Title: A Case Study in Financial Engineering
1A Case Study in Financial Engineering
- SAMO2002
- Masato Koda
- University of Tsukuba
- koda_at_sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
2Plan of Talk
- Greeks in European Options
- Greeks in Asian Options
- Exotic Options
- Numerical Examples
- Conclusions
- References
3Greeks in European Options
- European call option Exercise at final time T.
Purchaser has right to buy underlying security
option with X.
4Greeks in European Options
- Use Smart Monte Carlo
- Variance reduction
- Control variate techniques
- Quasi-random numbers
- Low-discrepancy sequences
- Malliavin Calculus
- etc.
5Greeks in European Options
- Greeks Normal expressions
- A discounted payoff function,
- Delta, ?
- Vega, ?
- Gamma, ?
6Greeks in European Options
- Greeks The Malliavin ibp expressions
- Normal expressions Delta
- Then, applying the following formula
- with X Y ST, we may perform the integration
by parts to give,
7Greeks in European Options
- And then, in order to evaluate ?0TDvSTdv we apply
the rules of the - stochastic derivative.
- thus,
- Then the final expression for ? reads,
8Greeks in European Options
- Vega, ? (X ST and Y ST(WT sT )
- Gamma, ? (X ST and Y ST2 )
9Greeks in Asian Options
- Asian Option
- Purchaser has right to buy or sell underlying
security with X. - Excise price depends on the average price.
10Greeks in Asian Options
- Greek Normal Expression (?)
- Greek Malliavin Expression (?)
- (X Y ?0TStdt )
11Greeks in Asian Options
- Using the relation in Malliavin derivative,
- Now we obtain finally the following three
formulas for Delta, ?i ( i 1, 2, 3 ).
12Greeks in Asian Options
- Three formulas for Delta, ?i ( i 1, 2, 3 )
- with Hi (i1,2,3)
- where
13Greeks in Asian Options
?i ( i 1, 2, 3 )
14Exotic Options
- Barrier options
- Option dies if it strikes the boundry price
15Exotic Options
(average rate option) (average strike
option) (lookback option)
Malliavin computation has some limitations!
16Numerical Examples...
- In Malliavin expressions of Greeks, we can remove
the derivative from payoff - function.
- In Asian Options, we obtain various different
Malliavin expressions on Delta. - Malliavin simulations may be numerically
advantageous than finite difference simulations.
E. Benhamou, An application of Malliavin
calculus to continuous time Asian options,
Working Paper, London School of Economics,
2000. E. Fournie, J.M. Lasry, J. Lebuchoux, P.L.
Lions, and N. Touzi, Applications of Malliavin
calculus to Monte Carlo methods in finance,
Finance and Stochastics, Vol. 3, 391-412, 1999.
E. Fournie, J.M. Lasry, J. Lebuchoux, and P.L.
Lions, Applications of Malliavin calculus to
Monte Carlo methods in finance II, Finance
and Stochastics, Vol. 5, 201-236, 2001. M. Koda,
A. Kohatsu-Higa, and M. Montero, An application
of stochastic sensitivity analysis to
financial engineering, Discussion Paper
Series, No. 988, March 2002.