Title: Snapshot on Myanmar Cyclone
1Snapshot on Myanmar Cyclone May 2008 - April 2009
2On May 2, 2008, Cyclone Nargis hit four states of
the country, sweeping many houses away with 15
foot high tidal waves.
3At least 140,000 people did not survive the
onslaught coming from different directions which
lasted 11 hours.
4Many survivors were left behind in despair,
waiting and hoping to get assisted.
5CEDAR through local Christian groups provided
emergency relief and rehabilitation in remote
villages giving the victims timely help and care.
6Photo World Concern
After Cyclone Nagris, lives in the Irrawaddy
delta were never the same again...
7Photo World Concern
Remote villages are accessible by boats only
making the relief distribution extremely
difficult and costly.
8Photo World Concern
Here villagers wade through the water to help
unload relief items from boats to get on shore
for distribution.
9Tarpaulin sheets were delivered to victims as
temporary shelter.
10Rice went to supplement 1,000 families with each
family receiving 20 kg of rice. This is one month
111,000 families received Palm oil. Each family
gets 2 liters.
12Photo World Concern
Distribution of cooksets to 1,000 families.
13Over 1,500 bamboo poles were distributed.
Beneficiaries of the bamboo materials belong to
widows and landless families.
14Widows and landless families used the bamboo
poles to build houses.
15Photo World Concern
This household benefits from receiving food aid
and palm fronts.
16Medical team were sent to temporary camps.
17CEDAR supports the establishment of one orphanage
to house and care for cyclone orphans.
18Photo World Concern
Fishing communities received nets for fishing.
19Bags of paddy seeds were distributed to farmers
helping them to replant their paddy field
20Photo World Concern
Power tillers help to replace water buffalo lost
in the cyclone. Farmers are trained to use the
power tillers.
21Photo World Concern
CEDAR supports the effort of restocking of
buffalos/oxen by building animal shelters,
provides vaccination and animal feed.
22Cyclone survivors from ten remote villages have
clean drinking water with new water tanks,
generators and pumps.
23In partnership with one local church group,
community halls and churches were rebuilt.
24Equipping local Christians with spiritual
teaching and trauma counseling skills...
25Then send them out to counsel the victims. Many
have become Christians.
26They need your prayer and support
27- Pray for
- restocking processing of buffalos/oxen and other
28- Pray for
- healthy animals and good supplies at reasonable
29- Pray for
- communities to reestablish effective means of
30- Pray for
- rebuilding water well and water purifiers for
supply of clean water
31- Pray for
- pastors who are caring for cyclone orphans
- protection of cyclone orphans
32- Pray for
- healthy development of children orphanages
33- Pray for
- sufficient supply of good nutritious food to
34- Pray for
- needed resources to build stronger shelters
35- Pray for
- new improved housing design that can reduce wind
36Photo World Concern
- Pray for
- good harvest and agricultural training and
support needed to farmers from the delta area
37With your support they can smile again
38Lets continue our walk alongside with the
39Show Gods grace and mercy by our action