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... formation of corals and interfere with the making of shells by any sea creature. ... US Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean Sea (Carricart-Ganivet, 2004) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: tg

An Inconvenient Truth
On page 10 of the Introduction, Gore claims that
If we continue at the current rate we will
increase the saturation of calcium carbonate to
levels that will prevent formation of corals and
interfere with the making of shells by any sea
creature. Similar claims are made on pages
The Real Truth
How do such claims stand up to real world data of
the past few decades when the alarmists claim we
have experienced an unprecedented rise in both
atmospheric CO2 and temperature? In a study of
calcification rates of massive Porites coral
colonies from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Lough
and Barnes (1997) found that the 20th century
has witnessed the second highest period of above
average calcification in the past 237 years.
Intrigued by this observation, they went on to
assemble and analyze the calcification
characteristics of 245 similar-sized massive
colonies of Porites corals obtained across a
latitudinal range of 20 and an annual average
SST range of 23-29C. Results yielded a
statistically significant relationship in which
annual calcification increases by 0.33 g cm-2
year-1 for each 1C change in average annual SST.
Source Journal of Experimental and Marine
Biology and Ecology 211 29-67
The Real Truth
annual calcification increases by 0.33 g cm-2
year-1 for each 1C change in average annual SST
Source Journal of Experimental and Marine
Biology and Ecology 211 29-67
The Real Truth
Furthermore, Lough and Barnes report that between
the two 50-year periods 1780-1829 and 1930-1979,
they calculated a mean calcification increase of
0.06 g cm-2 year-1, which increase of 4 led
Lough and Barnes to conclude that coral
calcification rates "may have already
significantly increased our italics along the
GBR in response to global climate change, Gores
predictions notwithstanding. Other scientists
have reported similar real-world increases in
coral calcification rates on the French
Polynesian island of Moorea (Bessat and Buigues,
2001), the Gulf of Mexico, Belieze, the Antilles,
US Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean Sea
(Carricart-Ganivet, 2004).
Source Journal of Experimental and Marine
Biology and Ecology 211 29-67
The Real Truth
Loaiciga (2006) evaluated the potential seawater
impacts of model-predicted global warming and
direct seawater chemical consequences of a
doubling of the air's CO2 concentration using a
mass-balance approach and concluded that on a
global scale and over the time scales considered
(hundreds of years), there would not be
accentuated changes in either seawater salinity
or acidity from the rising concentration of
atmospheric CO2. Hence, any changes that might
occur would have little to no negative biological
ramifications on corals as Gore suggests.
Source Geophysical Research Letters 33
An Inconvenient Truth
On page. 25, Gore defines carbon dioxide as the
most important of the so-called greenhouse
gases. Later, on page 28, he repeats his claim
stating CO2 is the most important greenhouse
gas by far.
The Real Truth
It escapes belief that someone could be so wrong
on such a basic atmospheric truth. In every
introductory physical science/climate course
students are taught that water vapor, not carbon
dioxide, is the most important greenhouse gas.
Quoting from Stephen Schneiders Encyclopedia
of Climate and Weather (Oxford University Press),
we read Water vapor is the atmospheric
constituent with the greatest effect on the
dynamics, thermodynamics, and radiation balance
of the atmosphere It is the dominant greenhouse
gasthe dominant absorber of infrared radiation
(heat) emitted from the Earths surface and from
within the atmosphere. If Gore truly did not
know this most fundamental truth, then what
confidence should we have in anything else he
says? But if he does know this, then why would
he mislead his readers with such false
statements? The truth is out there, unless of
course it is inconvenient.
An Inconvenient Truth
On p.27 Gore claims that the thin layer of
atmosphere is being thickened by huge quantities
of human-caused carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases as a result, the temperature
of the Earths atmosphere and oceans is
getting dangerously warmer.
The Real Truth
The graphic below illustrates temperatures from
the famed Vostok, Antarctica ice core over the
past 400,000. What is so dangerous about being
2C lower than the peak warmth of all four
preceding interglacials?
