Chapter 1 Major Themes of Anatomy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1 Major Themes of Anatomy


Comparative anatomy is the study of more than one species to analyze evolutionary trends ... Vesalius accurately illustrated gross anatomy in 1543 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 1 Major Themes of Anatomy

Chapter 1Major Themes of Anatomy Physiology
  • Structure and Function
  • Origins of Biomedical Science
  • Scientific Method
  • Human Evolution
  • Nature of Life
  • Homeostasis

Anatomy - The Study of Form
  • Observation of surface structure
  • Cadaver dissection is cutting separation of
    tissues to study their relationships
  • Comparative anatomy is the study of more than one
    species to analyze evolutionary trends
  • Physical examination
  • palpation, auscultation, percussion
  • Gross anatomy is what is visible with naked eye
  • Histology is examination of cells with microscope

Physiology - The Study of Function
  • Study of bodily functions by use of methods of
    experimental science
  • Comparative physiology involves the study of
    different species
  • Basis for the development of new drugs and
    medical procedures

Beginnings of Medicine
  • Physicians in Mesopotamia Egypt 3000 years ago
    used herbal drugs, salts physical therapy
  • Greek physician Hippocrates established a code of
    ethics urged physicians to seek causes of
  • Aristotle called causes for disease physiologi
    said that complex structures are built from
    simpler parts
  • Galen, physician to the Roman gladiators, saw
    science as a method of discovery
  • did animal dissections since use of cadavers
  • wrote book advising followers to trust their own

Birth of Modern Medicine
  • Little advancement during the Middle ages since
    medicine was taught as dogma with no new ideas
  • Avicenna from Muslim world supported free inquiry
    over authority
  • wrote The Canon of Medicine, used in medical
    schools until 16th century
  • Vesalius accurately illustrated gross anatomy in
  • Harvey realized blood flow out from heart back
    in 1628
  • Leeuwenhoek invented microscope to look at
    fabrics (1632-1723)
  • Hooke and Zeiss (1830)developed improved
    compound microscope (wrote Micrographia in 1665)
  • Schleiden Schwann thought that all organisms
    were composed of cells -- cell theory of 1839
  • Clinical practice was in dismal state
  • bleeding patients to remove toxins, operate with
    dirty hands, no anesthesia for amputations

Living in a Revolution
  • Pioneers in establishing the scientific way of
    thinking occurred in 19th 20th centuries
  • germ theory of disease
  • mechanisms of heredity structure of DNA
  • Now, on threshold of modern biomedical science
  • Technology enhanced diagnostic ability
    life-support strategies
  • Verge of a genetic revolution due to library of
    the molecular structure of every human gene

Scientific Method
  • Bacon (1561-1626) and Descartes (1596-1650)
  • were not scientists but did invent new habits of
    scientific thought
  • scientific method as habits of disciplined
    creativity, careful observations, logical
    thinking analysis of observations
  • way of seeking trends drawing generalizations
  • Convinced governments of England France to form
    academies of science that still exist today
  • Scientific way of thinking based on assumptions
    methods that are reliable, objective testable

Inductive Method
  • First described by philosopher Francis Bacon
  • Making observations until capable of drawing
    generalizations and making predictions
  • anatomy is a product of inductive method
  • Proof in science can not go past proved beyond
    reasonable doubt
  • reliable methods of observation
  • tested and confirmed repeatedly
  • not falsified by any credible observation
  • In science, all truth is tentative

Hypothetico-Deductive Method
  • Physiological knowledge gained by this method
  • Ask a question and formulate a hypothesis -- an
    educated possible answer
  • Good hypothesis
  • consistent with what is already known
  • capable of being tested and falsified
  • Falsifiability means that certain evidence would
    prove something wrong
  • if nothing could prove it wrong, it is not a
    scientific belief

Proper Experimental Design
  • Sufficient sample size to prevent chance event
  • Control group receiving the same treatment except
    for the variable being tested
  • Prevention of psychosomatic effects
  • use of placebo in control group
  • Experimenter bias
  • prevented with double-blind study
  • Statistical testing to be sure the difference
    between groups was not random, but was due to
    variable being tested

