Continental-Illinois - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Continental-Illinois

(No Transcript)
September 8, 1929 It will be the largest bank
in the world to be housed under one
roof. Second largest bank in the country to
National City in New York. Culmination of a
series of Chicago bank mergers spanning 71 years.

(No Transcript)
  • From hierarchical structure to matrix
  • Concern that this led to bad energy loans due to
    a lack of supervision

If you were going to bank with somebody, you
wanted to see them as well as their balance
sheet. It was a relationship business,
commercial banking. A long-term business. . . .
You stuck with the company and the customers
through the ups and downs of the business cycles,
and they stuck with you. That was the main
problem for Dave Kennedy when he decided the
Continental would have to become a great
international bank in order to remain a great
American bank. There werent any international
banking people. -- James P. McCollom, The
Continental Affair
An old-fashioned bank, practicing old-fashioned
prudence, would expand its lending only in step
with its deposit base. . . . The modern banks
that practiced managed liabilities had no such
inhibitions. . . . As long as they could borrow
freely, there was no internal brake on how fast
they could expand. Greider, Secrets of the
Bank A 1958 Bank B 1968 Bank C 1978
Continental vs. Peers
  • Much higher reliance on purchased funds (gt 70)
  • Higher yield on CI loans ( 1)
  • Higher growth of CI loans (1.5X)
  • Lower nonperforming loan (1974-78 -.2)
  • Huge growth in energy loans (26 of CI in 1979
    vs. 47 in 1981).

1976 - 1981
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May 29, 1981 Chairman of Continental-Illinois
Roger A. Anderson becomes highest paid banker in
the United States, pulling in a whopping 710,440
(1.6 million in 2009 dollars). President John
Perkins is also on the list with just under
600,000 salary.
Penn Square Bank Collapse
  • Specialized in high-risk loans to the oil and gas
  • Assets had grown from 62 million in 1977 to 520
    million in 1982.
  • Failed in July 1982.
  • Only 207 million of 470 million deposits were
  • Serviced 2 billion in loans - 1 billion for

Penn Square . . . acted as a business scout in
the oil patch for Continental and others. When
Penn Square booked loans and reached its lending
capacity, it simply offered a share of the action
to the larger banks, collected the equivalent of
a finders fee, then turned around and went out
to find more oil prospectors who needed money.
This was very profitable for everyone, while it
lasted. - William Greider, Secrets of The
Temple Continentals share went from 25 to 40
in less than two years.
Continentals response to this plan This will
be the end of the bank, and you will be to blame.

1982 - 1984
(No Transcript)
  • Your chairman is Mr . . . Taylor?
  • Yes.
  • And Mr. Roger Anderson?
  • Mr. Anderson is retired.
  • Now the position of Mr. Taylor is -- ?
  • He is the chairman of our bank.
  • None of our managers seems to be familiar with
    that name.
  • Mr. Taylor become chairman in February.
  • And Mr. Conover?
  • Mr. Conover is the comptroller of the currency.
  • He is with the Federal Reserve.
  • No. His office is in the Treasury Department.

The problems of Continental Bank essentially
reflect serious weaknesses in the domestic loan
portfolio of a bank that had engaged in
aggressive growth and lending practices for some
time, including heavy involvement and
participation in energy loans of the Penn Square
Bank that failed two years ago. These problems,
and other credit losses, were reflected in
earnings pressures and consequent loss of market
confidence. - Paul Volcker, Fed Chairman, to
Senate Committee (July 1984)
Bailing Out Continental Illinois
Discount Window
  • 3.6 billion May 11, 1984
  • This was not enough to stop the run on
    Continental Illinois or make it solvent
  • Traditionally a short-term device so that banks
    can meet capital reserve requirements

Bank Lending Group
  • Weekend Following the Discount Window Loan
  • Group of 16 Banks to Loan 4.5 billion to
    Continental Illinois
  • Again, Insufficient to stop the run
  • During this time, the banks domestic
    correspondent banks started withdrawing funds,
    furthering the run