An Inconvenient Truth
On page 66, Gore claims that At no point in the
last 650,000 years before the preindustrial era
did the CO2 concentration go above 300 parts per
The Real Truth
Reconstructed CO2 mixing ratios based on stomatal
frequency counts on Tsuga heterophylla needles,
presented in the graphic below, clearly indicate
that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have reached
above 300 ppm eight times in the past 1200 years.
Source Kouwenberg et al. 2005. Geology 33
The Real Truth
In addition, McElwain et al. (2002, Journal of
Quaternary Science 17 21-29) derived another
high-resolution CO2 history based on stomatal
frequency counts, spanning the period of time
from approximately 13,000 to 10,500 years ago,
and also found numerous times when the
atmospheric CO2 concentration was above 300 ppm.
An Inconvenient Truth
On the foldout portion of page 67, Gore claims
that the CO2-equivalent levels will reach 600 ppm
by 2050, illustrating this on a graph of historic
CO2 over the past 600,000 years.
Then, he states there is not a single part of
this graphno fact, date, or numberthat is
controversial in any way or in dispute by
The Real Truth
First off, Gores graphic projection of 600 ppm
CO2 equivalent in 2050 is misleading because he
is mixing the CO2 equivalent unit of measure,
which adds the radiative effects of all other
greenhouse gases, on the same line as normal CO2,
which does not include them. In other words, he
is mixing apples with oranges. The appropriate
course of action would have been to place a value
of approximately 505 ppm normal CO2 (green
circle) for the estimated CO2 concentration in
2050 based upon projections published in the last
IPCC report. But, even then, is this projected
value of 505 ppm CO2 in 2050 undisputable as
Gore so adamantly contends?
The Real Truth
It most certainly is not. The following figure,
for example, illustrates the highly statistically
significant relationship between world population
and atmospheric CO2 concentration, which suggests
that atmospheric CO2 concentrations will rise by
only 46 ppm by 2050, whereas Gores projection
puts the increase at 130 ppm, or nearly 3 times
the population-based estimate!
The Real Truth
These conclusions are dramatically at odds with
those who predict far greater concentrations for
far greater times to come, but they are far more
robust. The relationship exhibited in the
preceding graph, for example, continues all the
way back to 1650. For the last three and a half
centuries, it has performed marvelously. To
think it will suddenly cease to apply over the
next five decades is ludicrous. There may be
slight variations ahead but as the results of
the preceding figure demonstrate, they likely
will be so small as to be essentially
The Real Truth
Most serious demographers now project the world
will have a lower total population than
previously assumed, with current trends pushing
projections toward the lower variant of 5.5
billion because Fertility rates in developed
nations have fallen far, far below
replacement Fertility rates in LCDs are falling
An Inconvenient Truth
While displaying a graphic of historical
temperature and CO2 on page 66-67, Gore describes
the relationship between these two variables as
complicated, adding that the most important
part of the relationship is this When there is
more CO2 in the atmosphere, the temperature
The Real Truth
The reason why the relationship is complicated
is because peer-reviewed scientific studies
clearly demonstrate a decoupling between historic
temperatures and atmospheric CO2. Contrary to
Gores inference that changes in CO2 drive
changes in temperature, real world data indicate
CO2 is a follower, not a leader, of climate
change. For example, Indermuhle et al. found
that changes in atmospheric CO2 lagged changes in
temperature by 900 to 1,200 years during the most
recent glacial-interglacial transition
(Geophysical Research Letters 27
735-73) Fischer et al. reported that air
temperature rose 400 to 1,000 years before CO2 in
all three of the last glacial terminations
(Science 283 1712-1714)
The Real Truth
Furthermore, Fischer et al. also reported
instances in which (1) atmospheric CO2 values
remained unchanged while air temperatures dropped
and (2) atmospheric CO2 content dropped while air
temperature remained unchanged or rose (Fischer
et al., Science 283 1712-1714), while Steig
reported instances in the historical record where
atmospheric CO2 values rose while air
temperatures dropped (Steig, Science 286
1485-1487) If CO2 was the all-important driver
of climate that Gore claims it to be, then none
of these relationships would appear in the real
world data but they do!
