Discrimination and Harassment Awareness Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discrimination and Harassment Awareness Training


A gay employee is repeatedly sent emails from co-workers with jokes about 'fags. ... A manager is made uncomfortable by an employee who tells sexually explicit jokes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discrimination and Harassment Awareness Training

Discrimination and Harassment Awareness Training
  • Pittsburg State University

  • Jamie Brooksher
  • PSU Director of Equal Opportunity
  • Associate General Counsel
  • Russ Hall, room 218
  • jbrooksh_at_pittstate.edu
  • 620-235-4189
  • http//www.pittstate.edu/office/eoaa/
  • Investigate sexual harassment and discrimination
    claims, and do trainings, provide accommodations
    for students and employees with disabilities


  • What do you think of when someone talks about
  • Do you think discrimination is common?

PSUs Policy
  • Pittsburg State University is committed to a
    policy of educational equity. Accordingly, the
    University admits students, grants financial aid
    and scholarships, conducts all educational
    programs, activities, and employment practices
    without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
    national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital
    status, ancestry or disabilities.

Federal and State Laws
  • Federal Laws
  • Title VII
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Federal Executive Orders
  • Equal Pay Act
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  • Title IX
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • Plus Others

Federal and State Laws
  • State Law
  • Kansas Act Against Discrimination
  • Kansas Age Discrimination In Employment Act
  • Kansas Human Rights Commission

What is discrimination?
  • People discriminate every day, but not all
    discrimination is illegal.
  • What is illegal discrimination?
  • Protected classes.
  • Race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
    marital status, ancestry or disabilities.
  • Sexual orientation.

Employment Discrimination
  • The employee must show that an adverse employment
    action was motivated by the individuals
    protected class, rather than by a neutral reason,
    unrelated to the protected class.
  • OR
  • Harassment on the basis of the protected class
    that is so severe and pervasive that it changes
    the nature of the environment.

Race and Color
  • Examples
  • A less qualified white employee is promoted over
    a more qualified black employee, because of his
  • Several factory workers get together and hang a
    noose to insult a black worker.
  • Black workers with dark skin who start a fight at
    work are punished but black workers with lighter
    skin who start a fight at work are not, because
    the supervisor prefers lighter skin.
  • A black employees coworkers make daily racial
    jokes and use racist language when talking to the

  • Examples
  • A supervisor finds out one of her employees is
    Jewish and she doesnt like Jews, so she doesnt
    give the employee a good evaluation, even th0ugh
    the employee did a good job.
  • A LDS workers co-workers repeatedly make
    derogatory comments about Mormons all being
  • A Muslim worker asks to take a vacation day for a
    Holy day and is denied by his supervisor because
    the supervisor doesnt think Muslims should be
    allowed to practice in the US.

Sex and Marital Status
  • Examples
  • The employer requires female workers to wear an
    uncomfortable uniform, but male workers can wear
    normal office attire.
  • A female employee applies for a promotion and a
    less qualified male employee is promoted instead.
  • A supervisor doesnt offer plum work assignments
    that require traveling to married women with
  • The women in the company are paid less than the
    men, even though they have the same
    qualifications and job duties.
  • These are examples of sex discrimination only,
    not sexual harassment, which we will discuss

National Origin and Ancestry
  • Treating someone less favorably because he or she
    comes from a particular place, because of his or
    her ethnicity or accent, or because it is
    believed that he or she has a particular ethnic
  • Examples
  • An Arab-Americans coworkers regularly call him
    names like "camel jockey and "the local
    terrorist," and intentionally embarrass him in
    front of customers by claiming that he is
  • A Hispanic man with a few years of experience as
    a waiter, is hired at a restaurant and states a
    preference for a server position. Believing that
    Hispanic employees would be better suited for
    positions with limited public contact the manager
    offers Carlos a position in food preparation even
    though he is as well qualified to be a server.

