An E3 Econometric Analysis of CDM and Technology Transfer between Japan and China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An E3 Econometric Analysis of CDM and Technology Transfer between Japan and China


An E3 Econometric Analysis of CDM and Technology Transfer between Japan and China ... Japan has already built an energy-efficient society and complying with the Kyoto ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An E3 Econometric Analysis of CDM and Technology Transfer between Japan and China

An E3 Econometric Analysis of CDM and Technology
Transfer between Japan and China
International Energy Workshop 2005, Kyoto, Japan,
July 5 2005
  • Mitsuo YAMADA
  • ECS/IIASA, Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg,
  • (Chukyo Univ., Nagoya, Japan)

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Methodology
  • 3 Features of the model
  • 4 Some simulation results
  • 5 Concluding remarks

1 Introduction
  • Background and motivation
  • China is trying to attain the conflicting
    objectives of economic development and global
    environmental improvement, although it is not
    obliged to reduce GHG emissions under the Kyoto
  • Japan has already built an energy-efficient
    society and complying with the Kyoto Protocol
    only with domestic efforts seems difficult. So,
    the usage of flexible mechanisms is attractive to
  • We develop an economy-energy-environment (E3)
    econometric model of China and Japan, both linked
    through international trade.
  • Using this model we analyze the effect of
    technology transfer between China and Japan,
    considering the Clean Development Mechanism
    (CDM), and a carbon tax option.

Figure 1 GDP and its Growth in China and Japan
Figure 2 Primary Energy Supply and Energy
Intensity of GDP in China and Japan
Figure 3 Total CO2 Emissions and Carbon
Intensity of PES in China and Japan
Kaya Identity
Figure 4 Simple Prediction
  • High growth requires faster improvement in energy

Issues for China
  • What sector improved in energy efficiency?
  • Final consumption of energy for Industry,
    Transport, and Residential/Commercial
  • Change in the industrial structure
  • Diffusion of energy-efficient commodities
  • Electricity Generation Sector
  • Fuel shift from coal to natural gas
  • Fuel efficiency improvement
  • How attained?
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  • Government-based cooperative activities
  • Technology transfer through Foreign Direct
    Investment (FDI)

Figure 5 Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Japan
Table 1 Emission Targets of Greenhouse Gases in
Issues for Japan
  • Further improvement of energy efficiency
  • 12 reduction in GHG emission is needed to attain
    the Kyoto target in 2010.
  • 6.5 will be attained by domestic efforts like
    energy efficiency improvement.
  • 5.5 is considered to be achieved by forest sinks
    and Kyoto mechanisms
  • A carbon tax is considered as another option to
    decrease GHG emission.

2 Methodology
  • Three types of models for the analysis of
    Economy-Energy-Environment issues Optimal
    Programming Model, CGE Model, and Econometric
  • Optimal programming model
  • MESSAGE(2000, 2001), AIM(2004), MARIA(2004),
    GRAPE(2004), DNE21(2004) etc.
  • ERI, China developed this type model for China
    collaborating with the National Institute for
    environmental Studies (NIES), Japan. This model
    is integrated as China part of AIM.
  • CGE model,
  • MERGE(2004), GTAP(2002) etc.
  • For China, Jian Xie and Sindey Salzman (2000),
    Zhong Xiang Zhang (1998) applies CGE model.
  • Econometric model
  • Li ZhiDong (2003), Wu, Nemoto, and Kinoshita
    (2004), Yamada (2004), Ueda et al. (2004) etc.

