CMPT 370: Information Systems Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CMPT 370: Information Systems Design


People, Equipment, Cars, Robot, Letters, Reports, Signals. Places ... Purchases, Customer Order, Airplane Landing, Phone Call, Sale, Payment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CMPT 370: Information Systems Design

CMPT 370 Information Systems Design
Lecture Topic Requirement Determination Class
Exercise Domain Models
  • Instructor Curtis Cartmill, Simon Fraser
    University Summer 2003

  • This lecture covers two main topics
  • UML as a Language
  • Introduction to Domain Modeling
  • Concept of models
  • Concept of domain modeling
  • Techniques to model the domain
  • Documenting domain models
  • Domain modeling is also referred to as Business

UML As a Language
  • Basic Architecture
  • Mechanisms of UML Problem-Solving
  • Views
  • Strengths of a UML Model

Basic Architecture of UML
  • Things in a Metamodel
  • Class and Association (Common structural
    behaviours, properties, and relationships)
  • Object and Link (Instances)
  • Labeling Metamodel
  • Descriptive Words
  • Multiplicities 1-to-1, 1-to-many, etc.
  • Metamodel Composed of
  • Behaviour Elements Collaborations, Use Cases,
    State Machines, Common Behaviour
  • Foundation Elements Core, Auxiliary Elements,
    Extension Mechanisms, Data Types
  • Management of the Metamodel

Mechanism of UML Problem-Solving (1)
  • Perspectives of Purpose
  • Conceptualize a problem (Analysis)
  • Specify a Solution (Design)
  • Construct and Realize the Solution
  • Dichotomies (how things viewed in two different
  • Type Instance
  • Specification Realization
  • Static Dynamic / Structural Behavioural

Mechanism of UML Problem-Solving (2)
  • Layers of Abstraction represented in a System
  • Subsystem Levels (high-level)
  • Classes
  • Method Level (low-level)
  • Customizing
  • Stereotypes (marking elements in ltlt gtgt)
  • Tagged Values (specify properties of model)
  • Constraints (specify conditions for meaning)

Views and Perspectives of UML
  • User View
  • Use Cases
  • Structural View
  • Class Diagrams
  • Object Diagrams
  • Behaviour View
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Collaboration Diagrams
  • Statechart Diagrams
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Implementation View
  • Component Diagrams
  • Environment View
  • Deployment Diagrams

Strength in UML Models
  • Syntax
  • Legal Structure of the Language
  • Allows for Customization / Future Extensions
  • Semantics
  • Meaning of the Model
  • Reduce Ambiguity
  • Executable
  • Generate Code for Forward-Engineering
  • Integration Flow
  • Meaning between different UML Artifacts (b/w
    different perspectives/views)

From UML to Domain Modeling
  • UML is a specific language for Unified Modeling
    in Object Oriented Analysis Design
  • Abstracting/Generalizing again to go back and
    talk about Modeling
  • Will specialize and talk about Domain Modeling

What is a model?
  • A model is an abstraction of what is real and
    required (as-is or to-be)
  • Models are made up of diagrams
  • A model must be comprehensive but focused, the
    real world can be complex, messy and unfocussed
  • Models are not just diagrams, the diagrams are
    only the visual rendering of the model and
    express views of the model
  • Human understanding of diagrams is constrained by
    the limits of human cognitive capabilities, such
    as short term memory
  • A model is the interpretation of its diagrams

Why as-is and to-be models?
  • A model is an abstraction of what is real and
    required (as-is to-be)
  • First we model the as-is to understand the
    current context of roles and processes
  • Then we model to-be to understand how we can
    change or optimize roles and processes to provide
    value to our stakeholders
  • If as-is and to-be are the same we are probably
    not attaining a good use of resources. We use
    domain modeling to provide the opportunity to
    better analyze the problem so as to determine a
    better solution

Types of diagrams
  • Two types of diagrams,
  • Static diagrams represent the pieces of the
    system and their relationship
  • Dynamic diagram represent the behaviour of the
    elements of the system and their interactions

The term model and diagram are often used
Textbook Modeling Terminology
  • Data and Relationships (Domain)
  • ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram
  • ORD - Object Relationship Diagram
  • In UML Class Diagrams
  • Processes/Algorithms with inputs and outputs
  • DFD - Data Flow Diagrams
  • In UML Collaboration or Sequence Diagrams
  • Ordering/Triggering Processes
  • FSM Finite State Machine
  • In UML Statechart Diagram

Context of domain modeling
  • Build the right product
  • Build the product right

