Title: north carolina space initiative
1north carolina space initiative North Carolina
Aerospace Executive Forum January 29-30, 2008
Christopher S. Brown Assistant Vice Chancellor
for Research Development, NC State University Raj
Narayan Associate Director, Kenan Institute for
Engineering, Technology Science, NC State
a program of the kenan institute for engineering,
technology science
2Since 2001, the NCSI has been striving to make
North Carolina a leading space state
- Facilitating Research
- National Institute for Aerospace
- Plant Gravitational Genomics Lab
- Center for Sustainable Life Support
- Enhancing Education
- NC Space Grant
- Adventures of the Agronauts
- Pisgah Astronomical Research Science Education
Ctr. - Promoting Commerce
3The AeroSpace Economy in North Carolina A
Preliminary Assessment of Current Performance and
Future Prospects March 2006
- Exploration of NCs footprint in the aviation and
aerospace sector - NC has critical mass with 500 establishments and
88,000 workers (direct and indirect) in this
sector - Favorable mix in fast growing segments (engine
and parts manufacturing, RMO, very light jets,
remote sensing) - NC aerospace jobs pay high wages (42K, gt1.6B
payroll), projected to increase to gt5,000 direct
jobs by 2017
4The AeroSpace Economy in North Carolina A
Preliminary Assessment of Current Performance and
Future Prospects - continued
- Skilled workforce availability is a rate limiting
factor for AA worldwide, however. - NC has active education and training programs for
AA at its universities and community colleges - Thousands of military and civilian contractors
are coming to the states 6 military bases - Annually 12,000 skilled military personnel retire
from NC-based installations
5NC Aviation and Aerospace Economic Development
Initiative Many Activities
- National Aerospace Development Center support
- Formal MOU signed DOC, NCSU, NCCCS, NADC
- Statewide strategic planning meetings in 2007
- Economic Development Partnership support letters
- Aviation and Aerospace Industry Assessment
(draft) - Strategy for NC Aviation and Aerospace (draft)
- Workforce Excellence
- Technology Leadership
- Marketing and Public Awareness
6NC Aviation and Aerospace Economic Development
Initiative Many Partners
B/E Aerospace Curtiss-Wright Motion
Controls Firstmark Aerospace General Dynamics
Armament Tech Prod Goodrich Honda Jet Honeywell
Intl Kidde Technologies LORD Corporation Smiths
Aerospace (now GE Aviation Sys) TIMCO VX
Aerospace New Phoenix Aerospace Antilles
Seaplanes SIS Inc.
NC Department of Commerce NC State University NC
Community College System National Aerospace
Development Center Kenan Institute for ETS Space
Frontier Foundation UNC-Chapel Hill NC AT State
University NC Military Foundation NC Military
Business Center NC Global TransPark NC Aerospace
Alliance NC Department of Trans.- Aviation Adv
Vehicle Research Center (Dick Dell) Capital Area
Research (Donna Safley)
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