Title: A systematic approach for Energy Technology Assessment
1A systematic approach for Energy Technology
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- Getachew Assefa and Björn Frostell
- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Development in energy technologies
- From open fires places pre-industrial revolution
to high techs of our time - Different options
- Need for choice
- Need for comparison
- Technology assessment
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
3Technology assessment (TA)
- Used for the first time in the US with relevance
to policy issues -
- 1972 Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) by
the US Congress - Technology as a process of transforming materials
and energy accompanied by monetary costs and
benefits - Full technology assessment
- Ecological, economic and social
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- Systems analysis (SA) tools
- Material/Substance Flow Analysis (MFA/SFA) and
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ecological - Life Cycle Costing (LCC)-economical
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- Based on the concept of anthropogenic metabolism
- at different levels region, country, firm etc.
- three phases MFA/SFA
- goal and system definition
- inventory and modelling
- interpretation
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- LCA as a procedure
- goal definition and scoping
- inventory analysis
- impact assessment
- Interpretation
- LCA as a model
- Retrospective LCA accounting
- Prospective LCA change-oriented
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- LCC Internal and External costs
- Internal conventional less tangible costs
- Conventional capital operating costs
- Less tangible waste handling
- environmental permitting . . .
- External emissions and resource use/
environmental and human health effects
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
8The ORWARE model
- Combines the concepts and tools of MFA/SFA, LCA
- Linked to Excel for result presentation
- Composed of submodels
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
9- History and ..
- 1992 - project
- 1993 - ORWARE, biodegradable
- 1996 - biodegr. non biodegr.
- 1998 - Energy from waste
- 2000 - Hydrogen from waste
- 2001 - Tri-generation (El, He Co)
- 2002 -Gasification - Cata. combustion
- Coming up hydrogen from biomass for stationary
fuel cells
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
10Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
Conceptual model of the total system
- (1)The hydrogen- from-waste study
- with ecological focus
- The technology chains/scenarios
- incineration with internal combustion engine
vehicle - anaerobic digestion with biogas vehicle
- anaerobic digestion followed by steam reforming
with fuel cell vehicle - thermal gasification with fuel cell vehicle.
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
12- Functional units
- MJ of district heating
- MJ of electricity
- km vehicle transport and
- kg of phosphorous and nitrogen
- Compensatory systems
- District heating biomass
- Electricity coal condense
- Vehicle fuel petrol
- Nutrient P and N from mineral fertilisers
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
13Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
14Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
15- (2)The catalytic-combustion study
- full ecological and economic assessment
- Scenarios/chains of technologies
- gasification with catalytic combustion
- gasification with flame combustion
- incineration
- landfilling
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
16- Functional units
- MJ of district heating
- MJ of electricity
- Compensatory systems
- District heating biomass
- Electricity natural gas
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
17Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
18Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
19Concluding remarks
- comprehensive and systematic at the same time,
evenhanded - locating and determining weak points along chain
of technologies - structure - scenario construction
- data handling and data storage
- Result presentation
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks
- non-established technologies
- scale problems between laboratory scale and
commercial scale - Data availability, data quality/uncertainty
Introduction Technology Assessment MFA/SFA, LCA
and LCC The ORWARE model Illustration
Concluding Remarks