H' P' Lovecraft - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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H' P' Lovecraft


Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 38.2 (Fall 1997): 175-92. ... Los Angeles Science Fiction Society. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. 78-95. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: H' P' Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft
Trends in Scholarship
Limits Trends
  • What I am not considering
  • Anything before 1990 The 80s were dominated by
    Lovecraft Studies, a journal that received little
    exposure outside of the established circle of
    Lovecraft devotees. While I have consulted
    earlier works to establish a background for my
    readings, I will not be discussing them directly.
  • Anything from Lovecraft Studies (see the note
  • Biographical concerns My review focuses
    primarily on Lovecrafts fiction writing,
    influences on his writing, and the development of
    his approach to horror writing.
  • Derivatives and influences There are countless
    derivative works and many authors who claim HPL
    as an influence
  • Major trends in scholarship on which I will
  • The continued arguments over the definition of
    the Cthulhu mythos and HPLs approach to horror
  • The shifts in critical approaches to HPLs
  • The importance of place and tradition in HPLs
  • The emergence of HPL his criticism from the

Bare Bones Lovecrafts Life 1890 1937
  • Born in Providence, RI (The importance of place,
    and particularly New England, will be a defining
    aspect of Lovecrafts work.)
  • Wrote widely and extensively amateur journalism,
    poetry, letters, and the fiction for which he is
    best known.
  • During his lifetime, he was well knownand
    respected only in the arenas ofamateur
    journalism and weird fiction,such as that
    published in Weird Tales.

After His Death1930s 40s
  • August Derleth Donald Wandrei formedArkham
    House in 1939 to preserve andpublish his work.
  • Derleth was largely responsible for the initial
    construction (and many argue misconception) of
    the Cthulhu Mythos
  • W. Paul Cookfriend, supporter, and criticwas
    concerned about popular and critical treatment of
  • Cook, W. Paul. In Memoriam Howard Phillips
    Lovecraft Recollections, Appreciations,
    Estimates. North Montpelier The Driftwind Press,
  • Cook, W. Paul. A Plea for Lovecraft. The Ghost
    3 (1945) 55-56.Irreparable harm is being done
    to Lovecraft by indiscriminate and even
    unintelligent praise, by lack of unbiased and
    intelligent criticism, and by a warped sense of
    what is due him in the way of publication of his

Early Reception Criticism40s 50s
  • Early reactions to Lovecraft fell into three
    camps fandom adoration, scholarly admiration,
    and critical rejection.
  • Lebier, Fritz. A Literary Copernicus.
    Something About Cats and Other Pieces. H. P.
    Lovecraft. Sauk City Arkham House Publishers,
    1949.Howard Phillips Lovecraft was the
    Copernicus of the horror story. He shifted the
    focus of the supernatural dread from man and his
    little world and his gods, to the stars and the
    black and unplumbed gulfs of intergalactic space.
    To do this effectively, he created a new kind of
    horror story and new methods for telling it.
  • Wilson, Edmund. Tales of the Marvellous and
    Ridiculous. The New Yorker 24 Nov. 1945.The
    only real horror in most of these fictions is the
    horror of bad taste and bad art. Lovecraft was
    not a good writer. The Lovecraft cult, I fear,
    is on even a more infantile level than the Baker
    Street Irregulars and the cult of Sherlock

Fandom the Fantastique1960s 70s
  • Much early writings about Lovecraft camefrom
    fantasy fandom, were full of errors
    and,according to later scholars,
    misconceptionsabout HPLs life and works.
  • Some of the major scholarly works include
  • Lévy, Maurice. Lovecraft, Ou Du Fantastique.
    ParisChristian Bourgois, 1972.
  • de Camp, L. Sprague. Lovecraft A Biography.
    GardenCity Doubleday Co., 1975.
  • St. Armand, Barton Levi. H. P. Lovecraft New
    EnglandDecadent. Albuquerque Silver Scarab,
  • Lin Carter, Frank Belknap Long,
    DarrelSchweitzer,and Richard L. Tierney
    alsoproduced works on Lovecrafts life
    andDerleths mythos.