Table 2 Recent Econometric Models of China (and
Model/Authors Macro Sector Energy Environment Region
Li ZhiDong(2003) 1951-2000 Energy-intensive products Energy Balance Table/IEA 1971-1999 Co2/So2 China
Inada, Yoshihisa(2004) - - Energy Balance table/IEA CO2/SO2 China
F.G. Adams, Yasukazu Ichino, and P.A. Prazmowski(2000) - - Energy Balance Table/IEA 1971-1993 - Thailand
Ge Wu, Jiro Nemoto, and Soshichi Kinoshita(2004) 1980-1998 GDP determined from the supply side 3 sectors 1985-1998 Energy balance Table/China CO2 China
Mitsuo Yamada(2004) 1980-2000 15 sectors Energy balance Table/China 1985-2000 CO2 China
Mitsuo Yamada(2005) 1980-2002 21 sectors Energy Balance Table/IEA 1980-2002 CO2 China and Japan with international trade
  • ZhongXiang Zhang (2004) investigates the role of
    China under the Kyoto Protocol, using marginal
    abatement cost functions.
  • Broadening the scope of the market of tradable
    permits from no emissions trading to full global
    trading, it is found that the gain of the OECD as
    a whole increases as the market expands.
  • The developing countries also benefit from such
    an expansion (through financing and emission
  • Inclusion of China in the emission trading
    framework increases the total supply of emission
    permits, so decrease the price of the emission
  • China is expected to emerge as the dominant host
    country of CDM projects.
  • According to his study, the US and Japan are
    required higher emission reductions than the EU,
    so the gains of the two countries depend on the
    expansion of the emission permits trading market.
  • This study shows the importance of China in the
    global trading market of CO2 emission permits.
  • China is expected the dominant host country of
    the CDM projects, and Japan is also recognized as
    one of the important potential investing
    countries for the CDM projects.
  • We will focus on the international cooperation
    between China and Japan through the CDM projects
    for the challenging reduction of GHG emissions,
    using an E3 econometric model.

3 Features of the Model
  • Our model( KeYMERIT-E3 ) consists of
  • two sub-models, one for Japan and China each, and
    a sub-model of international trade.
  • Each countrys sub-model is developed as an E3
    multi-sectoral model, which integrates a macro
    model and an input-output model into one model,
    including energy and environment parts.
  • There are 21 sectors in each countrys model
  • KeYMERIT-E3 Kinoshita-Yamada Multi-sectoral and
    Multi-regional Econometric Model for the Research
    on Industry and Trade E3 version

Figure 6 The structure of the Model KeYMERIT-E3
Figure 7 Economy (Macro Sectors) Part
Input-output Structure
RAS Method in Input-Output Analysis
These equations are estimated, however they are
set as constant for the following simulations
Figure 8 The Energy Environment Parts
Energy and Environment Parts
  • Our main interest is in coal, oil, petroleum
    products, natural gas, and electricity, but
    nuclear, hydro, geothermal solar wind,
    combustible renewable and waste others, and
    heat are also treated in the model.
  • The final consumption of energy is explained from
    each sectoral production activity.
  • The energy transformation mechanism is explained
    in the model.
  • The carbon dioxide emitted from the industries
    and household is explained by energy use in each

International Trade Sub-model
  • There are 14 commodities and nine countries and
    regions Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong and
    Taiwan, ASEAN 5 countries, the US, EU 15
    countries, the other developed countries, and the
    rest of the world.
  • In this study, we focus on the relation between
    Japan and China
  • Only key variables like GDP and GDP deflator and
    the exchange rate appear as exogenous variables
    for the other countries and regions.
  • These countries and regions sub-models are
    planned to be developed step by step in the next

Table 3 Classification of Sectors
Table 4 Data Sources
Table 5 Size of the Model
Baseline Simulation
  • Table 6 Assumptions

Table 7 Estimated values of representative
endogenous variables
Figure 9 Industrial Structure of Japan
Figure 10 Industrial Structure of China
4 Some Simulation Results
  • The introduction of energy-efficient technology
    is important to attain the goals of economic
    development and global environment improvement
    for China.
  • Japan has incentives to cooperate because of her
    own interest in the compliance of the Kyoto
  • Simulations
  • Case-1 China introduces new technologies (NGCC
    and IGCC) in the electricity sector to improve
    energy efficiency.
  • Case-2 A carbon tax (2400Yen/tC approximately
    5Euro/tCO2) is introduced in Japan and China.

