Title: Great Depression
1Great Depression
- Aggressors emerged as democratic societies were
2The Great Depression
- ____ economy was holding up the rest of the
world, but it weakened - Uneven ____________ of wealth
- _______________ of business and agriculture
- Lessen demand for consumer goods most only make
______/year and Agriculture increased due to
__________ thus a surplus occurred
- Black Tuesday October 29, 1929- Stock Market
Crashes - Banks failed
- ΒΌ population was unemployed
- World trade drops 65
4Prices during the Great Depression
- Italy Benito ___________Il duce
- Fascism centered on private ownership with
____________ rules - Dictator
- Focus ______________ and militarism
- No opposing political parties, _____________,
controlled peoples lives
6Adolf Hitler der fuhrer
- 1933 Disbanded the Reichstag
- Passed Enabling Acts
- 1935 ____________ Laws
- 1939 concentration camps and ________(Heinrich
Himmler) - Rewrote history, rationed food, built _________
and stockpiled weapons
- Born in _________ in 1889
- Hated the ________ Government
- 1920 _____ Party or National Soviet Socialist
German Workers Party - 1923 Led failed Revolution wrote _____ Kampf
and preached of master race and living space
- Appealed to _______ class
- Totalitarian society used _______ secret police
- Put Germans to work building factories, highways,
weapons - Hitler ______ and League of German Girls
- Propaganda (Joseph __________)
8League of Nations Weaknesses
- October 1935 Mussolini invade Ethiopia
- 1935 _______ builds up army
- March 7, 1936 Hitler invades the Rhineland
- October 1936 _____________Axis, November adds
Japan - Mussolini and Hitler help ________ in Spain
- Britain and France have policy of ______________
- September 1938_________ Conference gives
Hitler Poland - August 23, 1939 _________________ Pact between
Russia and Germany - Hitler takes _____________, thus annex Austria
and Czechoslovakia
9Hitlers Lightning War
- September 1, _____ attacks Poland with Luftwaffe
and infantry (Herman Goering) - September 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war,
but too slow - Blitzkrieg ___________ ____ was successful
- November 1939-March 1940 ________ takes E.
Prussia, Estonia and defeats Finland
- The Phony War
- French on the _________ Line
- Germans on the Siegfried Line
- Called the _____________ until Hitler surprises
Denmark and Norway
10Maginot Line
- Approximately 5-6 million ______ were killed
12 World War II
13European Theatre (front)
- ___________ Campaign- Germany and Soviet Union
- Western Campaign- Germany vs. Great Britain,
United States and France - _______________ Campaign (North Africa and
Italy)- Germany, Italy vs. United States and
Great Britain
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15Allied Leadership in Europe
- Dwight _____________ Supreme Allied Commander
- George C. Marshall United States Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff - FDR ___________ ______, Isolationist,
Lend-Lease - Churchill Atlantic Charter w/ FDR
- Generals Bernard L. Montgomery and George Patton
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17Obstacles to overcome for Allies in Europe
- ___________ warfare in the Atlantic (wolfpacks)
- German __________ and the blitzkrieg
- Distance
- Atlantic defenses
18The Battle for France
- Hitler sweeps through Holland,_________ , and
Luxembourg towards France - May 26, ____ Belgium surrenders
- Hitler marches through the ________ (dense
forest) - Beaches of ________ rescue the French
- ______ enters war on June 10, 1940
- France Falls June __, 1940
- Henri _______ heads puppet govt in s. France
- Charles ___ ________ flees to London for govt in
19The Battle of Britain
- Britain faces Germany alone under Winston
___________ - Britain Royal ____ ______ (RAF)outnumbered
- Operation Sea _____
- Bombed airfields and night raids to break
________ - Britains advantages radar and ______
20United States Enters the War
- President___________
- wanted to stay isolated and neutral
- 1937 __________ Acts
- 1939 Cash and Carry
- ____________ Act pay at the end of the war for
- Japan brings US into the War
- December 7, 1941 ______ ______, Hawaii
- Most U.S. aircraft carriers out at sea
- Japanese not get the fuel depot
- 2hrs 2,400 died and 1,000 wounded
21Operation ______ (1942-43)
- Fought in North _____.