Federal Assistance Package
  • FDIC Provided 1.5 bn
  • FDIC also participated 500 mn to a Group of
    Commercial Banks
  • Capital Infusion was in form of interest-bearing
    subordinated notes
  • Variable Rate 100 basis points higher than 1-yr
  • Fed Stated it would meet any liquidity needs of
    Illinois Continental
  • Group of 24 Major US Banks agreed to 5.3 in
    unsecured funding
  • FDIC promised to guarantee all creditors and
    depositors, even those above the 100,000 limit

12 USCA 1823(c)(1)
(c) Assistance to insured depository
institutions(1) The Corporation is authorized,
in its sole discretion and upon such terms and
conditions as the Board of Directors may
prescribe, to make loans to, to make deposits in,
to purchase the assets or securities of, to
assume the liabilities of, or to make
contributions to, any insured depository
institution(A) if such action is taken to
prevent the default of such insured depository
institution (B) if, with respect to an insured
bank in default, such action is taken to restore
such insured bank to normal operation or (C)
if, when severe financial conditions exist which
threaten the stability of a significant number of
insured depository institutions or of insured
depository institutions possessing significant
financial resources, such action is taken in
order to lessen the risk to the Corporation posed
by such insured depository institution under such
threat of instability.
FDIC Guarantee
  • The guarantee of depositors and creditors above
    the 100,000 limit was controversial
  • People worry about the moral hazard problem
  • Deemed necessary because of many other financial
    institutions having funds invested in Continental
    beyond 100,000

Finding a Merging Partner
  • During this Federal Assistance Period, the
    Federal Reserves goal was to find someone to
    merge with Continental Illinois
  • This is what normally happened when smaller banks
    became insolvent in the preceding years
  • Fed searched for 2 months but could not find a
    suitable partner
  • Continental Illinois was obviously much bigger
    than previous banks that had been merged under
    these circumstances
  • The economy was not entirely healthy making it
    harder to find a merging partner

Government Ownership
  • After the failed search for a merging partner,
    the government purchased 4.5 bn of bad loans
    from Continental Illinois
  • The bank had to charge-off 1 bn but this was
    offset by a cash infusion of 1 bn
  • The government received non-voting preferred
    stock that could be converted to common stock
    which amounted to a 79.9 ownership stake

Government Actions after the Takeover
  • Old Management and Boards of Directors were
    forced out
  • One of the perceived benefits of the plan was
    that it made ownership and management feel the
    brunt of the loss. The ownership was harmed but
    the massive dilution of their shares and
    management was forced out
  • Installed John Swearingen as CEO of the holding
    company and William Ogden of CEO of the bank
  • These New Executives replaced the Boards of
    Directors, but the Government could veto

Bank of America Buys Continental Illinois for
1.9 bn
  • August 31, 1994
  • 939 Million in Cash
  • 21.25 Million Shares of Stock
  • 37.50/share
  • Government began selling stake in 1986,
    divesting one-third of shares
  • Completed divestment in 1991

Too Big To Fail?
Moral Hazard
Why Bail out a Bank?
  • Like many other firms, banks offer a particular
    bundle of services (most notably liquidity and
    lending services)
  • A bank failure need not signal the failure of the
    larger banking system or the regulatory structure
  • As with any other firm, a bank failure merely
    demonstrates that its bundle of products is no
    longer demanded by the market
  • The existence of failing institutions may be a
    sign of health rather than a sign of malaise
    since it indicates either that innovation is
    driving obsolete firms out of the industry, or
    that competition is driving inefficient firms out
    of the market
  • A bank failure also helps speed along the
    reallocation of the banks assets to a more
    efficient set of enterprises

See Macey Miller, 88 Colum L Rev 1153 and
Fischel et. al., 73 Va. L. Rev. 301
Moral Hazard
Are Banks Special?
  • Bank Runs
  • Regulatory Costs
  • Contagion
  • Ripple Effect
  • Domino Effect
  • Money Supply
  • Credit Crunch