An Outlook on the Electricity Demand in China
  • According to the 10th Five Year Plan (2001-2005)
    in China, demand of electricity is estimated to
    expand from 1387 TWh (2000) to 4813 TWh (2030).
  • The efficiency of coal-fired fuel plants is about
  • For this increasing demand, more than 20 of 600
    MW-class power stations must be constructed every
  • The cost of a large station, which is constructed
    by five major companies with the foreign partner
    like Japan and others, is half or one-third lower
    than the cost in Japan.
  • From Agency of natural Resource and Energy, METI,

Case-1a NGCC in China
  • Efficiency improvement(2010-2020) in thermal
    power stations by energy shift from coal to
    natural gas in China
  • NGCC (Natural gas-fired Combined Cycle )
  • 600 MW x 20 units per year for 10 years
  • Construction Cost 500/kW (in 2000 US dollars)
  • Thermal efficiency 53.6
  • Operation starts five years after construction
  • The first construction starts in 2006
  • After operation, old coal thermal stations are
    replaced at the same volume.
  • Main equipment, combustion turbine, (27.7 of
    total cost) is imported from developed countries.
  • Import share from Japan is 20 (the US 50, EU15

Case-1b IGCC in China
  • Efficiency improvement (2010-2020) in thermal
    power stations by introducing new Clean Coal
  • IGCC (Integrated Coal Gasification Combined
  • 600 MW x 20 units per year for 10 years
  • Construction Cost 1,262/kW (in 2000 US dollars)
  • Thermal efficiency 43.1
  • Operation starts after 5 years construction
  • The first construction starts in 2006
  • After operation, an old coal thermal station is
    replaced at the same volume.
  • Main equipment, gasifier and combustion turbine
    (42.4 of total Cost), is imported from the
    developed countries.
  • Import share from Japan is 20 (the US 50, EU15

Figure 11 Increases in Investment and GDP
Unit 100 Mil. Yuan in 2000 market prices
Figure 12 Change in CO2 Emissions
Unit Mt-CO2
Figure 13 Primary Energy Supply and Coal
Unit ktoe
Table 8 GHG Reduction Cost of NGCC and IGCC for
10 Years
  • NGCC directly reduces CO2 emission by 30 more
    than IGCC 1560 Mt-CO2 and 1190 Mt-CO2 for ten
    years respectively.
  • Investment cost of NGCC is 40 of that of IGCC.
  • GHG reduction cost of NGCC investment is 30 cost
    of IGCC, though we ignore the operational cost.
  • If we consider social effect, the cost difference
    exaggerates up to 10
  • Investment increases GDP in both case. Investment
    brings CO2 increase, which offsets partly the CO2
    reduction brought by introduction new technology.
  • Coal production reduces in both cases, but high
    reduction appears in the NGCC case because of its
    energy shift to natural gas. Restructuring in the
    coal industry will be required especially in NGCC

Figure 14 Effects on Machinery Products and GDP
in Japan
  • The impact on Japan is higher for IGCC, because
    its higher investment induces larger volume of
    machinery trade directly.
  • Effect on Japan is mainly positive on GDP and
    machinery production.
  • The induced CO2 increase in Japan is 0.4 Mt-CO2
    and 3.1 Mt-CO2 for ten years respectively, which
    is almost negligible compared to the value in

Case-2 Carbon Tax
  • A carbon tax is another option for the reduction
    of GHG emissions
  • Case2a 2400 Yen per ton-C (22.27 US dollar per
    ton-C and 654.5 Yen per ton-CO2) tax is
    considered by the Ministry of Environment, Japan
  • Case2b Same tax (50.28 Yuan per ton-CO2) for
  • Case2c Lower tax for China (a quarter,
    considering the difference in economic scale
    between two countries)
  • The tax is introduced in 2007 for each case.
  • The tax is imposed on the final consumption of
    coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity.
  • No allowance or exemption is considered.