Requirements ( Analysis)
Context of domain modeling
  • We need to model our understanding of the
    context, requirements, practices and constraints
    to ensure that we have the problem and the
    problem setting right.
  • Only then do we model the architecture,
    specification, design, implementation and
    deployment of what the builders should build.
  • Models are not right or wrong, just more or less

Why do we need domain models?
  • Gap between stakeholders and developers
  • Stakeholders have the vision
  • Developers need the specifications
  • Domain models begin to close this gap
  • Capture needs in a format that is interpretable
    and understandable to stakeholders
  • It validates user needs
  • Model needs in a format that begins to formulate
    an understanding of the solution to developers
  • Re-iterate
  • Document the nature of things
  • Store the essence of a thing for retrieval
  • Communicate the nature of things to others
  • Discuss the correctness of the model without
    observing real objects in action
  • Can write a program to implement things

Domain requirements considerations
  • Understandability
  • Requirements need to be expressed in the language
    of the application domain
  • These requirements may not be understood by
    software engineers developing the system
  • Domain models begin the road to understanding
    through the identification of vocabulary
  • Implicitness
  • Domain specialists (SMEs) understand the area so
    well that they do not think of making the domain
    requirements explicit
  • Domain models help stakeholders fill in the gaps
    so that the model can be properly interpreted

What is domain modeling?
  • A domain is a package of business features and
    services at some level of abstraction that is
    meaningful to an organization and its
  • These are the essential activities, services and
  • Domain modeling the study of these fundamental
    business abstractions.
  • Modeling at this level is conceptual and
    independent of implementation
  • Domain models are useful for bounding a domain so
    it is useful as well for software and planning

What is a domain model?
  • Domain models include the following
  • The context for multiple applications within an
    area of study (a domain)
  • A definition of scope for the domain
  • Information (or objects) at the conceptual level
  • Features (or use cases), including factors that
    lead to variations, again high level and business
  • Operational/ behavioral characteristics (consider
    that this will be more important when we do Class
    Diagrams later)

Domain model use
  • A domain model must be capable of being directly
    validated and explained by the end users.
  • There should be no implementation detail in the
    domain model.
  • Domain information is the critical context for
    design decisions.
  • Design decisions must be traceable to the domain.

Domain models
  • Domain models should be simple
  • The simple model is not necessarily the first one
    that we come up with
  • Finding a simple model takes time and effort
  • When a simple model is found it is obvious (we
    will know it when we see it)
  • Simple models make things easier to design,
    build, maintain and expand

How to model domains
  • Identify essential information through the use of
    a vocabulary understandable by stakeholders -
  • Identify roles that will perform interactions
    with the system Actors
  • Identify interactions or domain activities Use
  • Illustrate the domain model using a set of class

Questions to ask when domain modeling
  • For each concept
  • What is known about this concept
  • What parts are this concept made of
  • For each action
  • Who is involved in this action
  • What steps are involved
  • Whom does it affect
  • What could be different from one occasion to

Organizing/Representing Concepts in a Data Model
  • Things / Physical Objects / Tangible Things /
    External Entities
  • People, Equipment, Cars, Robot, Letters, Reports,
  • Places
  • Parking Spot, University, Warehouse
  • Organizations, Organizational Units
  • Team, Flight Crew
  • Roles
  • Customer, Sub-Teacher, Manager
  • Incidents/Transactions to be recorded / Records
    of Events
  • Purchases, Customer Order, Airplane Landing,
    Phone Call, Sale, Payment
  • Transaction Line Items (sub-records on receipt)

From Various Sources, one good one is Larman,
Craig - Applying UML and Patterns
Organizing/Representing Concepts in a Domain
Model (2)
  • Specifications / Procedures / Rules and Policies
  • Repair Manual, Recipes, Organic Compound, Refund
  • Intangible Concepts / Abstract Noun Concepts
  • Bank Account, Time Delay, Sound Recording,
    Hunger, Acrophobia
  • Relationships / Interaction b/w two objects
  • Customers Sales Associate, Flights Captain,
  • Structures (Containers and Things in a Container)
  • Airplane parts Body, Wings, Engines, Tail
  • Displayable Field
  • String, Icon, Image

Associations in a Domain Model (1)
  • Has / Ownership
  • A Plane is owned by an Airline
  • Uses / Manages
  • An Employee is managed by a Manager
  • Membership / Organizational Unit Information
  • A Pilot is a member of a Union
  • Communications With
  • A Passenger communicates with A Flight Attendant
  • Part-of (Physical or Logical)
  • A Wing is part-of an Airplane
  • Containment (Physically or Logically)
  • Passengers are physically contained in an Airplane