See Macey Miller, 88 Colum L Rev 1153 and
Fischel et. al., 73 Va. L. Rev. 301
Moral Hazard
Are Banks Special?
  • Bank Runs
  • Classic example of a prisoners dilemma
  • Yet how is this different than short-term
    creditors of any firm?
  • Ratio of current assets to current liabilities is
    lower at banks
  • Yet there are many non-governmental solutions
  • Banks holding more liquid assets, higher premiums
    paid to depositors, contractual right to stop
    conversion of deposits
  • Regulatory Costs
  • Cost of failure is paid for by healthy banks and
  • Yet the regulatory structure is premised on banks
    being special circularity problems

See Macey Miller, 88 Colum L Rev 1153 and
Fischel et. al., 73 Va. L. Rev. 301
Moral Hazard
Are Banks Special?
  • Contagion
  • Ripple Effect
  • Bank failure will cause public to lose confidence
    in the financial system, resulting in widespread
    bank runs
  • Yet bank failures are often firm-specific (ex.
    fraud) and failure of other firms also has
    signaling power (ex. failure of manufacturing
    company indicates that banks holding certain
    loans might fail) banks can recycle the
    withdrawn funds back to the solvent banks
    experiencing bank runs
  • Domino Effect
  • Many banks hold deposits in the failed bank
  • Yet the failure of any firm is likely to have
    systemic effects on other firms (such as the
    firms in their supply chain)
  • Effect of Widespread Bank Failures
  • Money Supply
  • Decrease in money supply can impose high social
  • Yet the Fed Reserve mitigates this problem by
    serving as lender of last resort
  • Credit Crunch
  • Bernanke paper importance of banking human
  • Yet failure of other firms also disrupts
    investment projects by disrupting supply chains
    (especially when there are few substitutes for
    the good or service offered)

See Macey Miller, 88 Colum L Rev 1153 and
Fischel et. al., 73 Va. L. Rev. 301
Moral Hazard
Was Continental-IllinoisSpecial?
  • Ripple Effect
  • Concern that failure of Continental-Illinois
    would lead to widespread depositor runs,
    impairment of public confidence in the broader
    financial system, or serious disruptions in
    domestic and international payment and settlement
  • Regulators worried about the effects on at least
    three other financially vulnerable banks (First
    Chicago, Manufacturers Hanover, and Bank of
  • No clear evidence that this fear was justified
  • Continental-Illinoiss failures were
    firm-specific fraud and participation in highly
    speculative loans
  • G. Kaufman, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    indicating that bank runs do not take the form of
    currency drains out of the system, but of
    redeployment of deposits to other, presumably
    less risky banks of similar characteristics. A
    run on a bank no longer translates into a run on
    the banking system . . . .
  • Domino Effect
  • Continental had an extensive network of
    correspondent banks, almost 2,300 of which had
    funds invested in Continental more than 42
    percent of those banks had invested funds in
    excess of 100,000, with a total investment of
    almost 6 billion. The FDIC determined that 66
    of these banks, with total assets of almost 5
    billion, had more than 100 percent of their
    equity capital invested in Continental and that
    an additional 113 banks with total assets of more
    than 12 billion had between 50 and 100 percent
    of their equity capital invested
  • Subsequent empirical study indicated that only
    six banks would have collapsed as a result of
    Continental-Illinoiss failure

The Inherent Tradeoff in Too Big To Fail
Systemic Risk vs. Moral Hazard
  • Exacerbated Existing Moral Hazard
  • Government eliminated the incentive for
    depositors and general creditors to monitor
    banking risk and fraud
  • FDIC insurance is absolute thus comes with none
    of the traditional mechanisms employed by
    insurance companies to reduce moral hazard (i.e.
    deductibles and premiums based on underlying
  • Without depositor or general creditor monitoring,
    risk taking is largely dictated by interaction
    between preferences of management and
  • While managers are typically more like fixed
    claimants (due to human capital concerns),
    shareholders are residual claimants who will push
    the bank to pursue risky projects

See Macey Miller, 88 Colum L Rev 1153 and
Fischel et. al., 73 Va. L. Rev. 301
Too Big to Fail and the Incentive for Banks to
  • FDIC clearly delineated the reasons for the Too
    Big to Fail doctrine
  • Failure of large bank leads to higher risk of
    ripple effects on smaller banks
  • Failure of small banks more likely to be viewed
    by depositors as isolated, firm-specific
  • Failure of large bank can seriously deplete the
    FDICs insurance fund and decrease publics
    confidence in regulatory regime
  • FDICs employment of purchase and assumption
    agreements favored large and medium sized banks
  • Under this regulatory regime, uninsured
    depositors are highly likely to flock from small
    banks to medium and large sized banks

