Integrated Web Assessment Solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrated Web Assessment Solutions


Internet recruitment and selection: Kissing frogs to find princes. ... Bells and whistles often complicate the testing process and drive up costs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Integrated Web Assessment Solutions

Integrated Web Assessment Solutions
David T. Pfenninger, Ph.D. Reid E. Klion,
Ph.D. Marc U. Wenzel, Ph.D. pan, Inc.
  • International Military Testing Association
  • 2003

  • Supporting organizational capability by effective
    assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • Assessment Security
  • Lessons learned from enterprise clients
  • Case Study - TSA

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Users
  • Organizational psychologists
  • Recruiters
  • Human Resources or Personnel Depts.
  • Training Development, O.D., Learning
  • Sales
  • Vocational Counselors Outplacement
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
  • Marketing Research (surveys)
  • Consultants

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Hundreds of standardized, off-the-shelf
    instruments are now available on-line
  • Knowledge, skill, and aptitude tests
  • Scored job application forms
  • BioData screens
  • Cognitive skills tests
  • Personality inventories
  • 360 degree tools
  • Integrity tests
  • Emotional intelligence scales
  • Management development
  • Leadership assessment instruments

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Dozens of reputable publishers sell on-line
    assessment products
  • Pan Testing
  • The Psychological Corporation
  • The Test Agency
  • ECPA
  • ETS
  • Pearson Reid London House
  • Ramsay
  • Sigma
  • Skillcheck
  • Hogan

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Proprietary tests for corporate and government
    clients (e.g., custom selection) increasingly
    embedded in web assessment software.
  • Used by Fortune 100 firms, Government clients,
    small firms
  • Goals of maximizing talent sourcing and filtering
    and human capital development

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA

  • Supporting organizational capability through
    effective assessment of skills, capabilities, and
  • Trends in using on-line tools for assessment
  • Analyzing Potential ROI and the business benefits
  • Hints and Pitfalls based on the experience of
    global companies
  • Case Studies

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • On-line testing is a subset of well-established
    Computer-Based Testing (CBT) leveraging web
    delivery of test user interfaces and harvested
    data in the service of distributed assessment
  • Researchers found that hand-scored test profiles
    by trained personnel resulted in 53 of profiles
    containing errors. Hand-scoring of tests is
    possibly unethical due to inadequate accuracy.
  • Allard, Butler, Faust, Shea (1995). Errors in
    hand scoring objective personality tests The
    case of the Personality Diagnostic
    Questionnaire-Revised (PDQ-R). Professional
    Psychology Research and Practice, 26, 304-308.
  • Test examinees tend to divulge more information
    to a computer than to a human examiner.
  • Hart, R., Goldstein, M. (1985). Computer
    assisted psychological assessment. Computers in
    Human Services, 1, 69-75.

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Current test and assessment tools will probably
    be replaced by electronic versions or by new
    tests with exclusive on-line use.
  • Harris, W.G. (1999). Association of Test
  • Assessment professionals are comfortable using
    computer-based test administration, with over 85
    in one sample having done so.
  • McMinn, M., Ellens, B., Soref, E. (1999).
    Assessment, Vol. 6, 1, p. 74.
  • Computerized administration and scoring of tests
    have become a generalized practice.
  • Silzer, R., Jeanneret, R. (1998). Anticipating
    the future Assessment strategies for tomorrow.
    In. R. Jeanneret R. Silzer (Eds.) Individual
    psychological assessment Predicting behaviors in
    organizational settings (pp. 445-477). San
    Francisco Jossey-Bass.

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Psychometric research of computerized tests
    yields conclusive support for test
    characteristics of stability and validity.
  • Alexander, J. Davidoff, D. (1990).
    Psychological testing, computers, and aging.
    International Journal of Technology and Aging, 3,
  • Computerized testing formats are judged
    acceptable by users, rated as easy to use, and
    apparently are preferred to conventional
    paper-pencil and interactive testing in perceived
  • Campbell, K., Rohlman, D., Anger, W., Kovera, C.,
    Davis, K, Grossmann, S. (1999). Test-retest
    reliability of psychological and neurobehavioral
    tests self-administered by computer. Assessment,
    Vol. 6, 1, 21-32.
  • Hart, R., Goldstein, M. (1985). Computer
    assisted psychological assessment. Computers in
    Human Services, 1, 69-75.

