Title: AASHTO Civil Rights and Labor Management System
1 AASHTO Civil Rights and Labor Management System
2- Overview and Preliminary Requirements
- AASHTO Joint Development Process
- Issues Related to Joint Development
- Meeting the Needs of Our Customers
3Overview - Why an Civil Rights Labor Compliance
- Need for software to record, track and report
Civil Rights and Labor Compliance requirements on
federally and state funded highway projects - Several state transportation departments are
looking to fill this need
4Overview - Why an Civil Rights Labor Compliance
- Current software available doesnt meet the
needs, is too expensive or has other issues - Costly and time consuming for contractors, local,
state and federal agency to track required
5Overview - Current Products Do Not Meet all all
the Needs
- BizTrak
- DivTrack
- Champ
- OutReach Manager
- TransBot
- Others?
6Overview - Trnsport Civil Rights module?
- This could be developed to interface with
- 1) Trnsport modules or
- 2) agency-specific modules
- And / or enter data directly into the module.
- Share resources to develop
- AASHTO owns it and licenses it to the agencies
- AASHTO will support and maintain
7Overview -Vendor-related Information
- Vendor Data
- Addresses
- Officers / Staff
- Work Classes
- Financial Data
- DBE Certifications
8Overview - Contract-related Information
- DBE Goal Setting on Contracts
- Bidders Data
- DBE Commitments
- Subcontract and Supplier Quotes
- Approved Subcontract Data
- Prompt Payments
- Completed Contract Data
9Overview - Reports / Analyses
- Semi-annual and Annual Reports on DBE Commitments
and Subcontracting - Program Goal Setting
- Market Availability
- Market Utilization
- Form 1391
- Form 1392
10Overview - Employee-related Data
- Payroll Data and Tracking
- Wage Decision Information
- On-the-Job Training Program(s)
- Trainees
11AASHTO Joint Development Process
- Most states are not able or willing to commit
needed resources to develop their own system - Many requirements are federal that all states
have to meet - Cost share per individual participating state is
less than the cost of a state creating their own
system - Additional funding sources may be available
- AASHTO will solicit FHWA, DDOT, FAA and FTA
12AASHTO Joint Development Process
- Initial cost per state would be (150,000 to
200,000 range) with a 10 to 15 state
participation. - Yearly licensing costs would be consistent with
other TRNSPORT modules (40,000 to 50,000
range) - State overhead costs for data collection and
storage would be minimal.
13AASHTO Joint Development Process
- Cost to the contractor would not be an undue
burden limiting their ability to compete. - Information would come directly from the
contractor - through a electronic transfer of payroll
information - be entered manually through a electronic
interface by small contractors.
14AASHTO Joint Development Process
- The system would be built in a technology that is
currently supported by TRNSPORT - The system would have to be independent of
TRNSPORT modules (a state would not be required
to license other modules to use the system) - Must be able to interface with TRNSPORT modules,
if a state has them
15AASHTO Joint Development Process
- The system would substantially meet Federal and
common state requirements for Civil Rights and
Labor Compliance - State can add state specific reporting and
16AASHTO Joint Development Process
- AASHTO solicits states to participate in the
development of a system to track Civil Rights and
Labor Compliance - If AASHTO receives enough interest, AASHTO would
prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) - Technical Review Team (TRT) would be formed to
oversee development in conjunction with the
Trnsport Task Force (TTF)
17AASHTO Joint Development Process
- RFP would be advertised for bidding
- Vendor would be selected to develop the
application - Vendor would build the product with oversight
from the Technical Review Team (TRT) and the
Trnsport Task Force (TTF) - Upon completion, product would be distributed to
participating states
18AASHTO Joint Development Process TTF
- 7 members
- Cross-section of users and IT support staff
- Cross-section of Trnsport usage
- Resumes solicited from all licensing agencies
- Recommended by current TTF
- Approved by SCOJD of AASHTO
- (Special Committee of Joint Development)
19AASHTO Joint Development Process - TTF
- Determines when new products should be developed
- Determines appropriate software platforms
- Long Range Work Plan (LRWP)
- Annual Maintenance Support and Enhancement (MSE)
contract with contractor
20Technical Review Teams (TRTs)
- Appointed by TTF
- Assist TTF in working with contractor in
development of new product/enhancement - 3 to 5 members
- Users familiar with product/functions
- Agencies contributing funding
- Business normally conducted by e-mail or
conference calls - Chaired by TTF member
21Technical Review Teams (TRTs)
- Travel associated with TRT meetings are covered
by AASHTO in the development costs - Each individual on the TRT has to be committed
and available to the project
- Review software prototypes as software is
developed - Provides contractor guidance on user needs
- Reviews and recommends acceptance of results of
the software testing
23Issues Surrounding Joint Development
- Keeping the Software Generic
- Statisfying all the Agencies Needs
24Selection of a Software Vendor
- Distribute RFP to prospective vendors
- Selection based on qualifications and proposal
- Sole Source
- Selection based on special conditions that make
that vendor the best qualified
25Potential Software Vendors
- Vendors with existing civil rights software
products - Concern with using their intellectual rights of
their existing products in the product - Vendors without civil rights experience
- Concern with learning curve of inexperienced
26Meeting the needs of our Customers
- Civil rights staffs
- Responsible for the civil rights programs
- Contract letting staffs
- Responsible for getting requirements on the
contracts with our contractors - Contract administration staffs
- Responsible for collecting construction data and
data from contractors - IT staffs
- Involved in automating processes
27Our efforts need to involve
- Subcommittee on Civil Rights
- Subcommittee on Construction
- Contractor Associations???
- Cities and Counties