Title: Systemic Exposure of Topical Tacrolimus
1Systemic Exposure of Topical Tacrolimus
- Veneeta Tandon, Ph.D.
- Pharmacokinetics Reviewer
- Division of Pharmaceutical Evaluation III
- Office of Clinical Pharmacology and
2Adult PK Studies In NDA
- In healthy volunteers (N12)
- single/multiple topical doses of 0.03, 0.1 and
0.3 tacrolimus ointment - In patients (N49, 0.1 N35, 0.3)
- single/multiple doses of 0.1 (N17) 0.3
ointment (N4) - single/multiple doses of 0.1 ointment (N32)
- single/multiple doses of 0.3 ointment (N31)
3Adult Studies (0.1 Protopic )
- Duration of the studies
- b.i.d dosing for 13 days
- PK sampling on Day 1, 4 and 14
- b.i.d dosing for 7 days
- PK sampling on Day 1 and 7
- Range of total BSA treated 11-60
- Number of patients with gt 50 BSA treated 8
4Systemic Exposure of 0.1 Protopic From PK
Studies In Adults
NCnot calculable
Note With more than 50 of the total BSA
treated, all blood samples had detectable levels
of tacrolimus
5Clinical Trials With Concentrations ? 5ng/mL
From Random Sampling In Adults
6Key Findings From a Study With 0.3 Tacrolimus
Ointment In Adults
- Face and neck lesions in adults (N7) are more
permeable to the lesions on the trunk and limbs
(N6), leading to 4-7 times higher exposure of
tacrolimus . - A tendency for lower concentrations of tacrolimus
on Day 8 (exception face and neck regions of
7Pediatric PK Studies in NDA
- In Pediatric Patients (N20)
- single/multiple doses of 0.1 ointment (N20 ,
- ages 6-12)
- ?No PK study conducted in the age range 2-5 years
using 0.1 ointment - single/multiple doses of 0.3 ointment (N8,
- ages 5-11)
8Pediatric Studies (0.1 Protopic )
- Duration of the study
- b.i.d dosing for 13 days
- Age Range (6-12 years)
- Range of total BSA treated 17-83
- Number of patients with gt 50 BSA treated 8
9Systemic Exposure of 0.1 Protopic From PK
Studies In Pediatrics
NCnot calculable
10Key Findings From a Study with 0.3 Tacrolimus
Ointment In Pediatrics
- The younger children (age 5-6 yrs, N4) tended to
have higher systemic exposure of tacrolimus
compared to the older children (age 7-11 yrs,
N4) - The older children (age 7-11 yrs) tended to have
higher systemic exposure on Day 8 as compared to
Day 1.
11Highest Observed Concentrations in Clinical
Trials From Random Sampling(Age 2-6yrs)
Note These concentrations do not necessarily
represent the true Cmax
12Systemic Absorption of Topical Tacrolimus
Compared to Oral Tacrolimus
- Adults
- Systemic absorption of tacrolimus in adults,
after topical application of 0.1, is lower than
the exposure generated from oral dosing for
transplant rejection. - Pediatrics
- An insufficient number of subjects were enrolled
in the PK studies to assess the systemic
absorption of tacrolimus in pediatric patients
below the age of 5 under maximal use conditions.
Further work in this target population should be