- Allies believed this was the best location to
begin assault on the Axis powers. - Largest _______ wars in history would be fought
- Great Britain- Gen. Bernard Montgomery (Monty)
- Germany- General Erwin _______ (Desert Fox)
- United States- General George S. _______Blood and
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23Results of Torch
- British defeat Germans at the Battle of El
Alamein. Protect the ___________ from Axis
control. - US/British drive Germans out of North _______
- Attention turns to ______- considered the soft
underbelly of the Axis defense in Europe.
24Invasion of Italy (1943-44)
- US/British making initial landing at ______.
- Large-scale __________ landings begin
- Major invasion on the mainland is in Salerno
- Allies capture control of Italy.
- Monty and ______ lead the assault.
- Attention focuses on _______.
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26Eastern Front
- Hitler wanted to take control of the _______
______. June 22, 1941 - He sent massive numbers of troops deep into
Soviet Union. - Their drive was halted at ______________
- The ________had caused much of the Nazi Army to
halt its surge. - Hitler missed opportunity for Soviet citizen
- _______ War rationing food, reduced speed limit
- 1944 18 million working (lots of women)
- ________ Riveter
- 1941-1946 ___________Americans Imprisoned
totaling 31,275 _____________Order 9066
28Operation OverlordD-Day
- The Big _______ Allies had agreed to put this
mainland assault off until they had better hold
in Europe. - Cross-Channel invasion is planned for
___________(Germans thought it would be Calais)
- The largest number of naval, air and land force
is assembled on the coast of Great Britain. - Invasion is to take place at ___________(designate
d June 6, 1944).
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- German _______________ was long prepared for
this assault. Hitler guessed wrong on its
location, however. - _________commanded Nazi army, Eisenhower
commanded the AEF. - The assault was fought on 5 beachheads- Utah,
________(Saving Private Ryan), Gold, ______ and
Sword. - ____million troops landed
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33Results of D-Day
- German army was overrun at Normandy.
- Allies broke out and reclaimed Paris.
- Nazi army/air force is in shambles.
- The western front and eastern front are
strangling the German army. - A major defense will be prepared by Hitler.
- August 25, 1944 _______liberated
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35The last days of fighting
- Battle of the ______ (December 1944)- last
major offensive by German army attacking Allied
defenses in Western France. Unsuccessful - _______ Army closes in from the West,
British/French/American armies close in on the
East. - _______ commits suicide April 30, 1945
- May 8, 1945 Germany surrenders (_____________ )
36War in the Pacific Theatre
- Japan captures much of _____________ islands
before the United States was prepared to fight. - United States will use a _________________
strategy of island hopping on its way to mainland
Japan. - The cost of fighting is going to be _____________
in terms of lives lost.
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38Leaders in the Pacific campaign
- United States
- General Douglas MacArthur- commander of Army
- Admiral Chester _________- commander of Naval
- Lt. Col. James _____________attacks Japan after
Pearl Harbor - Japan
- Admiral _____________Isoroku
39Key Events in war with Japan
- Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942)- first major
engagement that stopped Japanese aggression - Battle of Midway (1942)- turning point of war for
America. We gained a foothold in the Pacific
theatre. - Battle of Guadalcanal (Aug. 7, 1942) Island of
- Battle of the Philippines (June 1944)- regained
control after initial defeat - Iwo Jima (Mar. 1945)- location of heavy fighting
and casualties. - Okinawa (April 1945)- very hard fighting and many
lives lost. - US became convinced that millions could die in
land fight in Japan
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42The last days of fighting
- ______had become desperate. Supplies were
running out because of embargo. They were using
young teenage boys to fight. ___________
missions were taking place. - US develops a weapon of mass destruction.
Warnings were given earlier in the year that this
existed. (_____________ Project) - __________ decides to use the atomic bomb.
(August 1945)- 200,000 deaths by end of year
43Atomic Bomb
44The End
- ___________(B-29) drops the bomb
- August 6,1945 Hiroshima
- August 9, 1945 Nagasaki
- August 14, 1945 ________Surrenders
- September 2, 1945 on the ship, _________,
Hirohito signed peace agreement - ___years and one day after the beginning of WWII
- 16 million soldiers dead,___ million civilians
45Famous Quotes during WWII
- I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears
and sweat. - The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
- Today Europe! Tomorrow the world!
- Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will
live in infamy
46Pictures of World War II