Supporting organizational capability by effective
assessment of KSA-MVA
  • Testing provides probative evidence that the
    employer met its duty to investigate reasonably
    an applicants fitness. Companiescan reduce
    their exposure to negligent hiring claims.
  • SHRM Legal Report, 1999
  • A well-designed Internet system can be far more
    secure than many local computer network systems
    or intranets, and certainly more secure than
    paper and filing cabinets.In most areas,
    Internet-based assessment provides the potential
    for higher levels of control and securityTest
    scores are also potentially far more secure.
  • Bartram, D. (2000). Internet recruitment and
    selection Kissing frogs to find princes.
    International Journal of Selection and
    Assessment, 8 (4), December, 261-274.

Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • The Integrated Web Assessment Services Model
  • Replaces paper/pencil, PC-specific, and LAN
  • The Internet as software dispensary
  • Access from any Net machine becomes viable
  • XML Integration of test data flows with other

Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • Just-in-Time Delivery
  • Assessments can be ordered by qualified test
    administrators 24/7 from anywhere
  • Testing becomes mobile, matching the increased
    mobility of the test administrator company

Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • Actuarial-statistical Data and Reports
  • Scoring templates and PC-based diskettes not
  • Ordering, distribution, administration, scoring,
    and report delivery is totally electronic
  • Elimination of scoring errors improved

Trends in using online tools for assessment
Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • Integration - Applicant Tracking Staffing
    Management Applications

Posting Service
Posting Service
Test Engine
Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • 2003-2010 Mass adoption of web based assessment
  • New technology making testing more convenient
    .xml, wireless device access, mobile testing
  • High stakes testing moving to Internet
  • Standardized Education Tests
  • Government Pre-employment testing
  • Certification
  • Web Services allowing for integration of best of
    breed component applications via internet

Trends in using online tools for assessment
  • Multi-cultural/multi-language test calibration
  • Use of Java technology in addition to Active
    Server Pages
  • Enhanced delivery of images and interactive
    assessment stimuli
  • Multi-hurdle testing integrating remote and
    proctored testing sessions as progressive filters
  • Ongoing systemic integrations with other HR

Assessment Security
  • Many leading firms deploy remote testing
  • Internet a secure channel that delivers a test at
    the right time and place
  • For high-stakes testing can lock down delivery of
    the test to specific PCs

Assessment Security
  • Data transmission 128-bit SSL encrypted
  • Scoring is near real time and algorithms exist
  • ISP continually running intrusion analytics

Assessment Security
  • Online Testing
  • Consists of the presentation of a graphical user
    interface through which a candidate gains access
    to the test battery
  • No access the testing pages unless directly
    referred and supervised by an authorized test

Assessment Security
  • Test Administration
  • All testing is done under the control of the test
  • Functional security is completely granular and
    allows for rights to be granted or revoked for
    each individual function of the application

Assessment Security
  • Test Scoring
  • Test scoring performed off-line
  • The target user for this aspect of the system is
    simply an automated process without human
    intervention.Test Scoring is a batch process
    isolated from system users

Assessment Security
  • Data Transfer
  • Data is transferred to test centers in order for
    candidates to be scheduled and verified at the
    testing center. Raw data transfers to client also
  • Transfer is an automated process that does not
    involve human interaction

Lessons learned from enterprise clients
  • Select the right tools and medium for maximal
  • Fit for purpose
  • Specific to organisational needs
  • Global or local scope
  • Web-based
  • Open, standard technologies
  • Scalability is critical

Lessons learned from enterprise clients
  • Bells and whistles often complicate the testing
    process and drive up costs unnecessarily keep
    it simple.
  • Platform needs to be open to interfacing with
    your HRIS systems/ATS systems.
  • Large part of the I/O consideration is now
    focused on technology AND content

Lessons learned from enterprise clients
  • The customer is always right, sometimes
  • (often test or software skills, seldom both
    partnering is essential)
  • Efficiencies of scale and ROI are measurable and
    compelling set-up the ROI matrix before launch
  • Internet is a dynamic system and requires
    constant adjustment shrink-wrap and
    do-it-yourself web testing offerings invite

Case Study TSA Mandate
  • Staffing of security personnel screeners at 429
    federalized U.S. airports
  • Multi-faceted assessment center process to hire
    the best candidates
  • An automated solution
  • Responsive and flexible
  • Customer focused
  • Vendor Team designed to deliver the best
    possible solution. Best-of-Breeds
  • Drs. Elizabeth Kolmstetter Anne Quigley

