Title: SMARTER HIGWAYS safer, smoother, smarter
1SMARTER HIGWAYS safer, smoother, smarter
Paula J. Hammond, P.E. Secretary
David L. Dye Deputy Secretary
Steve Reinmuth Chief of Staff
Craig Stone Toll Division Director
Presented by Ted Trepanier Director of Traffic
December 2009
2Active Traffic ManagementTools that are already
making our highways smarter
- Variable message signs
- Variable speed limits
- Traffic management centers
- Traffic cameras
- Ramp meters
3Smarter Highways WSDOT is a nationwide leader
using cutting edge traffic technology
4How will the system work?Smarter Highways in
action during a blocking incident
5ATM ProjectsWhen will drivers see Smarter
Northbound I-5 Summer 2010 Boeing Access Road to
Downtown Seattle
SR 520 Summer 2010 I-5 to 130th Avenue NE in
I-90 Spring 2011 I-5 to 150th Avenue SE in
6Smarter Highways
7What makes Smarter Highways better?
- Safer and more efficient because they detect
changes in traffic and adapt to current
- Variable speed limits warn motorists of slower
traffic ahead.
- The technology is proven to reduce
congestion-causing collisions by up to 30 percent.
- Help drivers make more informed decisions by
providing real-time traffic information.
8Getting the most out of our roadways
- Using smarter roadway technology to improve
traffic flow and reduce delay is a key element of
WSDOTs three-point plan for reducing congestion.
This ongoing strategy includes - adding new road space where it makes the most
sense - offering travelers and commuters more choices to
reduce traffic demand - making the states existing highways as efficient
as possible.
9For more information
Craig J. Stone, P.E. Director Toll
Division 206-464-1222 StoneC_at_wsdot.wa.gov
Ted Trepanier, P.E. Director Traffic
Operations 360-705-7280 TrepanT_at_wsdot.wa.gov