  • Persons who are over the age of 40 are in this
    protected class.
  • Examples
  • A 60 year old employee is fired and replaced with
    a 25 year old because the company wants young
  • A 49 year old woman is fired for something
    insignificant after working 9.5 of the 10 years
    needed to earn her pension.
  • A well qualified 50 year old is overlooked for a
    promotion in favor of a 25 year old, less
    qualified individual because it is cheaper to
    promote the 25 year old.

Sexual Orientation
  • Not a federally protected class, but PSU has
    designated it as such.
  • Examples
  • A gay employee is repeatedly sent emails from
    co-workers with jokes about fags.
  • A lesbian employee is fired from her job for
    surfing the internet while at work. Other
    non-homosexual employees surfed the internet and
    did not get fired. Her supervisor fired her
    because she doesnt want to work with a lesbian.
  • A homosexual supervisor does not give a raise to
    the heterosexual employee in his division, but
    does give one to the other homosexual employee.
    Both employees had the same work performance.

  • Examples
  • A supervisor does not provide an accommodation
    when the employee requests it.
  • Co-workers make rude comments about an employees
    disability at work.
  • A disabled employee is not offered an assignment
    that he is qualified for because the supervisor
    does not want to provide the necessary
    accommodation it would take for the employee to
    do the job.
  • Well discuss accommodations later in the

How to Respond to Discrimination
  • If you are a supervisor
  • You have a duty to report it ASAP.
  • You have a duty to stop harassment.
  • Document everything.
  • If you are a victim or a co-worker of a victim
  • Report the discrimination/harassment.
  • If it is harassment, make it known it is not
  • Document everything.

Disability Accomodation
  • A person with a disability
  • has a mental or physical impairment which
    substantially limits one or more of such person's
    major life activities.
  • has a record of such an impairment or
  • is regarded as having such an impairment.
  • "Major life activities" includes functions such
    as caring for one's self, performing manual
    tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking,
    breathing, learning and working.
  • The Equal Opportunity Office provides
    accommodations and makes the analysis of whether
    or not there is a disability.

How to Respond to Disabilities
  • If you are a supervisor
  • Be cautious any time an employee mentions any
    kind of sickness or medical issue, even if you
    dont think it is a disability.
  • Contact me at the Equal Opportunity office right
  • If an employee requests any type of
    accommodation, direct them to the Equal
    Opportunity office.

How to Respond to Disabilities
  • If you have a disability or think you might have
    a disability
  • Contact the EO office by phone, email or stopping
  • All inquiries can remain confidential initially.
  • See our webpage about disability accommodation
  • Ill meet with the employee/student to discuss
    what the disability is, then have the
    employee/student get documentation from their


  • What do you think of when you hear sexual

Examples of Sexual Harassment
  • A supervisor implies to an employee that the
    employee must sleep with him to keep a job
  • An office clerk makes demeaning comments about
    female customers to his coworkers
  • A manager is made uncomfortable by an employee
    who tells sexually explicit jokes
  • A secretarys coworkers refer to her by sexist
    terms, like Hey baby.
  • An employee send out a joke email with sexually
    explicit language.

What is Sexual Harassment?
  • Complicated definition.
  • Two different kinds of sexual harassment.
  • Basically
  • Sexual harassment is UNWANTED, UNWELCOME
    attention directed toward a persons sexuality or
    sexual identity

How is sexual harassment illegal?
  • Federal Law
  • State Law
  • PSU policy
  • Kansas Board of Regents Policy

Pittsburg State University Policy
  • Sexual discrimination in the form of sexual
    harassment, defined as the use of one's authority
    or power to coerce another into unwanted sexual
    relations or to punish another for his/her
    refusal, or the creation by a member of the
    University community of an intimidating, hostile,
    or offensive working education environment
    through repetitive verbal or physical conduct of
    a sexual nature, shall be a violation of
    Pittsburg State University's Affirmative Action

Pittsburg State University Policy
  • In other words
  • Using your authority to
  • Coerce someone into UNWANTED sexual relations or
  • Punishing them for refusing to participate
  • OR
  • Creating with your repetitive actions an
    intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

What are the consequences of sexual harassment?
  • Federal and State Law
  • Ordered to pay damages in a lawsuit that is
    public record.
  • PSU
  • Terminated from job at the worst, severe
    sanctions at the least.

