Title: elegant, suave
1elegant, suave
2visit, stopover
3estrange, turn away, separate
4rectify, remedy, correct
5trickery, ruse
6penalizing, retaliatory
7bully, compel
8antagonist, opponent, rival
9model, tradition
11related to cooking
12continue, preserve
13expunge, remove
14insignificant, trivial
15decease, death
16pester, bedevil, annoy
17meditate, daydream, contemplate
18excite, enliven, stimulate
19blustery, harsh, stormy
20unproductive, inert,dormant
21related to cooking
22elegant, suave
23rectify, remedy, correct
24trickery, ruse
25penalizing, retaliatory
26bully, compel
27estrange, turn away, separate
28antagonist, opponent, rival
29model, tradition
31blustery, harsh, stormy
32continue, preserve
33visit, stopover
34expunge, remove
35unproductive, inert,dormant
36decease, death
37insignificant, trivial
38pester, bedevil, annoy
39excite, enliven, stimulate
40meditate, daydream, contemplate
41elegant, suave
42visit, stopover
43estrange, turn away, separate
44rectify, remedy, correct
45trickery, ruse
46penalizing, retaliatory
47bully, compel
48antagonist, opponent, rival
49model, tradition
51related to cooking
52continue, preserve
53expunge, remove
54insignificant, trivial
55decease, death
56pester, bedevil, annoy
57meditate, daydream, contemplate
58excite, enliven, stimulate
59blustery, harsh, stormy
60unproductive, inert,dormant
61related to cooking
62elegant, suave
63rectify, remedy, correct
64trickery, ruse
65penalizing, retaliatory
66bully, compel
67estrange, turn away, separate
68antagonist, opponent, rival
69model, tradition
71blustery, harsh, stormy
72continue, preserve
73visit, stopover
74expunge, remove
75unproductive, inert,dormant
76decease, death
77insignificant, trivial
78pester, bedevil, annoy
79excite, enliven, stimulate
80meditate, daydream, contemplate