Title: Palliative Care Initiative in CEE
1Palliative Care Initiative in CEE FSU
- OSI Network Public Health Program
- Mary V. Callaway
2Palliative Care Initiative
- Joint initiative between OSI Network Public
Health Program, OSI National Foundations and US
Programs Project on Death in America - Began 2000 with a 500,000/yr commitment from OSI
- to serve as a catalyst to integrate palliative
care as an essential aspect of health care policy
in national health care systems - to build capacity for palliative care services,
education, and advocacy within the region - to work with other funders
4Four Areas of Interest
- Professional Education
- Public Education
- Drug Availability
- Policy
525 Participating Countries
- Albania
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Bosnia
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Georgia
- Hungary
- Kazakhstan
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Tajikistan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
- 100 grants made
- WHO-Geneva (cancer, AIDS, aging), WHO-Euro
Essential Medicines - Individuals
- OSI National Foundations
- 100 grants made
- NGOs
- Policy Centers--WHO Collaborating Center,
Wisconsin - National and international professional
8Transitions in End of Life Care
Mapping hospice and palliative care programs
and services in CEE FSU Published by Open
University Press in their Facing Death
Series Distributed to health care policy
makers www.eolc-observatory.net
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10 11WHO
- Two new WHO monographs
- Palliative Care for Policy Makers
- Palliative Care in the Elderly
- Collaborative effort between Kings College,
Floriani Foundation, and OSI
12Professional Education
- to integrate palliative care education into
medical and nursing school curriculums - to provide palliative care education for
practicing health care professionals - to develop the workforce capacity necessary to
care for an aging population
13Palliative Care Resource Training Centers
Public Professional Education Drug
Availability Policy
14Translation of Palliative Care Educational
WHO Cancer Pain and Palliative Care For Children
WHO Cancer Pain Relief with a Guide to Opioid
WHO Symptom Relief in Terminal Illness
15Public Education
- relief of pain and other distressing symptoms
- emotional and psychological support
- spiritual support
- grief and bereavement support
16Drug Availability
- to assure that necessary opioid medications are
available for pain management for patients at
home as well as in in-patient facilities
17Drug Availability
- to examine and recommend changes in national drug
control laws and regulations - to support the inclusion of essential palliative
care drugs in government prescription programs
18Drug Availability
OSI Collaboration with WHO-EURO and WHO
Collaborating Center For Pain and Policy
Studies at the University of Wisconsin David
Joranson, MSSW
- To integrate palliative care into
- national health care
- policies
- legislation
- financing
- regulations
- national health care systems
- To develop national standards for palliative care
- To integrate palliative care into national
cancer and AIDS control programs
- To expand and enhance the capacity of existing
professional medical associations and
organizations to support and sustain palliative
care development in the region - WHO-Cancer Unit, WHO-AIDS Unit, ECEPT, EAPC,
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