Case Study TSA Mandate
  • Assess, Hire, Train and Deploy
  • Over 35,000 Federal Security Directors and
    Support Staff, Screener Supervisors, Team
    Leaders, and Screeners
  • 22,000 Baggage Screeners/Team

Case Study - TSA Mandate
  • Assess large number of candidates rapidly
  • Complex multi-step, multi-vendor assessment
  • Need for replication at multiple sites
  • Administrative analytic and monitoring tools

Case Study - TSA Solution
Case Study TSA Solution
  • Solution Integrated Web-Based Process
  • Integrate Content from Multiple Providers
  • Integrated Back Office For Multiple Vendors
  • ? Use Internet as Data Backbone

Case Study TSA Solution Five process
Case Study TSA Solution
  • Integrated Web Assessment Process Flow
  • Major Steps
  • Application and Qualification
  • Proctored Testing
  • Multi-phase Assessment Center Process

Case Study TSA Solution
Case Study TSA Application and
  • Application and Qualification
  • Job Posting
  • Candidate Job Application Form
  • Candidate Application Received
  • Candidate Notified of Eligibility
  • Scheduling of Proctored Testing

Case Study - TSA Proctored Testing
  • Proctored testing sites
  • Web-based scheduling
  • Web-based test delivery
  • Network of testing sites across U.S.
  • Mobile sites for remote or collateral coverage
  • Explicit protocol followed
  • Sites uniform in equipment
  • IP address control

Case Study TSA Proctored Testing
  • Timed test battery Multi- vendor
  • Java Applet technology
  • Connectivity needed for upload and download only
  • Encrypted intra-session back-up file
  • Encrypted transmission of data

Case Study TSA Proctored Testing
  • Testing systems and interface ergonomics
  • Mouse point and click response
  • Mouse tutorial
  • Scheduled breaks
  • Time display
  • Answers display
  • Simple review commands

Case Study - TSA Proctored Testing
  • Personality Inventory
  • Screener Object Recognition Test
  • Mental Rotation Test
  • English Proficiency Test
  • Alternate forms
  • Extended time versions for ADA accommodations

Case Study TSA Proctored Testing
  • Scored in 2-5 minutes (off-line servers)
  • Cut Score analyses for multiple positions
  • Decision immediately available

Case Study TSA Assessment Center
  • Dynamic performance forms and data stations
  • Administered at Assessment Centers across U.S.
  • Sequential process selects out/advances
    candidates based on scoring rules
  • Traveling Candidate Record
  • Authorized User access 24/7 for Real Time Review

Case Study TSA Assessment Center
  • Dashboard status tracking
  • Candidate status from testing to job offer
  • Importing of third-party vendor data
  • Exporting to other applications (HRIS)
  • Real Time Review capability

Case Study TSA Assessment Center
Medical Exam
Background Check
Case Study TSA Assessment Center
Case Study TSA Assessment Center
  • Interview
  • Customized interview per candidate
  • Driven by scalar analysis of proctored testing
  • Two concurrent interviewers
  • Interview data/findings entered directly into
    system in vivo

Case Study TSA Assessment Center
  • Data consolidated and scored according to
    pre-established rules
  • Scores automatically analyzed for eligibility
  • Candidate exited or advanced based on Interview
  • Status step updated in Dashboard

Case Study TSA Innovations
  • Real Time Review
  • Users need immediate access to status data to
    calibrate critical hiring
  • Web technology enables point-click access to real
    time data, including required summary analytics

Case Study TSA Innovations
  • Open Content
  • Integration of multi-partner assessment content
  • Multi-hurdle select-out model adapted due to
    stringent hiring eligibility criteria
  • Content travels with electronic candidate
    record through the sequence
  • Aggregate content data posted to TSA for analysis

Case Study TSA Innovations
  • Open System
  • xml data flows (web services)
  • Import of 3rd party assessment data and exports
    to required databases and applications
  • Dynamic status moves triggered by data decision
  • Integration of cutting-edge data management with
    traditional testing and assessment practices

Case Study TSA Volume
  • Job applications 59,689
  • Computerized tests scheduled 45,874
  • Computerized tests completed 29,256
  • Scheduled Phase II 9,316
  • Assessed Phase II 6,692
  • Computerized Centers (n450)

  • Web assessment services era
  • Seamless .xml data flow integrations
  • Best-of-Breed vendor collaboration for client
  • Automated multi-hurdle selection
  • Real Time review of relevant data
  • Synthetic reporting capabilities
  • Multi-site data harvesting
  • Scalability and cost containment
  • Leading government and corporate clients are
    demanding the model
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