From Larman, Craig - Applying UML and Patterns
Associations in a Domain Model (2)
  • Description-for
  • A Flight Description is a description for a
  • Events
  • Flight Arrival is an event related to a Flight
  • Transactional
  • Line Item of Transaction for (Flight Leg is a
    line item of transaction for a Booking)
  • Is Related to a Transaction (Customer is related
    to a Payment)
  • Is a Transaction related to another Transaction
    (Reservation and Cancellation)
  • Captured Information (Recorded / Reported)
  • A Reservation is reported in a Flight Manifest

Vocabulary In Models
  • Vocabulary may apply to more than one concept
  • Need to get agreement among stakeholders
  • Each concept must be uniquely labeled
  • The hand concept
  • A concept may be labeled more than once
  • Customer, member

Relationships in Models
  • Illustrations of Links between Entities
  • Map showing route for Navigation
  • Navigability Preference
  • Arrow if a Relationship goes one-way
  • Labeling for Readability (Clockwise)
  • Cardinality
  • Optionality (lower-bound can or must exist)
  • Multiplicity (upper-bound 1, n, are used)
  • 0..1 zero or one
  • 1 one and only one (default, usually omitted)
  • 0.. zero or more (also can be written as just
  • 1.. - one or more
  • n1..n2 between n1 and n2

Relationships in Models
  • can be should be modeled as a 0..n
  • Use may be to interpret this cardinality in a
  • The activity cardinality should be validated and
    agreed to by stakeholders
  • Is rents a 1.. or a 0.. relationship?
  • All relationships should be modeled
  • A has relationship can sometimes be modeled
    using a more active verb (ie owns, is ordered
  • Conversations about the domain should be
    recognizable in the model (have we identified all
    concepts round, rotate dealer )
  • Some relationships can be derived and thus need
    not be modeled (a card game uses cards)

Modeling considerations
  • Level of abstraction
  • Abstraction a description that omits details
    that are not relevant (generalize)
  • Abstract concepts
  • Abstract relationships
  • Try and keep away from detail and implementation
  • Remove implementation details through abstraction
  • Barcode can be abstracted to Code Identifier
  • Helps us to look a problem before determining
  • When in doubt go more abstract
  • One persons view of reality can be different
    from anothers
  • Try and remove inconsistencies
  • Modeling is an active exercise
  • This is not passive discovery, it is active

Modeling Example
  • Card Game domain
  • What is some of the common vocabulary ?
  • Who are some of the actors?
  • What are usual use cases in a card game?

Modeling Example
  • Card Game domain
  • Common vocabulary
  • deck, card, suit, card value, deal, trick, trump,
    game, game rules
  • Actors
  • dealer, player
  • Use cases
  • deals, trumps, shuffles, plays

Card game domain model
Modeling Result
  • A domain model shows the main types of interests
  • Concepts and links on how they interact
  • High level abstractions should accomplish a
    business task or objective or should abstract a
    group of such actions
  • The resulting business model acts as a central
    glossary of terms for all projects associated
    with it
  • A domain model is owned by the people who own the

Domain Model Validation
  • Domain models should be validated with
  • Technically Models are (by default) read from
    left to right and top to bottom
  • consider that in general think of it as
    clockwise direction
  • Exceptions can be made in UML, need a little
    by-itself arrow head (not on an association)
    pointing to denote direction
  • Can the model be read and understood
  • Is the vocabulary used applicable to the domain
  • Are the concepts correct
  • Do the relationships between concepts exist and
    are they correctly labeled
  • Is the cardinality of each relationship correct

A word about Normalization and Modeling
  • Highly developed process for relationship
    modeling in relational database design (data)
  • It is concerned more with the proper assignment
    of Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Composite Keys,
    and proper division between relationships in
    database design
  • In object design, we need to consider we have
    things like object references, etc. in order to
    accomplish links between objects

Textbook References
  • Section 2.1 - Fundamentals of Object Technology
  • REQUIRED READING for upcoming classes
  • Section 2.2 Guided Tutorial In Analysis
  • Good reading to understand potential flow for
  • Sections 2.2.4, 2.2.5 are partial examples of
    our domain modeling exercise, but heavily
    influenced by UML diagrams to produce
  • Section 2.3 Problem Statement for Case Studies
  • Examples that are referenced throughout the book
    (University Enrolment, Video Store, Contact Mgmt,

In-Class Exercises for Week 3
  • Domain Modeling
  • Validate Card Domain Model against games
  • DM from Problem Statement (textbook)
  • DM from Use Case(s)
  • DM from Requirements Document
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