Title: Teaching American History Forum
1Teaching American History Forum
- Peopling the American Past A Collaboration of 7
School Districts
2What do I use the forum for?
- Posting workshop reflections
- Posting book group reflections
- Posting replies/comments to other reflections
- Reading replies/comments to your own and others
3Why the forum format? Where is the forum?
- Online community to facilitate discussion
- Connected to the main website http//chnm.gmu.edu
/7tah/ - Collaboration gt Workshop Reflections or
- Collaboration gt Book Groups
- http//chnm.gmu.edu/7tah/forum/login.php
- After your username and password are created for
the first time you will receive a notification
4Logging In
- Username format First_Last (e.g. Elly_Greene)
- Password your first name with no spaces, all
lowercase (e.g. elly)
5TAH Main Forum Page
6TAH Main Forum Page
7TAH Main Forum Page
8TAH Main Forum Page
9TAH Main Forum Page
10Post a Reflection
- Locate the category you need to post to. (e.g.
Workshop Reflections) - Locate the forum you need to post to. (e.g.
Summer Institute) - Click on the forum title to enter the forum.
11Post a Reflection (contd)
- Inside the forum, you will see a list of the
program participants names. - Find your name and click on it to post your
12Post a Reflection (contd)
- You will see a screen with your name at the top
left. This screen is where your reflection and
all replies to it will be posted. (Notice that
the screen shows you in the Workshop forum called
Summer Institute.) - To post your reflection here, click on the post
reply button beneath your name.
13Post a Reflection (contd)
- You will see a box called Message body to write
your reflection in. (You can copy and paste text
from Word or any similar program in here.) - After you have finished writing your reflection,
press the submit button to post it. (If you
decide to first preview you must still click
submit or the reflection will not post!)
14Post a Reflection (contd)
- After posting a reflection you will be
redirected shortly after to see the message you
just created
15Posting a Reflection (final)
- After a reflection is posted, the moderator of
the forum will be notified via e-mail that you
have posted. - Every time someone posts a reply to or comments
on your reflection you will receive an e-mail.
This e-mail will also contain a link to the
16Reading and posting replies to other reflections
- You can read and post replies to everyone within
your group. - You can read all reflections from anyone who uses
the forum. - Groups are divided in the forum according to the
book groups.
17Read and post replies to other reflections
- 1. Once inside the forum you can see if
someone has posted their reflection if the
replies column next to someones name there has
a number greater than 0. - Click on someones name under the Topics
heading to read what theyve written and what
other people have replied. - To read other peoples reflections, go to the TAH
Main Forum Page and find the forum you wish to
read from. Click on the forum to enter it. - (e.g., Mount Vernon or Group 1)
18Reading other reflections and replies
- Other reflections and replies/comments will be
posted underneath the original reflection. Scroll
down to read them. - If you wish to reply/post a comment to a
reflection, click the post reply button. If you
wish to go back and read someones elses
reflection, you can click the back button or
click on the forum name (e.g. TAH Main Forum Page
gt Frederick Douglass House, click on Frederick
Douglass House).
19Posting replies to other reflections
- Enter a message in the box Message body in the
middle of the page. - Click the submit button to submit the reply.
(If you click the preview button first, you
must still click on submit to have your reply
actually post.)
20Posting replies to other reflections
- Your reply/comments to another reflection will
show right beneath the original reflection or
below the last reply/comments posted by someone
else. - Every time you respond to someone elses
reflection they will receive an e-mail
notification with a link to read what you have
21Other Forum Features
- Forum Instructions - posted guidelines, these
slides for step-by-step instructions - Search - search all the messages on the forum
- Memberlist - everyone using the forum
- Profile - your personal profile information
- Access to the memberlist for the forum
- Shows school affiliation, number of posts for a
user - E-mail button (will bring up a new window to send
an e-mail to that user)
- Change your e-mail address, school name, or
password - Create a signature with name, address, school,
contact information - Check a box to always attach signature if you
would like - Click submit for changes to take effect
24Logging Out
- To log out of the forums, simply click the log
out button in the top navigation bar. - To log back in, you can re-enter your username
and password on the next page that displays. - To get back to the Main TAH website, click on
the link to it from this final page.
25Questions, Comments, Help
- These slides will be on the main Teaching
American History/Peopling the Past website - http//chnm.gmu.edu/7tah/
- Collaboration gt Workshop Reflections and
- Collaboration gt Book Group Reflections
- Other questions or help, contact Patrice
Morston at pmortson_at_gmu.edu