Bluetooth Defense Kit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bluetooth Defense Kit


CSC: 345. Computer Architecture. Jane Huang. Instruction Pipelining. RISC. Fetch instructions ... Computer Architects attempted to close this gap by creating ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bluetooth Defense Kit

Bluetooth Defense Kit
  • Bruce Potter
  • with help from Will Davis
  • August, 2006

Dont Believe Anything I Say
  • "Do not believe in anything simply because you
    have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply
    because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not
    believe in anything simply because it is found
    written in your religious books. Do not believe
    in anything merely on the authority of your
    teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions
    because they have been handed down for many
    generations. But after observation and analysis,
    when you find that anything agrees with reason
    and is conducive to the good and benefit of one
    and all, then accept it and live up to it. -
  • By Day, Senior Associate for Booz Allen Hamilton
  • By Night, Founder of The Shmoo Group and restorer
    of hopeless Swedish cars

Cut to the Chase
  • The most effective way to prevent Bluetooth
  • Turn off discoverable mode
  • We have no code to release today
  • Tried to implement BT Defense capability with no
    reverse engineering, non-device specific, and no
    vendor assistance turned out to be very
  • Damn near every Bluetooth vulnerability to date
    is an implementation error, not a break in the
  • The protocol is complicated and hard to implement

Anecdotal IP Stack Versus BT Stack
  • The BT stack is a complicated animal with MUCH
    less prior art than Ethernet/IP (going on 30
  • Wanted to make my own BT stack diagram for this
    talk, I turned to some books and
  • Apparently there are several hundred different
    Bluetooths based on the results searching for BT

IP Stack
  • http//

IP Stack
  • http//

IP Stack
  • http//

Bluetooth Stack
  • http//

Bluetooth Stack
  • http//

Bluetooth Stack?
  • http//

Bluetooth Crash Course
  • 2.4 GHz, Frequency Hopping, Personal Area Network
  • NOT WiFi!
  • Pairing - Mechanism for establishing long term
    trust between two BT devices
  • RFCOMM - Wireless serial port emulation

Bluetooth Crash Course
  • AT Commands - You remember these, right? Used to
    control some devices across an RFCOMM connection
  • Discoverable mode - When a device wants to be
    found, it will respond to other devices sending
  • Service Discovery - A bit like port scanning, but
    the remote end doesnt try to hide anything
    (Service Discovery Protocol, SDP)

State of the Union
  • Current version of Bluetooth Core Spec is 2.0
  • Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) now allows for up to
    3Mb/s with basically the same power consumption
  • Security is largely unchanged from 1.1 spec
  • As of Nov 2005, 9.5 Million BT radios were being
    shipped each week
  • At that rate, thats one radio for every 8 people
    on the planet each year
  • 9.5 million was up from 4.75 million just 4
    months prior
  • Makes WiFi look pretty wimpy from a market
    penetration (closest guess I can make is 200
    million WiFi chips/year, about 40 of the of BT
  • Profiles govern how like devices talk to each
  • In the past, a confusing experience now we have
    icons to clear things up

Common Deployment Scenarios
  • Unlike WiFi, Bluetooth has generally stayed where
    it was supposed to
  • Mobility - Cell phones and ear buds, car hands
    free kits, network access
  • Every state that passes no handheld cell use
    laws impacts BT sales positively
  • Cable replacement - mouse, keyboard, camera
  • New uses - printers, mp3 players, etc
  • While there is a network access profile, very few
    products to use it (ie T-Mobile didnt ditch
    WiFi hotspots in favor of Bluetooth Hotspots)
  • Performance can be well, just horrible

The Industry Players (a subset)
  • BT Stack Vendors
  • WIDCOMM (common with first wave of radios)
  • Toshiba
  • Microsoft (going to be REAL common soon)
  • CSR
  • Extended Systems
  • Open Interface
  • Bluez (Open Source)
  • BT Chip Manufactures
  • CSR
  • Broadcom
  • TI
  • Infineon

In order to defend, we must first understand the
Probe him and learn where his strength is
abundant and where deficient - Sun Tzu
Contemporary Bluetooth Attacks and Vulnerabilities
  • has been leading the charge of
    publicly disclosed Bluetooth attacks
  • Others such as _at_stake and TSG have tackled some
    BT security issues as well
  • Most of what has been really damaging have been
    poor implementations
  • Rush to market leads to poor security
  • Super complicated protocol stack leads to poor
  • Lack of security training for developers leads to
    poor security
  • has lots of attack tools
  • Bluediving ( has Linux
    based impls of most of their tools
  • Ill let Major do demos of his tools hes better
    at it than I