An Inconvenient Truth
On pages 66-67 Gore presents a graph of historic
temperature over the past 600,000 years,
presumably from Vostok, Antarctica as surmised
from the beginning text on page 66. Then, in the
right-hand foldout on the bottom of page 67, Gore
has an arrow pointing to the present-day
temperature on this graph, about which he says
The top right point of this gray line shows
current global temperatures.
The Real Truth
This statement is incorrect. The graphic is
representative of temperature data (and proxy
temperature data at that) for one point on the
earth, and that point is most likely from Vostok,
Antarctica. This graphic is certainly not a
representation of global temperature.
An Inconvenient Truth
Continuing with the text on the bottom right-hand
of the foldout on page 67, Gore next equates the
projected global warming-induced temperature
increase of the future to be three times the
glacial-to-interglacial temperature difference
shown on this graph. Imagine, he says, what
three times that much on the warm side would
The Real Truth
Although we have our reservations with accepting
his Vostok temperature graph as being truly
representative of global temperature, lets
assume that it is for the sake of comprehending
the incredible falseness of his claim that
CO2-induced warming will be three times the
glacial-to-interglacial difference as stated in
his book. On the following page is a graph of
historic Vostok temperature over the past 400,000
years. As can be seen from this graph, the
historic glacial-to-interglacial temperature
difference falls within the range of 8 to 10C.
Glacial/Interglacial Temperature Range
The Real Truth
Glacial/Interglacial Temperature Range
The Real Truth
So, if Gores claim is correct -- that global
warming will be three times that much on the
warm side -- he is predicting that global
temperatures will rise between 24C and 30C,
which is far and above even the IPCCs projected
range of 1 and 5.8C that is shown on the next
slide. This is lunacy!
The Real Truth
Model Temperature Projections
An Inconvenient Truth
On page 70 Gore offers his reason for stumping
for global warming Now, in this comprehensive
and soul-searching rethinking of how I would
spend my time, the global environment trumped all
other concerns. I realized this was the crisis
that loomed largest and should occupy the bulk of
my efforts and ingenuity.
The Real Truth
Surely there are and were other concerns that are
weightier than global warming poverty, AIDS,
hunger, disease, terrorism, war, etc. Imagine
what good could be done if the resources and the
tens of billions of dollars governments spend on
global warming issues annually were diverted to
these other far more important causes.
Paste images of the above issues?
An Inconvenient Truth
On page 75 Gore states We have already begun to
see the kind of heatwaves that scientists say
will become much more common if global warming is
not addressed.
The Real Truth
There are two problems with this statement.
First, it is impossible to ascribe any one heat
wave to global warming as long as there is reason
to believe similar occurrences happened in the
historic record. Second, this statement
ignores the reality that warmer temperatures save
lives while colder temperatures kill.
The Real Truth
In a massive treatise on the subject, Idso et al.
reviewed numerous scientific studies that have
looked at the entire range of temperature
experienced by earths inhabitants. These studies
clearly demonstrate that an across-the-board
temperature increase would save the lives of many
more people at the cold end of the temperature
spectrum than it would kill at the hot end, in
both cold and warm climates. In addition, the
majority of the studies find that numerous deaths
attributed to heat waves typically would have
occurred a few days to weeks later, even in the
absence of the spikes in air temperature. Deaths
due to cold spells, on the other hand, generally
do not show this early harvesting effect,
demonstrating that warming is far to be preferred
above cooling or even the status quo.
An Inconvenient Truth
On pages 118-121, Gore claims global warming will
cause more evaporation from the oceans and soils,
leading to increased desertification, less
productive agriculture and more frequent fires.
For the United States, he claims soil moisture
will be reduced by up to 35 in vast growing
areas of our country in less than 50 years if
we continue business as usual emissions of CO2.
The Real Truth
This unsettling hypothesis can readily be
evaluated via long-term measurements of pan
evaporation that yield a measure of the
atmosphere's demand for moisture, and several,
such evaluations have been carried out
successfully in recent years at a number of sites
around the world.
