Title: A green lacewing Chrysopa sp' in flight
1A green lacewing (Chrysopa sp.) in flight
2Figure 19.1 The organization of skeletal muscles
(Part 1)
- Muscle fiber is a muscle cell sheathed in
endomysium - A bundle of muscle fibers is a fascicle sheathed
in perimysium - A bundle of fascicles make up a muscle sheathed
in epimysium.
3Figure 19.1 The organization of skeletal muscles
(Part 2)
4Figure 19.1 The organization of skeletal muscles
(Part 3)
5Figure 19.1 The organization of skeletal muscles
(Part 4)
6Figure 19.2 The arrangement of thick (myosin)
and thin (actin) myofilaments in a sarcomere
- Thick filaments (myosin) make up A band
- Thin filaments (actin) make up I band
- And titin extends from M line to Z disc
7Figure 19.3 Muscle contraction produced by
sliding filaments
- Contraction
- I bands and H zones decrease in length
- A bands remain unchanged
- Strong contractions eliminate the H zone
8Figure 19.4 Myosin molecules form the thick
9Figure 19.5 Molecular interactions that underlie
muscle contraction
10Figure 19.6 The regulation of contraction
11Figure 19.7 Excitationcontraction coupling
(Part 1)
12Figure 19.7 Excitationcontraction coupling
(Part 2)
13Figure 19.7 Excitationcontraction coupling
(Part 3)
14Figure 19.8 Interaction between contractile and
elastic components (Part 1)
15Figure 19.8 Interaction between contractile and
elastic components (Part 2)
- Muscle contractions are a combination of
isometric and isotonic contractions. - For experimental purposes the two are separated.
16Figure 17.9 Recording isometric and isotonic
contractions (Part 1)
Figure 19.9 Recording isometric and isotonic
contractions (Part 1)
- A twitch is the response to a single AP
- Latent period is the time it takes for AP to
reach VG Ca2 channels and for Ca2 to increase
in the sarcoplasm - Contraction is the sliding of filaments
- Relaxation is the sequestering of Ca2 in the
sarcoplasmic reticulum
17Figure 19.9 Recording isometric and isotonic
contractions (Part 2)
- The heavier the load the longer the latent period
18Figure 19.10 The loadvelocity relationship of
skeletal muscle
- Isotonic contractions are used to look at the
velocity of shortening. - Greater loads decrease detachment rate between
actin and myosin. - The tension produced by a muscle must match the
force of the load.
19Figure 19.11 Summation and tetanus
- Single twitches
- Summationtwitches can sum because of the time it
takes for a muscle to relax - Tetanus is produced by high frequency stimulation
- Fused tetanus is a smooth contraction produced by
many APs
20Cellular physiology of tetanus and summation
- Tetanus leads to greater amounts of Ca2 released
into sarcoplasm - Greater number of crossbridges formed
- The elastic elements (connective fiber sheaths
and Titin) need time to be pulled taut to
increase force - Crossbridges cycle repeatedly until elastic
elements are taut. - Tension depends on the the length of the muscle
when stimulated. - Muscle tension is greatest when muscle is at its
ideal length.
21Figure 19.12 The relationship between length and
tension produced by skeletal muscle (Part 1)
22Figure 19.12 The relationship between length and
tension produced by skeletal muscle (Part 2)
23Figure 19.13 Work of contraction
24Box 19.1 The electric eel possesses both strong
and weak electric organs (Part 1)
25Box 19.1 The electric eel possesses both strong
and weak electric organs (Part 2)
26Box 19.1 The electric eel possesses both strong
and weak electric organs (Part 3)
27Figure 19.14 The production and use of ATP
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29Figure 7.6 The fueling of intense but sustained
muscular work in humans
30Figure 7.9 The mechanisms of meeting the ATP
costs of world-class competitive running
31Types of Muscles
- Tonic muscle fibers are postural
- Generate no APs
- Slow cross-bridge cycling produces long sustained
contractions with low energy costs - Twitch muscle fibers
- Slow oxidative (SO)
- Fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG)
- Fast glycolytic (FG)
- The velocity of a contraction depends on load and
the type of muscle fiber
32Figure 19.15 Whole muscles typically consist of
mixtures of different types of fibers
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35The cat hindlimb and ankle extension
- The soleus muscle consists of SO fibers and
functions in postural standing - The medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles are
mixed (45 FG, 25 FO and 25 SO) - The FO contributes fatigue resistance for walking
and running - The FG are reserved for short burst fast
locomotion and for jumping
36Exceptional muscles
- Hummingbird flight muscles contract at 80 Hz
- Tail shaker muscles of rattlesnake contract up to
90 Hz at the proper temperature - Factors contributing to speed
- Myosin isoforms capable of rapid crossbridge
recycling - Troponin isoforms that have low affinity for Ca2
- Increased density of Ca2 ATPase pumps in SR for
rapid relaxation - Cost of speed is limited ability to build up
tension in muscles - Shaker muscles require high amounts of ATP,
glycogen and a large SR
37Box 19.2 Insects exhibit two types of flight
muscles synchronous and asynchronous (Part 1)
- One AP leads to one contraction
38Box 17.2 Insects exhibit two types of flight
muscles synchronous and asynchronous (Part 2)
- One AP leads to many oscillating contractions.
- One contraction one wing beat
- Verticle muscle induces contraction of
longitudinal muscle and vice versa
39Figure 19.16 Vertebrate skeletal muscles consist
of many different, independent motor units
40Figure 19.17 Innervation patterns of vertebrate
tonic muscle fibers and arthropod muscle fibers
41Figure 19.18 Smooth muscle (Part 1)
42Figure 17.18 Smooth muscle (Part 2)
43Organization of smooth muscle
44Regulation of smooth muscle contractions
45Smooth muscle physiology
- Smooth muscle maintains long term tone
- Provides steady pressure on GI contents
- Provides steady pressure in arterioles
- Smooth muscle fibers contract or relax in
response to - Stretching
- Hormones
- Change in pH, O2, CO2
- Temperature
- Ion concentrations
46Smooth muscle contractions
- The bolus distends the gut, stretching its walls.
- Stretching stimulates nerves and the muscle
becomes "more depolarized." - When a slow wave passes over this area of
sensitized smooth muscle, spike potentials form
and contraction results. - A coordinated contraction moves along the gut
because the muscle cells are electrically coupled
through gap junctions.
47Figure 17.19 Cardiac muscle
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