The Real Risk?
  • Shhhh dont tell anyone, but there hasnt been a
    huge impact on global commerce or enterprise
    security due to wireless insecurity (WiFi or
  • Hell, sales of the Sidekick went up after Paris
    Sidekick got 0wn3d
  • Does that excuse us from dealing with this
  • No
  • Is Bluetooth security still an issue for those
    worried about targeted attacks?
  • Yes
  • Should we temper our response to ensure we stay
    within the bounds of reality?
  • Absolutely

Why so Little Interest in Bluetooth Security?
  • Honestly, we havent yet solved the discovery
  • WiFi device discovery is what blew open the WiFi
    Security world
  • When Shipley gave his talk at DefCon 9, the
    community was at a tipping point (to use a buzz
  • Free/open software and about 300 worth of gear
    allowed us to find every 802.11 device within a
    1/4 mile radios
  • To have the same kind of success with BT, you
    have to spend about 10k
  • 10k is a lot of disposable income to kick around
  • Without finding the device, you cant attack it
  • Not sexy enough yet

Breakdown of the Current Attacks and
Stupid Defaults
  • Hard configured PINs - Only an issue at pairing
    time, but allows for attacks like Car Whisperer
  • For the BT virgins in the audience, the PIN is
    _only_ used at pairing time, not for every comms
  • No authentication - duh! Even for things like
    automatic vCard acceptance (Sony) this is sketchy
    at best.
  • Profiles turned on by default - This is the same
    as keeping unneeded network services from running
  • If you dont need it, dont run it (dont expose
  • A quick demo of service discovery of audience

More Stupid Defaults
  • Poor per-profile default - Each profile is like
    an application it can have bad defaults
  • Ie I had a Belkin BT CF adapter that had the
    filesharing profile defaulted to world writeable
    and shared the entire filesystems
  • Discoverable by default - Why make it that much
    easier for an attacker?
  • Anyone been attacked in non-discoverable mode by
    an unknown device?
  • Also, discoverable mode sucks down battery faster
  • Audience demo

Shedding Some Light on Discovery
  • Seriously the best defense is keeping
    discoverable mode off

Link-Level Attacks
  • Resetting the link key - In Shaked and Wools
    Paper (http//
    they describe a way to force a device to lose
    its link key and try and repair
  • Basically, fake the BDADDR and repeatedly fail to
    bring up a secure channel, and the device will
    assume you lost the link key
  • If a device has a default PIN, you can then
    automatically set up a trust relationship
  • Cleartext data - Just like on the web, sometimes
    people forget to encrypt what they should encrypt
  • Usually need a protocol analyzer to make use of

Location Tracking
  • Location Based - Its RF.. You can track people.
    Not much you can do about it
  • http// - We tracked attendees
    while they were at BlackHat USA 2004
  • Had about 64 individuals we tracked for 2 days.
    Only a few hundred lines of code plus 4 laptops
    pretty cheap
  • For some, location tracking is a plus
  • Aalborg Zoo is using Bluetags to track kids
    Legoland using something similar

Human Interface Issues
  • Lack of feedback and control/config options for
    the user
  • Go ahead try to modify the profiles available on
    your phone or PDA (Macs actually do this pretty
  • Rogue devices
  • A name is not an authentication credential. Dont
    trust a device just b/c its friendly name is
    something you recognize
  • But.. What other ways are there to identify a
  • Social engineering
  • Change the name of your phone to something
    confusing (such as PIN1234) and then attempt to
    pair with random devices you might actually get
    someone to do it.

