Title: Environmental Quality Factors use of urban areas
1Environmental Quality Factors - use of urban
areas Danish experience and the prospects of
its application in Lithuania".
2Danish Acts on Contaminated Sites
- The Environmental Protection Act
- The Act on Waste Sites
- The Oil Tank Notice
- The Depreciation System
- The Danish Petroleum Environmental Foundation
(OM) - The Cinder Fly Ash Treatment
- The Soil Contamination Act
3Historical Environmental Reviews
- The starting year of the company
- The age of buildings
- Various spaces of time in production
- Ownerships through the years
- Changing owners and production
4 Identification of Possible Contaminants
- Possibilities of waste
- Waste types and chemical composition
- Degradation of chemicals
- The intensity of contaminations
- Preliminary identification of contaminated areas
5 Production Conditions
- Types of production
- Used raw materials, type and amount
- Used chemicals, type and amount
- Stock of materials
- Production of waste, type and amount
- Waste treatment and removal, amount
- Depositing at the site
- Placing of sewers
- Placing of surface and underground tanks
6 Selected Industrial Sites in Denmark
Sadolin Park Area
7 Lundemarken in Holbaek City-Top Soil with
Organic Matter
8 Results and excavation areas
9Lundemarken in Holbaek City
- Excavation in soil layers contaminated with tar
and oil components
10Lundemarken in Holbaek City
- Excavation in Napthalene contaminated soil layers
11Lundemarken in Holbaek City
- Excavation in contaminated soil with underground
12Lundemarken in Holbaek City
- Removal of contaminated top soil
13Lundemarken in Holbaek City
- Establishment of a new residential quarter on
industrial sites - Park area above contaminated soils
14Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Earlier area used for production of paint and
cellulose paint
15Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Production buildings and storage of finished goods
16Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Excavation in heavy contaminated areas with free
phase oil
17Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Removal of underground oil/product tanks
18Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Excavation and removal of heavy contaminated soil
- Filling with compact sandy material
19Sadolin Park area in Copenhagen
- Establishment of new pent-house appartments
- Establishment of membrane and parking area
20The Harbour of Copenhagen
- Site development of contaminated properties is
commonly used in Denmark - Investigations and remedial actions are arranged
with the authorities - Especially properties located by waterfronts are
attractive - Possible building technical steps are established
(membranes etc.) - Slightly contaminated soil can be used for baffle
walls or modeling of parking areas. - The experiences from Denmark can be used in