The Real Truth
One of the first published reports on the subject
revealed just the opposite of what Gore has
suggested, indicating that on average, pan
evaporation had decreased over the USA, Former
Soviet Union and Eurasia for the period 1950
until the early 1990s (Peterson et al., Nature
377 687-688)
The Real Truth
  • In addition, subsequent reports have confirmed
    this to be a general trend throughout the
    Northern Hemisphere
  • see Chattopadhyay and Hulme (1997) with respect
    to India (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 87
    55-73) , Thomas (2000) pertaining to China
    (International Journal of Climatology 20
    381-396), and Moonen et al. (2002) for Italy
    (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111 13-27)
  • and the Southern Hemisphere
  • see Roderick and Farquhar (2004) for Australia
    (International Journal of Climatology 24

The Real Truth
But, just in case pan evaporation data arent
good enough to convince Gore, scientists have
also examined recent trends in soil moisture.
How do these studies of real world data measure
up to Gores model-based future predictions of
soil moisture doom? Robock et al. (2000) checked
the summer soil moisture trends simulated by the
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's general
circulation model of the earth's climate, which
model is depicted in Gores book, against specific
periods and regions for which these authors had
actual soil moisture data, and found that
"although this model predicts summer desiccation
in the next century, it does not in general
reproduce the observed upward trends in soil
moisture very well," which is a mammoth
understatement, considering that the predictions
and observations in this case go in opposite
directions! Furthermore, they note that "in
contrast to predictions of summer desiccation
with increasing temperatures, for the stations
with the longest records, summer soil moisture in
the top 1 m has increased while temperatures have
The Real Truth
This upward trend in soil moisture has also been
confirmed by Robock et al. (2005), who presented
the longest data set of observed soil moisture
available in the world, 45 years of
gravimetrically-observed plant available soil
moisture for the top 1 m of soil, observed every
10 days for April-October for 141 stations from
fields with either winter or spring cereals from
the Ukraine for 1958-2002."
Source Geophysical Research Letters 32
An Inconvenient Truth
On pages 130-136, Gore broaches the subject of
Arctic permafrost, claiming that global warming
will induce rapid melting and wreak havoc to both
infrastructure and ecosystems, the former by
cracking and destroying buildings, roads and
piping, and the latter through the exposure and
subsequent decay of vast stores of newly-thawed
organic matter, which the alarmists contend will
release long-sequestered carbon back to the
atmosphere as CO2, possibly freeing enough carbon
at a sufficiently rapid rate to rival more direct
anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The end result of
this latter scenario is a tremendous positive
feedback to the ongoing rise in the air's CO2
content, which is envisioned to lead to even more
serious global warming claimed by Gore.
The Real Truth
Odd as it sounds, current assessments of the
potential impacts of climate change on the
world's permafrost are typically based on a
two-layer model that incorporates a seasonally
frozen active layer and an underlying perennially
frozen soil. But are two layers enough to
produce a valid assessment of permafrost change?
In short, no, as demonstrated in the study of
Shur et al., who examined the virtues of adding
an in-between or transition zone layer to produce
a more realistic, but only three-layer
model. According to these authors, a crucial
missing layer in models is the transition zone
that alternates between seasonally frozen ground
and permafrost over sub-decadal to centennial
time scales, functioning as a buffer between the
active layer and the underlying perennial
permafrost by increasing the latent heat required
for thaw.
The Real Truth
Consequently, Shur et al., concluded that the use
of a two-layer conceptual model in permafrost
studies obscures effective understanding of the
formation and properties of the upper permafrost
and makes a realistic determination of the
stability of arctic geosystems under climatic
fluctuations virtually impossible." As a result,
"the impacts of possible global warming in
permafrost regions cannot be understood fully
without consideration of a more realistic
three-layer model."
The Real Truth
It is also important to note that degradation of
permafrost does not proceed as rapidly as Gore
and the climate alarmists would have us believe.
As described in one recent scientific study,
"degradation of permafrost is a slow process,"
and "if recent trends continue, it will take
several centuries to millennia for permafrost in
the present discontinuous zone to disappear
completely in the areas where it is actively
warming and thawing."
Source EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union 83 589, 593-594
The Real Truth
The next slide shows a figure of mean annual
ground temperatures in Yakust, Siberia (Latitude
62.1N, Longitude 129.8E). As can be seen there,
ground temperatures are presently near values
that were observed in the late 1800s following
the end of the Little Ice Age.