Figure 15 Impacts in Japan
  • Price increases in energy sectors are 3 or 5
  • GDP deflator increases up to 3 .
  • GDP deceases by 0.14 or 0.43 .
  • The difference in primary-energy supply and CO2
    reduction will be 1 or less.

Figure 16 Impacts in China, Same Value case
and Lower Tax case
Figure 17 CO2 Reduction in Each Case
  • For Japan, the proposed carbon tax reduces 11
    and 16 Mt-CO2 in 2010 and 2020 respectively.
  • This value is higher than that of governments
    estimate, using the AIM model 6 Mt-CO2 in 2010.
  • For China, the same rate tax brings larger
    reduction in CO2, 95 Mt-CO2 and 58 Mt-CO2, than
  • Lower (one quarter) tax rate in China of reduces
    Chinas emissions by 24 and 14 Mt-CO2.

5 Concluding Remarks
  • Developing an E3 econometric model, we evaluate
    the impacts of technological transfer from Japan
    to China, which might be possible future CDM
  • The basic idea of usual CDM is how much GHG will
    be reduced if the project is installed, comparing
    with the GHG emission level of typical
    alternative, called a baseline, if the project is
    not installed.
  • Our evaluation is economy-wide, not just CDM
    project evaluation.
  • Our study addresses the social evaluation in the
    sense that GHG emission from the initial
    investment activity is included and that the
    change in GHG emission stemmed from the other
    sectors production and household consumption is
    also considered.

  • Two technology transfer, NGCC and IGCC, are
  • NGCC reduces CO2 emission more effectively than
  • However, NGCC requires primary-energy demand
    shift from coal to natural gas.
  • Coal production reduces in both cases, but high
    reduction appears in the NGCC case.
  • Restructuring in the coal industry will be
    required strongly especially in NGCC case.

  • Japan receives stronger impact from IGCC, because
    its higher investment induces larger volume of
    machinery trade directly.
  • The effect on Japan is positive mainly on GDP and
    machinery production.
  • The induced CO2 increase in Japan is 0.4 Mt-CO2
    and 3.1 Mt-CO2 for ten years respectively, which
    is almost negligible compared with the reduction
    in China. But they might be not negligible in the
    Japans economy.
  • Japan considers to reduce 20Mt-CO2 by Kyoto
    Mechanisms. Compared with this value, our
    scenario gives 31.2 Mt-CO2 reduction per year
    for NGCC and 23.8 Mt-CO2 per year for IGCC,
    assuming that Japans contribution is 20 in
    each project.
  • For this project Japan needs 129.3 and 326.4
    billion yen per year respectively, which might be
    financed by carbon tax revenue.

  • Carbon tax effects
  • For Japan, the proposed carbon tax reduces 11 and
    16 Mt-CO2 in 2010 and 2020 respectively.
  • This is higher than the estimate of the
    Government, 6 Mt-CO2, using the AIM model.
  • The difference is explained by our ignoring some
    tax exemptions. Actually our estimate of the tax
    revenue is 742 billion Yen, which is 1.5 times
    larger then the government estimate, 490 billion
  • The tax reduces GDP by 0.14 and 0.43 in 2010
    and 2020 respectively. This would be reduced by
    using the tax revenue effectively.
  • For China, the same rate tax brings larger
    reduction in CO2, 96 Mt-CO2 and 58 Mt-CO2, than
  • One quarter rate Tax of Japan reduces 24 and 14
    Mt-CO2 in China.
  • A given carbon tax in China saves GHG gas
    emission more effectively than the same tax in

  • Remaining issues
  • Our simulation ends at 2020, this is a somewhat
    short to evaluate the issues after Kyoto. We
    would like to extend the simulation period up to
  • The RAS structure is one of the main features in
    our model. This is constrained as constant in our
    simulation, which has to be released.
  • Adding the country and region sub-models, which
    are set as exogenous in the current model, for
    Korea, ASEAN, Hong Kong and Taipei, the US, EC15,
    other developed countries, and the rest of the
  • IIASA has a lot of knowledge and experience in
    the field of energy and environment researches,
    so we are going to extend our research
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