Title: The Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Tools of Modern Astronomy
1The Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Tools of
Modern Astronomy
2The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- The electromagnetic spectrum is a list of
electromagnetic waves placed in order of
increasing energy.
3Tools of Modern Astronomy
- Astronomers use tools that focus different types
of electromagnetic energy to study distant
objects in space. -
What are these tools called?
4Radio Wave Telescopes
Worlds Largest Radio Telescope Arecibo Facility
in Puerto Rico measures 1000 feet across, 167
feet deep, and 20 acres.
Can we hear radio waves?
No, radios convert electromagnetic radiation to
sound energy we can hear.
5Infrared Telescopes
The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope in Hawaii.
How does your body interpret infrared radiation?
6Visible Light Telescopes
The Hubble Telescope is a light telescope that
floats in space!
Why would Hubble Telescope pictures be clearer
than ones taken from Earths surface?
There is no atmosphere to look through.
7Ultraviolet Telescopes
The Hopkins ultraviolet telescope being released
by the Space Shuttle.
Why would an ultraviolet telescope need to be in
Earths atmosphere blocks ultraviolet radiation.
8X-Ray Telescopes
The Chandra X-Ray Telescope
What else do we use x-rays for?
Medical diagnosing like to see if you have a
broken bone.
9Gamma Ray Telescopes
The gamma-ray telescope on Mt. Hopkins, Arizona.
Besides stars, what else emits gamma-rays?
Nuclear Explosions.
10Review Questions
- What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
- What do telescopes focus?
- Make a list of all six types of electromagnetic
radiation we went over today. - Why is the Hubble telescope so good at taking
clear pictures? - How does our body interpret infrared radiation?
- http//theclayvilles.typepad.com/a_moment_in_the_w
orld_of_/images/student_raising_hand.jpg - http//www.aoc.nrao.edu/emomjian/ao002.jpg
- http//xpda.com/junkmail/junk166/jcmt1.jpg
- http//hubblesite.org/
- http//apod.nasa.gov/
- http//www.scienceclarified.com/scitech/images/lst
s_0001_0001_0_img0023.jpg - http//www.noao.edu/noao/staff/matheson/telescope/
gamma-ray_telescope_1_sm.jpg - http//www.juliantrubin.com/encyclopedia/astronomy
/radio_astronomy.html - http//www2.ifa.hawaii.edu/newsletters/article.cfm
?a40n1 - http//chandra.harvard.edu/press/07_releases/press
_121707.html - http//www.fas.org/irp/imint/docs/rst/Sect20/A6.ht
12Radio telescope picture of Milky Way. The arrow
points at a supernova.
13An infrared telescope image of Jupiter
14A Hubble Telescope picture of galaxies.
15An ultraviolet telescope picture of coronal loops
on the Suns surface.
16A X-ray telescope picture of a black hole.
17A Gamma-ray telescope captures the sequence of an
exploding star.