The Rise of Lovecraft Studies1980s
  • Necronomicon Press was founded in 1979and began
    publishing Lovecraft Studies.
  • During the 80s, nearly all scholarlyarticles
    appeared in Lovecraft Studies.
  • Major trends and scholars included
  • Robert Price (with David Schultz) Revising the
    Cthulhu Mythos as originally cast by August
  • Steven Mariconda analysis of Lovecrafts style
    and imagery
  • Donald Burleson structuralist /
    deconstructionist criticism besides articles in
    Lovecraft Studies, Burleson also
    publishedBurleson, Donald R. H. P. Lovecraft A
    Critical Study. Westport Greenwood Press, 1983.

  • S. T. Joshi became the dominantLovecraft
    scholar his contributionsduring this decade
    consisted mainlyof editing Lovecraft Studies and
    HPLsfiction for the Arkham House editionsand
    compiling previous scholarship.
  • Joshi, S. T. H. P. Lovecraft Four Decades of
    Criticism. Athens Ohio University Press, 1980.
  • Joshi, S. T. H. P. Lovecraft and Lovecraft
    Criticism An Annotated Bibliography. Kent Kent
    State University Press, 1981. (Supplemented in
  • Joshi, S. T. H. P. Lovecraft. Starmont Reader's
    Guide. Ed. Roger C. Schlobin. Vol. 13. Mercer
    Island Starmont House, 1982.

  • Of the few articles during this time that did not
    appear in Lovecraft Studies, those with any
    larger significance rely on their relation to
    other literary figures.
  • Burleson, Donald R. Lovecraft The Hawthorne
    Influence. Extrapolation 22.3 (1981) 262-64.
  • Cannon, Peter. "The Return of Sherlock Holmes and
    H. P. Lovecraft." Baker Street Journal 34 (1984)
  • Price, Robert M. "Stephen King and the Lovecraft
    Mythos." Discovering Stephen King. Ed. Darrell
    Schweitzer. Vol. 8. Starmont Studies in Literary
    Criticism Mercer Island Starmont, 1985. 109-22.
  • Cannon, Peter. H. P. Lovecraft. Twayne's United
    States Authors Series. Boston Twayne Publishers,
  • The dominance of Lovecraft Studies helped to
    encourage dialogue among Lovecraft scholars.
    However, the journals lack of exposure or review
    outside of the Lovecraft circle kept HPLs study
    isolated from the larger scholarly arena (a
    problem faced by most literature of the

Revived Deconstructed1990s
  • This decade started with a helpful collection
    Joshi, S. T. and David E. Schultz, ed. An
    Epicure in the TerribleA Centennial Anthology
    of Essays in Honor of H. P. Lovecraft.Rutherford
    Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1991.
  • S. T. Joshi moved from editor and
    bibliographerto biographer and critic.
  • Joshi, S. T. The Weird Tale Arthur Machen, Lord
    Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, M.R. James, Ambrose
    Bierce, H.P. Lovecraft. Austin University of
    Texas Press, 1990.
  • Joshi, S. T. H. P. Lovecraft The Decline of the
    West. Mercer Island Starmont House, 1990.
  • Joshi, S. T. H. P. Lovecraft A Life. West
    Warwick Necronomicon Press, 1996.
  • Joshi, S. T. A Subtler Magick The Writings and
    Philosophy of H. P. Lovecraft. San Bernadino
    Borgo, 1996.
  • Joshi, S. T. "H. P. Lovecraft The Fiction of
    Materialism." American Supernatural Fiction From
    Edith Wharton to the Weird Tales Writers. Ed.
    Douglas Robillard and Benjamin F. Fisher. Vol. 6.
    Garland Reference Library of the Humanities. New
    York Garland, 1996.