Two Kinds of Sexual Harassment
  • Quid Pro Quo
  • Use of ones authority or power to coerce another
    into unwanted sexual relations or to punish
    another for his/her refusal.
  • Hostile Work Environment
  • Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
    working or education environment through
    repetitive verbal or physical conduct- of a
    sexual nature.

Quid Pro Quo
  • Often seen on movies, like Disclosure with Demi
  • A threat that an educational or employment
    decision may be affected by an unwillingness to
    tolerate or accept sexual attentions OR
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is
    used as the basis for educational or employment
  • Illegal whether the victim resists or submits

Examples of Quid Pro Quo
  • Sexual Bribery- soliciting sexual favor by
    promise of reward
  • Promotions, raises, preferential use of
    equipment, valued assignment, favorable
  • Threatened termination.
  • Threatened or given
  • Negative recommendations or references
  • Negative performance evaluations
  • Withholding promotions
  • Disciplinary action

Examples of Quid Pro Quo
  • If you dont go out on a date with me, I wont
    let you go to that conference you want to go to
    this year.
  • If you dont flirt with me I wont tell you about
    important meetings that you need to be at to
    succeed here.
  • If you let me touch you inappropriately I will
    give you an A in this class.

Hostile Work Environment
  • Classic example in movie, North Country with
    Charlize Theron
  • Conduct so pervasive it changes the nature of the
  • Usually more than one occasion, but if severe
    enough, one occasion is sufficient

Examples of Hostile Environment
  • Seductive Behavior-unwanted, inappropriate and
    offensive sexual advances
  • Repeated unwanted sexual invitations, insistent
    requests for dinner, drinks or dates, persistent
    letters, giving personal gifts, phone calls
  • Gender Harassment- generalized sexist statements
    and behavior about women
  • Insulting remarks, offensive graffiti, whistling
    at someone, cat calls, obscene jokes or humor
    about sex or women in general

Examples of Hostile Environment
  • Sexual Comments or Gestures- have sexual content
    or implications
  • Remarks or questions about sexual life,
    simulating sexual acts, talking about ones own
    sex life, staring, elevator eyes, sexual teasing,
    sexual jokes
  • Sexual Imposition- unwanted touching
  • Including grabbing, hugging, feeling, kissing,
    patting, stroking, neck massage or sexual assault

Examples of Hostile Environment
  • Hey baby, you look good in that skirt.
  • You got a boyfriend? Does he satisfy you?
  • Women are all bitches when they are on diets.
  • You need a real man.
  • When is the last time you got laid?
  • Giving a co-worker an unwanted, offensive
    shoulder rub when you walk by.
  • Showing co-workers pornography.

What to do if you experience sexual harassment
  • First, tell the harasser to stop.
  • Explain that the conduct or conversation is not
  • Second, document the behavior.
  • Write down who, what, where, when and how.
  • Report the behavior to someone you feel
    comfortable telling, like your supervisor or the
    director of equal opportunity.

