- Keith Hummer, Owner
- Roanoke, Virginia
- 540-400-8650 phone ? 540-400-8615 fax
- www.quality-cost.com
2- Who We Are
- Small but experienced construction support firm
- Located on Historic City Market
of Downtown Roanoke, Virginia - Over 25 Years of Construction Experience
3- What We Do
- Help clients reach project goals by offering
solutions in overcoming difficult construction
related situations and issues - Analyze and develop methods for tracking project
procedures, costs, schedules, risks and damages
- Building Diagnostics
- Cost Estimating
- Claims Analysis Resolution
- Quality Cost Control
- Owner Representation
- HVAC Commissioning
5B U I L D I N G D I A G N O S T I C S
- Building Envelope
- Building Condition Assessment
- Roofing Condition Assessment
- Fire / Storm Damage Assessment
- Infrared Thermal Survey
- Nuclear Moisture Survey
Missing Brick
Improper Roof Flashing
Metal Lintels Improper Flashing
Thermo-imaging is used for in-depth detection and
analysis of all aspects of a building.
6B U I L D I N G D I A G N O S T I C S
- Indoor Environment
- Indoor Air Quality Assessments
- HVAC Test, Balance and Commissioning
- Additional Services
- Forensic Investigation
- Lightning Protection Evaluations and Design
- High Voltage Electrical Evaluations and Design
7- Cost Estimating
- Conceptual Budgeting
- Cost Modeling
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Document Level
- Contractor Hard Bid
- JOCS/SABER/Best Value
- Guaranteed Maximum Price
- Quantity Surveys
- Life Cycle Costing
- Capital Outlay Estimates
- HCR played a key role developing the United
Nations Master Plan with Hanscomb Incorporated
and the Ove Arup design group.
8Claims Analysis Resolution
- Construction Claim Identification
- Claim Evaluation Quantification
- Analyze Cost Schedule Information
- Change Order Resolution
- Provide Supporting Documentation
- Construction Claim Presentation Negotiation
Hummer Construction Resources negotiated change
orders and provided on-site project inspection
services during the construction of the Reagan
National Airport in Washington, DC.
9- Quality Cost Control
- Constructability Reviews
- Code Compliance Inspections
- Shop Drawing / Submittal Review
- Project Cost Controls
- Total Quality Management
- Quality Assurance Inspections
- Value Engineering Studies
HCR provided daily code compliance and quality
assurance inspections for this billion dollar
clean room manufacturing facility, built by the
Whiting-Turner Contracting Company for Dominion
10Owner Representation
- Risk Identification
- Contract Specification Requirements
- Constructability Review
- Budgetary Final Project Costs
- Change Order Identification Approval
- Request for Information Assessment
- Construction Methodology
Hummer Construction Resources is providing
Owners Representation Services to OWPR
Architects. This is a fast-track renovation
project for Scott Hall Library at Dabney S.
Lancaster Community College.
- Risk Management Assessments
- Pre-Construction Phase
- Architect/Engineer Selection
- Constructability Design Review
- Bid Phase Management
- Contract Review Requirements
- Cost Estimating
- Construction Phase
- Contract Administration
- RFI and Change Order Management
- Value Engineering
- CPM Scheduling Project Controls
- Inspection/Quality Assurance
- Claims Mitigation
- Project Closeout
- Purpose
- Ensure heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
systems perform in conformity with the intent of
the design. - Four Phases of Commissioning
- Program Phase
- Design Phase
- Construction Phase
- Acceptance Phase
Hummer Construction Resources has over
twenty-five years of hands-on experience with
sophisticated mechanical, electrical, plumbing,
and voice/data/communication system
- Cost Engineer Certification, American Association
Cost Engineers - Master Tradesman License, Plumbing, Commonwealth
of Virginia - Master Tradesman License, Electrical,
Commonwealth of Virginia - Master Tradesman License, Mechanical,
Commonwealth of Virginia - Master Tradesman License, Gas Fitting,
Commonwealth of Virginia - Class A Building Contractor, Commonwealth of
Virginia - NCEER Certified Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical,
Apprentice Instructor - Professional Member, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating - and Air Conditioning Engineers
- Professional Member, American Institute of
Constructors - Professional Member, The United States Green
Building Council - Professional Member, Building Commissioning
Association - Certified Thermographers
- Certified Nuclear Testing
- 40 Years of Roofing Design
Hummer Construction Resources is providing
Owners Representation Services to Metropolitan
Properties for the historic façade preservation
of the Hartsook Building, located in downtown
Roanoke, Virginia.