The Real Truth
Source http//
The Real Truth
This next figure shows a history of mean annual
temperatures for Barrow, Alaska, USA, at soil
depths of 0.08 m (the "active layer"), 0.5 m, and
1.0 m (about 60 cm below the permafrost table).
Source EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union 83 589, 593-594
The Real Truth
Permafrost temperatures at Barrow, AK were very
similar during the 1940s and 1990s (except for
unprecedented warm extremes of 1998 and 1999)
according to Romanovsky et al. (2002). However,
even including these unprecedented warm
extremes, one can calculate from the authors
Figure that the mean temperature about 60 cm into
the permafrost, over what climate alarmists call
the warmest period of the past millennium, i.e.,
1990 and onward, was no warmer than, or possibly
even cooler than, the temperature of the 16-year
period 1937-1952. In spite of all the hype about
recent dramatic warming in the permafrost regions
of Alaska, real-world data demonstrate - at least
for Barrow - that it is no warmer there now than
it was half a century ago, and the area's
permafrost is in no more danger of being wiped
out today that it was in the days of our
Source EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union 83 589, 593-594
The Real Truth
As for Gores contention that higher temperatures
will lead to the thawing of extensive regions of
permafrost and the exposure and decomposition of
their vast stores of organic matter, releasing
once tightly-held carbon and allowing it to make
its way back to the atmosphere as CO2, several
studies have called this belief into serious
The Real Truth
Payette et al. (Geophysical Research Letters 31
10.1029/2004GL020358), for example, quantified
the main patterns of change in a subarctic
peatland on the eastern coast of Canada's Hudson
Bay - which was caused by permafrost decay
between 1957 and 2003. In this case, the process
of permafrost melting caused, in their words,
terrestrialization via the establishment of
fen/bog vegetation, which nearly always results
in either no net loss of carbon or actual carbon
sequestration. Payette et al. thus conclude that
contrary to current expectations, the melting of
permafrost caused by recent climate change does
not transform the peatland to a carbon-source
ecosystem. Instead, rapid terrestrialization
exacerbates carbon-sink conditions and tends to
balance the local carbon budget.
The Real Truth
Need a couple more bullets on the Carbon balance
of the tundra under GW.
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 143 graph of NH sea ice extent since 1900 p.
144 gives reasons for sea ice thinning. No
mention of wind currents/precipitation p. 146
polar bears suffering from melting ice
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 150 The NADW thermohaline circulation is
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 152-153 Shifting seasons, animal/plant
extinctions. global warming is disrupting
millions of delicately balanced ecological
relationships among species.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 164-9 Coral reefs are being killed in large
numbers by global warming. the most deadly
cause of the recent, rapid, and unprecedented
deterioration of coral reefs is .. higher ocean
temperatures due to global warming. p. 168
saturation of calcium carbonate
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 172-5 Algae is just one of the disease
vectors that have been increasing in range
because of global warming. Other vector diseases
discussed. p.174-5 New diseases and west nile
virus are suggested to result from GW.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 178 Emperor penguins have declined by 70
over the past 50 years due to GW. a significant
threat to these denizens of the southernmost
continent is that their home wont be icy enough
for very much longer.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
P. 190 discussion on the EAIS and WAIS stability
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 194-5 Accelerated melting in Greenland between
1992 and 2005 p. 204 If Greenland melted, more
than 20 million people would have to be
evacuated from Beijing. Evacuated? Give me a
break, it will not melt that fast!!!
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 213 Speaking out about the issues confronting
our nation, and trying to describe the
challenges, is a form of public service our
founders described as essential to our
democracys survival. that is unless you are a
GW skeptic!!!