  • Donald R. Burleson emerged as a prolific critic
    of HPLs work through gender, textual, and
    deconstructionist criticism. However, with the
    exception of Disturbing the Universe, his
    writings all appeared in Lovecraft Studies.
  • Burleson, Donald R. "A Note on Metaphor vs.
    Metonymy in The Dunwich Horror'." Lovecraft
    Studies 38 (1998) 16-17.
  • Burleson, Donald R. "A Textual Oddity in the
    Quest of Iranon." Lovecraft Studies 34 (1996)
  • Burleson, Donald R. "Lovecraft and Adjectivitis
    A Deconstructionist View." Lovecraft Studies 31
    (1994) 22-24.
  • Burleson, Donald R. "Lovecraft and Gender.
    LovecraftStudies 27 (1992) 21-25.
  • Burleson, Donald R. "Lovecraft and
    Interstitiality.Lovecraft Studies 37 (1997)
  • Burleson, Donald R. "Lovecraft Textual
    Keys.Lovecraft Studies 32 (1995) 27-30.
  • Burleson, Donald R. Lovecraft Disturbing the
    Universe.Lexington University of Kentucky
    Press, 1990.

  • Lovecraft Studies continued to be the
    primarythough little-exposedsource of most HPL
  • Buchanan, Carl. "The Music of Erich Zann' A
    Psychological Interpretation (or Two)." Lovecraft
    Studies 27 (1992) 10-13.
  • Cannon, Peter, et al. "On at the Mountains of
    Madness A Panel Discussion." Lovecraft Studies.
    34 (1996) 2-10.
  • Dziemianowicz, Stefan. "On The Call of
    Cthulhu'." Lovecraft Studies 33 (1995) 30-35.
  • Lippi, Giuseppi. "Lovecraft's Dreamworld
    Revisited." Lovecraft Studies 26 (1992) 23-25.
  • Mariconda, Steven J. "H. P. Lovecraft Art,
    Artifact, and Reality." Lovecraft Studies 29
    (1993) 2-12.
  • Mariconda, Steven J. "Tightening the Coil The
    Revision of 'the Whisperer in Darkness'."
    Lovecraft Studies 32 (1995) 12-17.
  • Montelone, Paul. "The Rats in the Walls' A
    Study in Pessimism." Lovecraft Studies 32 (1995)
  • Schweitzer, Darrell. "About 'the Whisperer in
    Darkness'." Lovecraft Studies 32 (1995) 8-11.
  • Setiya, Kieran. "Empiricism and the Limits of
    Knowledge in Lovecraft." Lovecraft Studies 25
    (1991) 18-22.

  • Despite the dominance of Lovecraft Studies, HPL
    scholarship did begin to receive more exposure
    through texts and articles in other scholarly
  • Major Works
  • Airaksinen, Timo. The Philosophy of H. P.
    Lovecraft The Route to Horror. New Studies in
    Aesthetics. Vol. 29. New York Peter Lang, 1999.
  • Stanley, John H., ed. Books at Brown
    1991-1992(Lovecraft Issue). Vol. 38-39.
    Providence The Friendsof the Library of Brown
    University, 1995.
  • Cannon, Peter. Lovecraft Remembered. Sauk
    CityArkham House, 1998.
  • Price, Robert M. H. P. Lovecraft and the
    CthulhuMythos.San Bernardino Borgo, 1990.
  • Bloom, Howard, ed. Modern Horror Writers. New
    YorkChelsea House Publishers, 1994.

  • Articles of note outside of Lovecraft Studies
  • Bloom, Clive. "This Revolting Graveyard of the
    Universe The Horror Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft."
    American Horror Fiction From Brockden Brown to
    Stephen King. Ed. Brian Docherty. New York St.
    Martin's, 1990. 59-72.
  • Campbell, James. "Cosmic Indifferentism in the
    Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft." American
    Supernatural Fiction From Edith Wharton to the
    Weird Tales Writers. Ed. Douglas Robillard and
    Benjamin F. Fisher. Vol. 6. Garland Reference
    Library of the Humanities. New York Garland,
    1996. 167-228.
  • Oates, Joyce Carol. "The King of Weird." New York
    Review of Books 43.17 (Oct. 31 1996) 46,
    48-53.Her attention went a long way in
    advancing HPLs reputation.
  • Lovett-Graff, Bennett. "Shadows over Lovecraft
    Reactionary Fantasy and Immigrant Eugenics."
    Extrapolation A Journal of Science Fiction and
    Fantasy 38.2 (Fall 1997) 175-92.
  • Boelhower, William. "'I Am Providence' Working
    Sites of Identity." Formations of Cultural
    Identity in the English-Speaking World. Ed.
    Jochen Achilles and Carmen Birkle. Vol. 251.
    Anglistische Forschungen. Heidelberg Carl Winter
    Universitätsverlag, 1998. 241-54.
  • Bloom, Clive, ed. "Symposium on H. P. Lovecraft."
    Gothic Horror A Reader's Guide from Poe to King
    and Beyond. Los Angeles Science Fiction Society.
    New York St. Martin's, 1998. 78-95.