Moral Hazard in Theory but in Practice?
  • Can depositors serve as effective monitors of
    banks financial activity?
  • Most depositors arent true investors they
    pick bank based mostly on non-risk related
    factors such as convenience of location and
    customer service
  • Most depositors dont want to invest time and
    effort in researching banks activity
    free-riding and collective-action problem
  • Depositors could suffer from excessive optimism
  • Depositors will often wait until insolvency is
    imminent and a bank run will not provide a
    meaningful signal to management
  • Depositors might react to false insolvency
    information or rumors and thus send inaccurate
    signals to management

See Garten, 4 Yale J. on Reg. 129
The Argument for Moral Hazard in Practice
  • Depositors need not view risk as a primary
    consideration when choosing banks moral hazard
    effect on the margin
  • Free-riding/collective action monitoring problem
    can be resolved through ex ante premium payment
    to depositors
  • Even if depositors conduct more research before
    choosing bank then once their money has been
    deposited, banks constantly need to attract new
    depositors who will in turn provide needed
    monitoring at investment decision phase
  • Higher premium payments will send important
    signal to management/shareholders and this
    disciplinary mechanism can serve as a substitute
    to deposit withdrawal
  • Withdrawal of funds is not costless and may cost
    more than investing in research to determine
    validity of bank rumors

See Macey and Garrett, 5 Yale J. on Reg. 215
Initial Congressional Reaction Worries about
TBTF Policy
Volcker appeared before the Senate Banking
Committee in July 1984, he faced questions about
whether the Fed favored big banks like
Continental over small banks, and whether the
printing of money would have to stop. Sen
Riegle I just hope that we dont leave the
impression that the safety net is infinite in
size and we can take any number of failures at
once, because I dont think you believe that and
I know I dont believe that. Volcker To the
best of my knowledge, there were characteristics
of the Continental Illinois Bank that were
Congress Reacts and Narrows FDICs Bailout Powers
  • Reasons for Reform
  • Prompted by continuing dissatisfaction with the
    Too Big to Fail doctrine
  • Bailout of Bank of New England Corporation (21
  • Higher deposit insurance premiums
  • Questionable status of Bank Insurance Fund
  • Some legislators wanted to prevent protection of
    uninsured depositors but most legislators and
    regulators favored flexibility to deal with
    systemic risk
  • Alan Greenspan insured depositors might need to
    be rescued in the interests of macroeconomic
    stability, but there would also be circumstances
    in which large banks fail with losses to
    uninsured depositors but without undue disruption
    to financial markets.

Congress Reacts and Narrows FDICs Bailout Powers
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement
    Act of 1991 (FDICA)
  • FDIC resolutions were now required to proceed
    according to a least-cost test, which would
    mean that uninsured depositors would often have
    to bear losses.
  • The FDIC was prohibited from protecting any
    uninsured deposits or nondeposit bank debts in
    cases in which such action would increase losses
    to the insurance fund.
  • One important effect of the least-cost provision
    was that the FDIC would not be able to grant
    open-bank assistance unless that course would be
    less costly than a closed-bank resolution
  • Exception for systemic risk
  • At least two-thirds of both the FDIC Board of
    Directors and the Board of Governors of the
    Federal Reserve must recommend that an exception
    be made, and this recommendation must then be
    acted upon by the secretary of the treasury in
    consultation with the president.
  • The General Accounting Office then reviews any
    such actions taken and reports its findings to
  • FDICIA limited the discretion the agency had
    exercised under the old cost test and
    essentiality provisions of the FDI Act.