Peer Review
  • Critical evaluation by other experts in the field
  • Ensures honesty, objectivity quality in science

Facts, Laws and Theories
  • Scientific fact is information that can be
    independently verified by any trained person
  • iron deficiency leads to anemia
  • Law of nature is a generalization about the way
    matter and energy behave -- resulting from
    inductive reasoning repeated observations
  • first law of thermodynamics is that energy can be
    converted from one form to another but not
  • Theory is an explanatory statement that makes
    predictions and suggests areas for further study
  • sliding filament theory, fluid-mosaic theory,
    cell theory

Human Evolution
  • Charles Darwin proposed the theory of natural
    selection to explain how species originate and
    change through time
  • On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
    Selection (1859)
  • The Descent of Man (1871) discussed human
    evolution our relationships to other animals
  • Changed our view of our origin, our nature our
    place in the universe
  • Good understanding of our evolutionary history
    deepens our understanding of form function

Evolution, Selection, and Adaptation
  • Evolution is change in genetic composition of a
    population of organisms
  • development of bacterial resistance to
    antibiotics, new strains of AIDS virus and new
  • Theory of natural selection
  • some individuals have hereditary advantages
    (adaptations) enabling them to produce more
  • if they pass these characteristics on it brings
    about a genetic change in the population
  • forces that favor some individuals over others
    are called selection pressures -- climate,
    disease, etc.

Evidence of Human Evolution
  • DNA hybridization suggests a difference of only
    1.6 in DNA structure between humans
  • Evolutionary developments help explain some
    aspects of our anatomy
  • arrector pili muscle in the skin have no use
  • auricularis muscles do not move in most people
  • Evolutionary relationships help us chose animals
    for biomedical research
  • rats mice used extensively

Life in the Trees
  • Origin of primates began 60 million years ago
  • Squirrel-sized, insect-eating mammals became
    arboreal probably due to safety, food supply
    lack of competition
  • shoulder became more mobile (reach any direction)
  • thumbs became opposable to be able to encircle
    branches with thumb fingers (prehensile)
  • forward-facing eyes provide (depth perception)
  • judge distances accurately to jump catch prey
  • color vision to distinguish ripe fruit
  • larger brains good memory to remember food

Walking Upright
  • African forest became grassland 5 million years
  • Bipedalism (standing walking on 2 legs) evolved
  • spot predators, carry food or infants
  • Adaptations for bipedalism
  • pelvis, femur, knee, great toe, arch, skull,
    vertebrae, etc.
  • Australopithecus (2.5mya) gave rise Homo habilis
  • taller, larger brain volume, speech, tool-making
  • Homo erectus (1.1mya) and Homo sapiens (.3mya)
  • Homo sapiens include Neanderthal Cro-Magnon

Primate Phylogeny
What is Life?
  • Properties that distinguish from nonliving
  • organization cellular composition
  • biochemical composition (DNA, proteins, etc)
  • metabolism is transformation of molecules into
  • responsiveness is ability to sense react to
  • homeostasis is to maintain stable internal
  • development is change over time (growth or
  • reproduction is producing copies of themselves
  • evolution is genetic change between generations
  • Clinical death is no brain waves for 24 hours

What is a Human?
  • Phylum Chordata
  • Subphylum Vertebrata
  • Class Mammalia
  • Order Primates
  • Family Hominidae
  • Genus Homo
  • Species Homo sapiens

Human classification within the kingdom Animalia.
Our Chordate Characteristics
  • Notochord
  • flexible rod on upper side of body -- replaced
    by vertebral column during development
  • Dorsal hollow nerve cord
  • Gill pouches
  • bulges in throat region develop into gills in
    fish amphibians
  • Postanal tail
  • GI tracts end before end of tail
  • tail in humans visible only in embryo

Our Vertebrate Characteristics
  • Subphylum Vertebrata
  • Characteristics of all
  • internal skeleton
  • jointed vertebral (spinal) column
  • well developed brain sense organs
  • cranium to protect the brain

