Title: Modelling of Macraes POX Circuit
1Modelling of Macraes POX Circuit
OceanaGold GRD Minproc Brent Hill Tony
Frater David King Quenton Johnston Nevin
Scagliotta Adrian Marin
3Presentation Outline
- Background
- Macraes POX circuit
- Integration of Reefton concentrates
- Modelling
- Metsim model calibration
- Model prediction of increased throughput
- Conclusion/Recommendation
4Belo Horizonte Office
Johannesburg Office
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7Macraes Processing Background
- Historical Processing
- Small scale operation from 1862 until 1950
- 15 000 oz gold and 100 t scheelite recovered
- Modern Processing (Since 1990)
- Crush / Grind / Flotation / CIL
- Crush / Grind / Flotation / Fine grind / CIL
- Crush / Grind / Flotation / Fine grind / POX / CIL
8Modern Project History
- Major Projects
- 1.5 Mt/a sulphide treatment plant 1990
- 3.0 Mt/a expansion 1994
- MREP 4.5 Mt/a - 1999
- Increase for sulphide and oxide capacity
- Newmont POX technology
- 170 t/d BOC cryogenic oxygen plant
- Smaller Projects
- Unit cell installation
- Reclaim circuit
- 0.5 Mt/a oxide mill
- Autoclave optimisation
- Current capacity approximately 6 Mt/a
9Macraes Processing Issues 1
- Massive sulphide orebody hosting FeS2 / FeAsS
- Muscovite / quartz/ chlorite / siderite in gangue
- Presence of organic carbon, double refractory
- Variability. Low and high preg-robbing ore types
- 50 to 80 CIL recovery without POX
- Poor recovery with conventional POX
10Macraes Processing Issues 2
- Newmont technology required for controlled POX
- Limestone for free acid control
- Washing for chlorides
- Scale formation in autoclave
11Macraes POX Circuit Design
- Concentrate grade 8 - 12 S
- 3.5 m dia. x 12.6 m
- 21 semi-elliptical ends
- 4 agitator, 3 compartment vessel
- 225C and 3,140 kPag
- Koch Pyroflex membrane and AP302
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Scaled Agitator
14Reefton Processing
- Orebody
- Native gold with minor sulphides in quartz veins
- Gold in FeS2, FeAsS, Sb2S3
- Processing
- Crush / Grind / Flotation / Filtration /
Transport - Concentrate at 17.1 S
- No organic carbon
- Highly refractory, complete oxidation required
15Reefton / Macraes Integration
- Additional S oxidation requirement
- Oxygen plant constraint
- Autoclave retention time constraint
- Differing POX conditions
- Requirement for modelling to optimise capacity
16History of Macraes POX Modelling
- Spreadsheet POX model developed and verified
- Single-compartment Metsim model developed
- Three-compartment Metsim model developed
- POX chemistry modified based on XRD results
- Thermodynamic data sources consolidated
17Plant Trials and Model Calibration
- Plant trial in March 04 generated 23 data sets
- Solids and solution assays recorded
- Operating conditions recorded
- Autoclave Pressure
- Temperatures in C1, C2 and C3
- Cooling water to C1 ,C2 and C3
- Oxygen flow rate and purity
- Overall oxidation from feed and discharge assays
- Compartment oxidation inferred from heat balance
18Sulphur Analysis Discrepancy
- Trial datafor 98 oxidation, 20 t/h CW added
- Model resultsfor 98 oxidation, 16 t/h CW added
- Site assay 10 of the total S (TS) is sulphate S
- No TS reported for the trial data
- No free acid in discharge reported
- Can not do overall S balance calculation
19MLA Mineralogy Investigation
- MLA used for quantitative mineralogy
investigation - MLA results 2 of TS is sulfate S
- Site assay 15 sulfate S for the same sample
- Revised S and gangue mineralogy according to MLA
20Plant Trials in 10/04 and 01/05
- Updated trial data collection template
- Additional data for heat/mass balance
- Updated mineralogy data used
- Good correlation between models and assays
- No heat adjustment factor required
21Plant Trials in 10/04 and 01/05
22Plant High Throughput Trials in 07/05
- In July 2005 eight plant trials run
- Four data sets from scaled autoclave and
- Four sets from clean autoclave
- Scaled agitators show poorer oxygen dispersion
- Scaled sets average oxygen utilisation is 79
- Clean sets average oxygen utilisation is 85
23Plant Trials in 07/05
24Model to Predict Various Scenarios
- Plot leach kinetics for all plant trials
- Use average kinetic curve for further modelling
- Scenarios modelled
- Grade 10, 12 and 14 total S
- Throughput 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.3 t/h
TS - Constant oxygen partial pressure
- Oxygen 7 t/h
25The Final Kinetic Curve Used for Scenario
26Scenario Modelling Results
- For 10 S and 12 S
- - C1 temp drops with higher throughput
- For 14 S
- - C1 maintains 225C for all scenarios modelled
27Scenario Modelling Results
28Scenario Modelling Results
- Above 2.7 t/h TS, oxygen constrained
- Increasing throughput, decreases RT for 12 S
- Increasing throughput, increases RT for 14 S
- For 14 S the RT is over 50 mins
- The autoclave is not constrained by RT at 14
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- Metsim a useful framework for plant
optimisation/design - Careful selection of chemistry and thermodynamic
data - Plant trial data for model calibration
- Modelling can assist in plant optimisation and
future design