Lovecrafts Disinterment2000 to Present
  • Necronomicon Press closed in 1999, and with it
    Lovecraft Studies suspended publication.
  • This forced HPL scholarship out of the limited
    market of Lovecraft Studies (at least until 2004
    when Necronomicon re-opened and resumed LS
  • Also, editions of Lovecrafts fiction began to
    appear from larger and more reputable publishing
    houses, including the 2005 H. P. Lovecraft Tales
    from Library of America as well as Penguin
    Classics and Modern Library editions.

  • Major works since 2000
  • Connors, Scott, ed. A Century Less a
    DreamSelected Criticism on H. P. Lovecraft.
    HolicongWildside Press, 2002.
  • Joshi, S. T. A Dreamer and a Visionary H.
    P.Lovecraft in His Time. Liverpool
    LiverpoolUniversity Press, 2001.
  • Joshi, S. T. and David E. Schultz, eds. Lord ofa
    Visible World An Autobiography in
    Letters.Athens Ohio University Press, 2000.
  • Joshi, S. T., and David E. Schultz. An H.
    P.Lovecraft Encyclopedia. Westport Greenwood
    Press, 2001.
  • Joshi, S. T., ed. Primal Sources Essays on H. P.
    Lovecraft. New York Hippocampus Press, 2003.
  • Mitchell, Charles P. The Complete H. P. Lovecraft
    Filmography. Westport Greenwood, 2001.
  • Oakes, David A. Science and Destabilization in
    the Modern American Gothic Lovecraft, Matheson,
    and King. Westport Greenwood Press, 2000.

  • Articles of Note
  • Tucker, Kenneth. "The Case of Howard Phillips
    Lovecraft A Serious Artist Manqué?" Journal of
    Evolutionary Psychology 21.3-4 (2000) 217-29.
  • Will, Bradley A. "H. P. Lovecraft and the
    Semiotic Kantian Sublime." Extrapolation A
    Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 43.1
    (2002) 7-21.
  • Lowell, Mark. "Lovecraft's 'Cthulhu Mythos'."
    Explicator 63.1 (Fall 2004) 47-50.
  • Evans, Timothy H. "Tradition and Illusion
    Antiquarianism, Tourism and Horror in H. P.
    Lovecraft." Rev. of Peer. Extrapolation A
    Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 45.2
    (2004) 176-95.
  • Berruti, Massimo. "H.P. Lovecraft and the
    Anatomyof Nothingness The Cthulhu Mythos."
    SemioticaJournal of the International
    Association for SemioticStudies/Revue de
    l'Association Internationale deSémiotique
    150.1-4 (2004) 363-418.
  • In 2004, Necronomicon Press re-openedand issued
    Lovecraft Studies 44, a tradepaperback
    collection of essays, images,and fiction.
    Currently, the journal is on asemi-regular
    schedule (it was originally aquarterly

Still Troubled by Dreams
  • Extending the reach of Lovecraft studies,both
    through publication in other scholarlyjournals
    and by increasing the reputationand exposure of
    Lovecraft Studies.
  • Attention from Joyce Carol Oates, StevenKing and
    others, as well as Library ofAmerica and other
    editions of Lovecraftswork, should increase
    exposure andpopularity and thus hopefully his
  • Scholars would be well-served by takingpart of
    Joshis advice a focus on Lovecraftsinfluence
    and importance through the totalityof his work
    (rather than any single piecefiction or
  • I still disagree with Joshis anti-fan
    approach,however. The fan-base is the popular
    enginethat drives scholarly efforts and brings
    thoseefforts to a larger audience.
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