Our Mammalian Characteristics
  • Class Mammalia
  • Characteristics of all
  • mammary glands for nourishment of young
  • hair to retain body heat
  • endothermy is ability to generate most of body
  • heterodonty is possession of varied types of
  • single lower jawbone provides for better chewing
  • 3 middle ear bones

Primate Hominid Characteristics
  • Order Primates
  • Characteristics of all
  • 4 upper and lower incisors for front cutting
  • pair of clavicles (collarbones)
  • only 2 mammary glands
  • pendulous penis, attached only at base
  • forward-facing eyes with stereoscopic vision
  • flat nails in place of claws
  • opposable thumbs
  • Family Hominidae are only bipedal primates
  • Homo sapiens are only surviving species

Structure - A Hierarchy of Complexity
  • Subatomic particles compose atoms
  • Atoms compose molecules
  • Molecules compose organelles
  • Organelles compose cells
  • Cells compose tissues
  • Tissues compose organs
  • Organs compose organ systems
  • Organ systems compose the organism

  • Hippocrates noted that body normally returns to a
    state of equilibrium by itself
  • needs to detect the change oppose it
  • Walter Cannon (1871-1945) coined the term
    homeostasis indicating stable internal
  • Internal environment described as dynamic
  • fluctuates within a range around a certain set

Negative Feedback and Stability
  • Mechanism to keep a variable close to its set
  • Body senses a change activates mechanisms to
    reverse it

Negative Feedback, Set Point
  • Room temperature does not stay at set point of 68
    degrees -- it only averages 68 degrees

Human Thermoregulation
  • Temperature sensing nerve cells in base of brain
    control shivering, sweating vasomotor activity
  • vasodilation vasoconstriction
  • Evaporation of water heat radiation occur

Structures Needed for Feedback Loop
  • Receptor structure that senses change
  • stretch receptors in heart large blood vessels
    send information of an elevated BP to integrator
  • Integrator control center
  • cardiac center in brainstem that signals heart to
  • Effector structures that carry out commands of
    the control center
  • heart slows and BP decreases

Positive Feedback Loops
  • Self-amplifying cycle in which a physiological
    change leads to an even greater change in the
    same direction
  • Normal way of producing changes during birth,
    blood clotting, protein digestion generation of
    nerve signals

  • If temperature rises above 108 degrees
  • metabolic rate increases causing body to produce
    heat faster still
  • Temperature increases cycle repeats again
  • Fatal at 113 degrees

Review of Major Themes
  • Unifying principles behind all aspects of human
    anatomy and physiology
  • cell theory all structure function result from
    the activity of cells
  • homeostasis maintaining stable conditions within
    the body
  • evolution the body is a product of evolution,
    molded by years of natural selection
  • hierarchy of structure levels of complexity
  • unity of form and function physiology can not be
    separated from anatomy

Noninvasive Medical Imaging
  • Radiography
  • x-rays discovered by William Roentgen in 1885
  • penetrate soft tissues of body darken
    photographic film on other side of the body
  • Sonography
  • handheld device produces high-frequency
    ultrasound waves and receives echoes back from
    internal organs
  • obstetrics uses to locate placenta, evaluate
    fetal age, position and development
  • used medically in the 1950s but little value
    until computers could develop differences in

Noninvasive Medical Imaging
  • Computed Tomography (CT scan)
  • low-intensity X rays applied to the body
  • computer analysis produces an image of a slice of
    the body about as thin as a coin from which a
    three-dimensional image of the body is
  • tumors, aneurysms, hemorrhages, kidney stones,
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • magnetic field aligns hydrogen atoms radio waves
    realign the atoms when radio is turned off the
    atoms give off energy depending on tissue type
  • computer analysis produces a slice type image

Noninvasive Medical Imaging
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • assesses the metabolic state of a tissue
  • injection of radioactively labeled glucose emits
    positrons colliding positrons electrons give
    off gamma rays that are analyzed by computer
  • color image which tissue were using glucose at
    the moment
  • extent of damaged heart tissue
  • activity of brain of neurology patients
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