Bad Implementation
  • Exposing functionality prior to authentication -
    This is the basis for the BlueSnarf attack
  • AT commands are sent to the phone that retrieve
    the address book
  • The phone for some reason assumes this is OK and
    gives you all the data
  • Packet-o-death - Dear God havent we learned
    this problem yet?
  • Bluesmack sends a big l2ping packet to the device
    in an effort to kill it
  • Protocol fuzzing in general is a dandy way to
    knock over BT devices (and pretty damn easy to

Bluetooth Defense Techniques
  • Great now we need to figure out how to defend
  • Enterprise security tools are largely geared
    towards the infrastructure
  • With BT there is no real infrastructure
  • Many devices that touch the enterprise are not
    corp owned
  • We havent even figured out how to secure WiFi
    clients yet
  • HotSpot Defense Kit was a reasonable success
    (even if v2 never materialized)
  • Many host-based network security products now
    attempt rogue AP detection
  • Bluetooth is more prevalent, and the deployment
    scenarios are far more varied
  • All the more reason to work to lock it down
  • User needs a way to protect themselves from bad

BT Defense - Some Advice
  • Security products need to be usable
  • Theres a corollary here that says in
    complicated and emerging technologies, only users
    can recognize attacks
  • Another corollary says that products rushed to
    market dont have the best security
  • It turns out, like rogue access point defense,
    this is not rocket science but yet its not a
    readily available capability for the user
  • Hell, its not readily available for developers

Defense Mechanism - User Notification and
  • User should have the ability to be notified and
    authorize all connections and connection types
  • Inquiry scans (discovery), service discovery,
    RFCOMM connections, any particular profile thats
    being accessed
  • I can sit in a bar all day and search for
    discoverable devices without being detected..
    Thats just silly
  • Architecturally needs to be non-bypassable
  • User should have the ability to whitelist based
    on MAC addr, device key, or other values

Defense Mechanism - Configuration Options
  • Limiting access of trusted devices - Just because
    youve paired with a device doesnt mean it
    should be able to do _everything_
  • Per profile limits, connection limits, etc..
  • Changing PINs
  • Even some of the PIN helpers are pretty lame.
  • Must have better PIN management
  • Better protection of Link Keys
  • More secure storage of Link Keys (TPM?)
  • If a device suddenly loses its Link Key, red
    alert should be sounded

Defense Mechanism - Profile Specific Guidance
  • For all devices, if new profiles suddenly are
    offered, dont allow the connection
  • Ie if your headset was just a headset yesterday,
    but now has OBEX and file transfer support, you
    may be under attack by a Linux box
  • Handsfree/Headset - Whitelist AT commands that
    can be used (ATRING, ATCKPD, etc)
  • Serial Port - Implement fuzzing detection
  • OBEX - Require auth _always_
  • File Access - Sanity checks for data leaving the

Defense Mechanism - Signature Based IDS
  • Some of the attack tools these days stick out
    like a sore thumb
  • As Madden would say, they run it up the gut
  • We should be looking for these footprints
  • Due to the nature of Bluetooth, this would have
    to be on a per device basis (a central monitoring
    infrastructure such as WIDS wont work)
  • Ie alert/shutdown BT on attempts to get
    telecom/pb.vcfcal.vcsdevinfo.txt without

Stack Changes Needed to Implement BT Defense
  • Ability to whitelist BDADDRs
  • Sure they can be spoofed, but its a start
  • Ability to scan connecting devices to verify the
    device is the type and specie of device you
  • This kind of connect back is much more socially
    acceptable in wireless PANs
  • Allows for device profiling
  • Notification hooks
  • At all sensitive points discussed before, provide
    hooks to audit actions and make decisions based
    on those actions

Bluetooth Defense Kit - Demo
  • http// for source code once
    we get something working
  • Probably going to focus on IPC hooking to
    intercept and modify low level BT-related messages

Before We Finish Up.. Summer of Code, TSG Style
  • The Shmoo Group was given the opportunity to
    mentor 4 projects under the Google Summer of Code
  • http//
  • Firekeeper (Student Jan Wrobel, Mentor Len
  • Browser-level Intrusion Detection via rulesets
    designed to detect and block malicous websites
    (neat, given Jeremiah Grossmans talk)
  • Prototype available on
  • GPGGreasemonkey (Student Kerry McKay, Mentor
    Bruce Potter)
  • Client side mail encryption for webmail via FFX
  • Currently have implementation for Gmail and Yahoo
  • svn checkout svn//

(No Transcript)
  • Online Rainbow Tables Lookup (Student Keith
    Larimore, Mentor Freshman)
  • Focused on increasing speed
  • Completed Basic search capabilities with Web
    interface, queuing, completion emails
  • In progress DNS query Interface
  • Open Security Framework (Student Soren
    Bleikertz,MentorPravir Chandra)
  • A framework to simplify network security analysis

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