1Major Pressure
- Kate McDaniel
- Larissa Murakami
- Marc Pollack
- Alexander Tcholakov
2Background Story
- History
- Low Four Year Graduation Rate
4Background Story
- History
- Low Four Year Graduation Rate
- College of Agricultural Environmental Sciences
Exploratory Program - Projected Admitted
- 2006-07 552 students
- 2007-08 3,200 students
- Is there a correlation?
- Is there a need for improvement?
5Our Charge
- Compare and contrast programs
- -- Agricultural Environmental Sciences (AES)
- -- Letters and Sciences (LS)
- Assess the effectiveness of current models
- Recommend changes
6Majors and Advising Study
- Focus Groups Interviews
- 5 University Representatives
- Long Survey of Student Population
- 650 online 122 paper responses 772 total
- Quick SARI Survey
- 3,530 responses
- Facebook Group
- 102 Major Pressure members
7Breakdown of Long Survey Responses(772 total)
8Breakdown of SARI Survey Responses(3,530 total)
9Our Charge
- Compare and contrast programs
- -- Agricultural Environmental Sciences (AES)
- -- Letters and Sciences (LS)
- Assess the effectiveness of current models
- Recommend changes
10Comparing theUndeclared Programs
Our Goal
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Letters and Sciences Undeclared
Academic Explorations Program General
Undeclared Program Career Discovery
Divided into different majors Fine Arts
Humanities Social Sciences Physical
Sciences Academic Options Program
Apply to a specific college Declare at 90
units Encouraged to see an advisor
A Unified Undeclared Experience
11Our Charge
- Compare and contrast programs
- -- Agricultural Environmental Sciences (AES)
- -- Letters and Sciences (LS)
- Assess the effectiveness of current models
- Recommend changes
12Undeclared Graduate in Four?
Do you think you will be able to graduate in four
13Undeclared Reason for Decision?
Why did you choose this Undeclared Program?
14Undeclared Frequency of Advising
How often do you actively engage with your
advising staff?
15Our Charge
- Compare and contrast programs
- -- Agricultural Environmental Sciences (AES)
- -- Letters and Sciences (LS)
- Assess the effectiveness of current models
- Recommend changes
16SARI Responses (for AES)
Options to Improve Advising Preference
Assigned Advisor 66
Mandatory Appointment 48
Special Class 41
Majors Fair 36
Undeclared College 18
Workshops 14
Summer Program 12
17Recommendations for the Future
- Conclusions
- Not all undeclared programs are equal
- Decentralized advising
- Short Term
- Coordinate resources
- An Undeclared website
- Assigned Advisor
- Mandatory Appointment
- Long Term
- Fourth year project
- 195 students interested in a focus group
- One undeclared program
18University Goal
A Unified Undeclared Experience
19Thank you and Credits
- JoAnn Baca . Academic Counselor
- Jan Hatch .Academic Counselor
- Cris Brevik .... Student Affairs Officer of
HACS - Diane Ullman .. Associate Dean of CAES
- Fred Wood ... Interim Vice Provost
- Kathy Davis . SARI Analyst
20Special Thanks Carrie Devine Ann Orel