What to do if you experience sexual harassment
  • Retaliation against persons who file a sexual
    harassment complaint is a violation of PSUs
    policy and the law
  • If your supervisor does not address the problem,
    or if your supervisor is the harasser, report the
    incidents directly to the Director of Equal

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • A conscientious effort will be made to redress
    through this process and resolve difficulties at
    the lowest level possible.
  • Whenever possible, however, students, employees
    and supervisors are encouraged to discuss freely
    any potential problems or misunderstandings with
    concerned parties as they arise in an effort to
    avoid the necessity of activating this Grievance

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step A
  • Contact the Director of Equal Opportunity to air
    your grievance. This discussion should include
    the specific alleged act(s) of discrimination and
    related incidents and the names of persons
  • If possible, the Director will then supply
    information concerning policies, procedures which
    will resolve the complaint or bring about a
    satisfactory understanding, such that further
    action is not required.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step B
  • If further investigation is in order, the
    grievant will be informed, and the Director of
    Equal Opportunity will conduct an informal
    investigation, discussing the problem with the
    involved parties.
  • The grievant may be called upon during this
    process to meet with the Director of Equal
    Opportunity and and the individual(s) against
    whom the grievance is charged.
  • Attempts will be made at this point to
    satisfactorily resolve the complaint.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step C
  • Failing resolution through Steps A and B, the
    Director of Equal Opportunity shall notify the
    grievant of investigation results.
  • The grievant has the option of accepting said
    results or proceeding to the next step.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step D
  • The grievant then has 10 class days to submit to
    the Director of Equal Opportunity a written
    Request for Hearing giving full details of the
    alleged act(s) of discrimination.
  • The Director of Equal Opportunity will offer
    assistance if needed in preparation of the
    Request, which will be presented to the
    Discrimination Grievance Committee.
  • Every effort will be made to conduct a hearing at
    the earliest time, no more than 15 class days
    from the time of the request.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step E
  • The grievant and the individual(s) charged will
    be notified of the time and date of said hearing
    and will be given ample time to prepare a
    presentation, if they so choose.
  • Either party may seek advice concerning the
    hearing from any person such as a faculty member,
    parent, department chairperson, and they may also
    be accompanied to the hearing by an advisor of
    their choice. The advisor(s) may speak if so
  • Either party may request removal of any one
    voting member of the committee by showing
    evidence of bias, in writing, to the Chairperson,
    two days prior to the time of the hearing. The
    consideration of the alleged biased member will
    be upheld if a majority of the committee supports
    the claim.
  • The Director of Equal Opportunity will be present
    at all hearings, but will vote only in case of a

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step F
  • The Discrimination Grievance Committee will
    conduct an appropriate hearing to gather
    additional evidence pertaining to the issue. The
    Director of Equal Opportunity shall present
    background information, citing investigation
    findings and results. No other member of the
    committee shall be involved in the investigation
    of the incident.
  • During the hearing, all parties shall have the
    opportunity to testify. Hearings are evaluations
    by members of the college community and are not
    legal courts. Cross examination is the
    prerogative of the grievant, the charged party,
    and the committee.
  • The actual proceedings of the committee after
    these presentations, however, shall be closed and
    confidential. The Director of Equal Opportunity
    will give recommendations for solutions and will
    advise the committee of applicable laws and
    federal regulations.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step G
  • Within five (5) class days of the conclusion of
    the hearing, the committee will render a written
    decision concerning its findings, will make
    recommendations to the President for redress, if
    necessary, and will inform all involved parties
    of the same.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step H
  • If the recommendation(s) reached is acceptable,
    the grievant will notify the Director of Equal
    Opportunity of same, and the matter will be
    considered resolved.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
  • Step I
  • The grievant has the right to appeal the
    recommendation(s) of the Discrimination Grievance
    Committee to the President. Notification of this
    intent should be made to the Director of Equal
    Opportunity within five (5) class days of the
    committees option. The President shall receive
    the appealed case and will make the final ruling
    on campus. This decision will be communicated to
    all interested parties within five (5) class
  • Provided the decision of the President is
    unacceptable to the grievant, he/she may appeal
    to the appropriate federal/state reviewing
    agencies and/or to the courts.

Contact Information
  • Jamie Brooksher
  • PSU Director of Equal Opportunity
  • Associate General Counsel
  • Russ Hall, room 218
  • jbrooksh_at_pittstate.edu
  • 620-235-4189
  • http//www.pittstate.edu/office/eoaa/
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