIDS. - The overall aim of GNP is to improve the quality
of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.
4What does this mean?
- help PLWHA help themselves and others
- learn how to organize and become effective
5Global Advocacy Agenda
- promote global access to HIV care and
treatment - fight stigma and discrimination against people
living with HIV/AIDS - promote the greater and more meaningful
involvement of PLWHA (GIPA)
6Grassroots Global
A NETWORK OF NETWORKS GNP works on global and
universal issues on a global level. It is fed
these issues through the regional networks and
the board members who are drawn from the regional
networks. People living with HIV/AIDS are
central to everything we do.
7 Bi-directional Learning
8People Who Inject Drugs
- GNP recognizes the additional challenges of HIV
people who inject drugs and advocates for
policies that protect their human rights - Position Statement on IDU
- Human Rights Count!
9Table of Contents 1. GNP and ICW Statement on
Harm Reduction 2. Background 3. Global
Commitments 4. Harm Reduction Programmes 5.
Needle and Syringe Exchange Programmes 6. Drug
Substitution Treatment 7. Access to
Antiretroviral Therapy 8. Drug Policies and
Funding 9. Palliative Care and Analgesics 10.
Research and Drug Users 11. Sexual Reproductive
Rights 12. People Living with HIV and AIDS and
Drug Users 13. GNP Global Advocacy Agenda 14.
ICW 15 Endorsements
10Human Rights Count!
- New multi-year programme to document human rights
violations against PLHIV and their advocates - Self-documentation via online database
- Several languages
- Regular reports for use in advocacy
- To disaggregate data according to vulnerable
11Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Mainstream HIV/AIDS in SRHR and vice versa
- Ensure all SRHR options open to PLHIV
- Prevent harmful SRHR practices, such as abortion,
- Advocate for fulfilling and pleasurable sex lives
for PLHIV - Advocate for equality for sexual minorities
- Fight stigma and discrimination against people at
risk who engage in sexual activities
Next steps document best practices and violations
12GNP and OSI
- On behalf of GNP, I would like to welcome OSI
and the delegates of this meeting to Amsterdam.
GNP looks forward to future collaborations and
wishes you success in this meeting.