Title: Hier Titel eingeben
1Inertial Confinement Fusion
Dieter H.H. Hoffmann TU / GSI Darmstadt300.
WE-Heraeus SeminarENERGIEFORSCHUNG26-28 Mai 2003
23 confinement concepts
3Fusion of Hydrogen Isotopes Deuterium und Tritium
4Microballoon Fusion-target
5Principle of inertial fusion
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7Lawson Criterion
n?? ? 1014 s/cm3 ?rRgt1g/cm2
n Particle number density cm-3r density
g/cm3 ? Confinement time s T Temperature
keVR compressed fuel radius
Figure of merit n???T
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9Heavy Ion Target, schematically
10Heavy ion target
11Indirect drive heavy ion target
J. Meyer-ter-Vehn
12Indirect drive heavy ion target
J. Meyer-ter-Vehn
13Symmetry by radiation shields
J. Maruhn, Frankfurt
14National Ignition Facility, LLNL
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16Why heavy ions Comparison of concepts
17Schematic Fusion Power Plantbased on Heavy Ion
18Anforderungen an einen Beschleuniger für die
Energie pro Puls E? 5 10 MJ Pulslänge t
? 5-10 ns Pulsleistung P ? 1015 W
Teilchenzahl pro Puls bei E0 10 GeV Und Au,
Pb, Bi Projektilen N ? 1015
19HIDIF study Heavy Ion Driverfor Inertial Fusion
21GSI - Darmstadt
22Present and Future Facilities at GSI
23Energy loss on free and bound electrons
24High homogeneity dense plasmas
Conversion of von Laserlight into soft X-rays
for Interaction experiments with heavy ions
M. Roth et al.
25Heavy ion beam target
volume heating
gasdynamic motion
26Final Focus
27Plasma Linse
(U. Neuner et al)
focal beam spots
linear B-field
nonlinear B-field
Petawatt High Energy Laser for Heavy Ion
NdGlas Laser Double-pass and Booster Geometry,
31.5cm Beamdiameter 4-6 kJ Puls Energy _at_ 10
ns 500 J Puls Energy _at_ 0.5 ps
29High Energy Ions in Laser Plasma
Intense Laser Beam Matter Interaction
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32Pulsed-power accelerators with z-pinch loads
provide efficient time compression and power
Target Chamber
11.5 MJ stored energy 19 MA peak load current 40
TW electrical power to load 100-250 TW x-ray
power 1-1.8 MJ x-ray energy
33Two complementary approaches to z-pinch-driven
capsule implosions are being studied
Key issues
Double-ended hohlraum
- hohlraum energetics
- radiation symmetry
- pulseshaping
- preheat
- capsule implosions
Dynamic hohlraum
- Two 60 MA pinches
- 380 MJ yield
Both concepts use hohlraum coupling, symmetry,
and capsule scaling physics developed in the
indirect-drive laser and ion beam programs
34Recent Progress in ICF Capsule Experiments at
Sandia National Laboratories
International Workshop on Physics of High Energy
Density in Matter 2003 Hirschegg, Austria
Tom Mehlhorn, Manager Target Z-pinch Theory
Dept Sandia National Laboratories
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,
for the United States Department of Energy under
Contract DE-AC04-94AL84000.