Congress Reacts and Narrows FDICs Bailout Powers
  • Effect of FDICIA
  • From 1986 through 1991, 19 percent of bank
    failure and assistance transactions resulted in
    the nonprotection of uninsured depositors. From
    1992 through 1994, the figure rose to 62 percent.
  • On the basis of total assets, the average
    percentage of uninsured depositors suffering a
    loss was 12.3 percent from 1986 through 1991, but
    from 1992 through 1994 it increased to 65 percent

  • Conservatorship
  • Conservatorship is . . . person or entity be
    subject to the legal control of another person or
    entity, known as a conservator. When referring to
    government control of private corporations such
    as Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, conservatorship
    implies a looser, more temporary control than
    does Nationalisation.
  • Receivership
  • When a company is put in receivership, it is
    controlled by a receiver, a person placed in
    the custodial responsibility for the property of
    others, including tangible and intangible assets
    and rights.
  • Nationalization
  • act of taking an industry or assets into the
    public ownership of a national government or
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • According to Wikipedia, Fannie Mae and Freddie
    Mac are seen as examples of conservatorship,
    receivership and nationalization. The terms are
    often interchangeable, especially in the
    situation of government takeover of banks.
  • Conservatorship and receivership have a
    connotation of shorter periods of control.

Penn Square Bank Push Toward Nationalization
Penn Square Bank failed in June 1982. Penn
Square 450m in assets Continental Illinois
33 bn At the time, Penn Square was 3 of
Continental Illinois total loans. And, 17 of
total oil and gas loans The chain reaction
between Penn Square and Continental Illinois made
the government wary of Continental Illinois
collapse. Penn Square increased awareness adding
to the run on Continental Illinois.
Levels of Nationalization
  • William I. Isaac, head of FDIC during Continental
    Illinois Collapse, notes three concerns about
    using nationalization now
  • (1)Any nationalization of a bank will require
    shrinking the bank, which is difficult in tough
    economic times with the fear of deflation
  • (2)Nationalization requires a reasonable exit
  • BofA and CitiBank are simply too big to sell,
    particularly if foreign investors are not allowed
    to purchase.
  • Continental Illinois only had 2 of nations
    assets, while the top 10 banks now hold over 2/3s
    of nations assets.
  • Also, Continental Illinois was a plain-vanilla
    bank in comparison.
  • (3)Finding people to run these companies while
    nationalized will be difficult.

Have we already nationalized?
  • Nationalization is a bit of a fuzzy line. When
    you have something like AIG, the insurance
    company, which is 80 percent owned by the
    taxpayers, has it been nationalized or not? And
    that's a little bit unclear.
  • --Paul Krugman

How much did the government lose on Continental
  • Total Money loaned by FDIC 4.5 bn
  • Total Lost 1.1 bn
  • Percentage Lost 24 percent

Unsecured Creditors Nationalization
  • In a nationalization, the bondholders will take
    one of the largest losses
  • Two problems
  • Bondholders are probably the best-organized
    investor class that there is. You're talking
    about little old ladies, pension funds, and
    foreign governments.
  • R. Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk
    Analytics predicts that bondholders for BofA and
    CitiBank will take a 70 loss if not everything.
  • http//
  • Can the government force unsecured creditors to
    bear the loss outside of bankruptcy?
  • With a deposit-taking bank If the assets are
    worth less than the liabilities, the FDIC is
    authorized to force unsecured creditors to share
    the loss.
  • But the FDIC has no such authority over bank
    holding companies
  • For holding companies, the unsecured creditors
    will bear the loss in bankruptcy, but after the
    Lehman Brothers, bankruptcy is usually not
    considered a good option.

Banks are closed and liquidated almost without
exception only when they are insolventwhen their
liabilities exceed their assets and when
circumstances combine with other severe problems.
. . . Considered over the history of the FDIC,
bank liquidations with losses to insured
depositors and creditors have not been the normal
procedure for dealing with problem banks.
Normally, a high value is placed on maintaining
banking services regardless of the size of the
bank, consistent with minimizing the cost to the
insurance fund. Continental, however, was not
insolvent. The Federal Reserve was founded to
serve as a lender of last resort in times of
liquidity pressures of this sort, so they dont
spread through the rest of the system to innocent
parties not involved in Continental Illinois at
all we were founded so that there should be that
elasticity in the system. Thats what a central
bank is all about, to provide liquidity in those
circumstances. We are just carrying out the most
classic function of a central bank. -- Volcker
testimony (July 1984).
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