Title: Gardening Yearround in the Classroom
1Gardening Year-round in the Classroom
- www.utahgardennetwork.org
Debra Spielmaker Utah State University
Extension Agriculture in the Classroom
2School Garden Challenges
- Mandatory testing. When or how can I fit a school
garden into my curriculum? - Administration
- Location
- Funding
- Garden knowledge
3I just buy my food at the grocery store
- Gardening has gone from a necessity to a hobby,
but gardening in the future may - Serve as an option for more sustainable
communities - Improve nutrition and health
4Why Garden?
- Because seeds are miraculous!
- Healthy eating (kids try what they grow)
- Strengthen relationships
- Self-sufficiency, food preservation
- Cooking, leading to better nutrition
- Garden-based learning promotes a sustainable
5What Research Says
- Children participating in activities from Health
and Nutrition from the Garden had improved
knowledge concerning the benefits of eating
fruits and vegetables, and they demonstrated an
increase in healthier snack consumption after the
study (Waliczek Zajicek, 2006). - Third and fifth graders showed more positive
attitudes toward fruit and vegetable snacks and
an improvement in vegetable preference scores
after completing activities from a nutrition
gardening curriculum (Lineberger Zajicek,
2000). - Garden-enhanced nutrition curriculum improves
fourth-grade schoolchildren's knowledge of
nutrition and preferences for some vegetables.
The results lend support to the inclusion of
vegetable gardens within the school setting.
Administrators of future school garden projects
are encouraged to include a wide variety of
fruits and vegetables in their garden programs
(Morris Zidenbert-Cherr, 2002).
6What Research Says
- Nationally, about 20 of elementary schools
students are overweight. In 2006, 22.5 (58,745)
of Utahs elementary school age children were
overweight (Utah Department of Health, 2007). - A school garden can be a hands-on teaching tool
affecting students attitudes and behavior
regarding fruits and vegetables (Lineberger
Zajicek, 2000). - Interest in using gardens for educational
purposes has grown over the past decade (Guy,
Cromell, Bradley, 1996). - Results show once weekly use of gardening
activities and hands-on classroom activities help
improve science achievement test scores (Smith
Motsenbocker, 2005). - Skelly and Bradley (2000) noted that not only do
gardens need to be installed, but teachers need
to learn how to incorporate them into their
7What is learned or gained from gardening?
- Life skills
- Planning
- Cycles of life and nature
- Nutrition
- Hard work
- Biology, chemistry, ecology and other sciences
- Communication
8School Gardening Content
- Not just sciencebut the opportunity for
curriculum integration creating a cognitive
learning opportunity to improve retention and
student achievement.
9Getting Started - Indoors
- Start small
- Window boxes or containers, because of their
small size, can actually turn out to be rather
luxurious gardens. Recycle clean bleach and milk
containers. Cut off the tops and use them as
planters. - Mobility
- Drainage of a container is the most important
10Getting StartedIndoors or Outdoors
- Get some child-sized tools from a local nursery
or garden center. Try to find tools that look
genuine so the kids will feel like real
gardeners. - Can't afford it? Plastic spoons and shovels work
well in small boxes.
11What Plants Need to Grow
- Media to anchor plants(soil or soilless media,
or water) - Nutrients
- Water
- Light
- Optimum temperature
- CO2 (only an issue for production greenhouses)
12Plant Growth Media
- Indoor Seeds or Cuttings
- Paper towels (seeds)
- Cotton (seeds)
- Rockwool (not recommended)
- Floral foam (cuttings)
- Jiffy-7 pots (seeds or cuttings)
- Seed starting (soilless) media (seeds or
cuttings) - Water (cuttings)
- How much?
- Indoors, less is best
- Provide drainage
- Outdoorswhat type of soil do I have?
- Sand, more water
- Clay, less water
- Loam, ah just right!
14Textural Triangle
- Send your soil samples to soil lab, usually at
land grant colleges and universities - Order a soil testing kit of your own and test the
soil (60)
- Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, N-P-K
- Fertilizer nutrient functions http//www.lesco.com
16Primary Nutrients
- Nitrogen (N) Key element in plant growth
- Promotes vigorous leaf and stem growth to improve
the overall quality of the turf - Essential component of the chlorophyll molecule
which gives turf its dark green color - Involved in regulating the uptake of other key
elements - Phosphorous (P) Used in the formation and
transfer of energy within the plant - Influences early root development and growth
- Encourages plant establishment
- Potassium (K) Used by the plant in large
quantities, second only to nitrogen - Key component in the formation of carbohydrates,
or food for the plant - Encourages rooting and wear tolerance
- Enhances drought and cold tolerance
- Key component in cell wall strength and
resistance to disease
17Nutrient Availability and pH
- Keep the light close, withinone inch of the top
growth. - Best light spectrum one cool and one white light
19Optimum Temperature
- Varies, air and soil
- cool season peas, greens of all kinds
- warm season corn, squash, beans
- tropicalwho are you guys? Florida California?
20Getting Started - Outdoors
- Be willing to put up with a less-than-perfect
looking garden - crooked rows and some weeds are okay
21Getting Started - Outdoors
- Leave an area where kids can dig, even after
planting. This is often their favorite part of
gardening. - Look for earthworms together!
22Getting Started - Outdoors
- Make a secret place in the garden for kids.
- Leave a space between the stalks of easy-to-grow
sunflowers or bean poles so they can crawl inside.
23Getting Started - Outdoors
- Kids like extremes, so plant huge flowers, like
sunflowers, and small vegetable plants, like
cherry tomatoes. Plant fragrant flowers or herbs.
24Getting Started - Outdoors
- Teach kids about the importance of soil and how
to compost. - Always use untreated seeds.
- A word about pesticides and fertilizers
25Getting Started - Outdoors
- Easy with web resources
- www.kidsgardening.org
- www.jmgkids.us
- www.utahgardennetwork.org
- www.csgn.org
26Local Resources
- Check with your county Extension Office, garden
centers, public/private gardens to see what is
offered locally.
27Literature in the Garden
- Books
- Kids Gardening http//www.kidsgardeningstore.com/
books.html - Junior Master Gardener Lessons with books
- Plantzilla
- Miss Rumphius
- Brother Eagle Sister Sky
- The Gardener
- Tops Bottoms
- Weslandia
- National Resource Directory www.agclassroom.org/d
irectory - Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
28Calendar of Activities
- Seed or flower dissection
- Conifers, Dicots Monocots
- Making compost, vermiculture
- Sprouting seeds
- Living Necklaces, Gloves, Jewel Cases
- Sprouting sprouts in a jar
- Jiffy-7 pots
- Growing potatoes indoors
- Cuttings
- water, floral foam, vermiculite
- Division
- Transplanting
29Calendar of Activities
- Lots of Nutrition
- Fruit Vegetable Bulletin Board and more
30Garden take-home...
- When we understand the resources and cycles
involved in food production, we begin to see how
agriculture affects our quality of life and our