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 255. Global warming is actually happening
with lightning speed. Its pace is now
accelerating so rapidly that even in our own
lifetimes, we are beginning to see the telltale
bubbles of a boiling point.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 256 The clever and deceitful approach the
tobacco companies used to confuse people about
what the science really demonstrated added up to
a model for the campaign that many oil and coal
companies are using today to confuse people about
what the science of global warming is really
telling us. They exaggerate minor uncertainties
in order to pretend that the big conclusions are
not a matter of consensus. the fact that
some important details are still to be fully
understood in no way changes the reality of the
problem. Its cynical and wrong to use such
misleading caveats to convince people
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 287 One of the persistent techniques in the
campaign to stop action against the climate
crisis has been to repeatedly and persistently
accuse the scientists trying to warn us about the
crisis of being dishonest, greedy, and
untrustworthy and of misrepresenting scientific
facts in order to somehow beef up their research
grants. These charges are insulting and
ludicrous, but they have been repeated often
enough and loudly enough through so many media
megaphones that many people do now wonder if
the charges are true. And that is particularly
ironic, given that so many of the skeptics
actually do receive funding and support from
self-interested groups financed by corporations
desperate to stop any action against global
The Real Truth
The Real Truth
The hockey stick is not the only reconstructed
temperature history of the past 1,000 years or
so. Another is presented below. This one,
developed by Anders Moberg and colleagues (2005)
depicts the climate of the past 2,000 years as
being much more variable. The warming during the
past 50-100 years appears less unusual against
this climate history.
The Real Truth
The hockey stick is not the only reconstructed
temperature history of the past 1,000 years or
so. Another is presented below. This one,
developed by Anders Moberg and colleagues (2005)
depicts the climate of the past 2,000 years as
being much more variable. The warming during the
past 50-100 years appears less unusual against
this climate history.
An Inconvenient Truth
Gore refers to a graphic depicting Northern
Hemisphere Temperature variation over the past
1,000 years (p 64-65) as the work of Dr. Thompson
But as Dr. Thompsons thermometer shows, the
vaunted Medieval Warm Period (the third little
red blip from the left below) was tiny compared
to the enormous increases in temperature of the
last half-century (the red peaks at the far right
of the chart)
The Real Truth
First, Dr. Thompson is not the correct source of
the graphic. It is a reproduction of work by
Mann et al. for the period 1000-1980 and by Jones
et al (1864-2000)
An Inconvenient Truth
On page 10 of Gores Introduction he states that
We are destabilizing the massive mound of ice on
Greenland and the equally enormous mass of ice
propped up on top of islands in West Antarctica,
threatening a worldwide increase in sea levels of
as much as 20 feet.
The Real Truth
The Real Truth
The hockey stick is not the only reconstructed
temperature history of the past 1,000 years or
so. Another is presented below. This one,
developed by Anders Moberg and colleagues (2005)
depicts the climate of the past 2,000 years as
being much more variable. The warming during the
past 50-100 years appears less unusual against
this climate history.
The Real Truth
The hockey stick is not the only reconstructed
temperature history of the past 1,000 years or
so. Another is presented below. This one,
developed by Anders Moberg and colleagues (2005)
depicts the climate of the past 2,000 years as
being much more variable. The warming during the
past 50-100 years appears less unusual against
this climate history.
An Inconvenient Truth
Global warming is causing the loss of living
species at a level comparable to the extinction
event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million
years ago.From the Introduction
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
P. 42-5 Mount Kilimanjaro photos. It is
evident in the world around us that very dramatic
changes are taking place. Lonnie Thompson, who
is the worlds leading expert on mountain
glaciers predicts that within 10 years there
will be no more Snows of Kilimanjaro.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
On page 62, Gore shows a picture of the Quelccaya
ice cap in Peru to begin his discussion into
claiming that the Medieval Warm Period was not as
warm as the Current Warm Period.
The Real Truth
The graphic below, adapted from Thompson et al.
2003, however, clearly shows that temperatures at
Quelccaya peaked substantially warmer during the
Medieval Warm Period than they are presently.
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 64-5 also shows a graph of NH temps. List the
MWP as a slight blip on the graph of about 30-40
years around 1330 AD. as Dr. Thompsons
thermometer shows, the vaunted Medieval Warm
Period (the third little red blip from the left
below) was tiny compared to the enormous
increases in temperature of the last half-century
(the red peaks on the far right of the chart).
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
Without providing any data or graphic, Gore
claims on page 64 that the correlation between
temperature and CO2 over the past 1,000 years is
striking. Inconveniently left out that CO2
follows temperature in all the major ice core
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 65 Cites Mann et al hockey stick work by
stating scientist have confirmed the same basic
conclusions in multiple ways. - The Hockey
Stick was downgraded by the NAS panel.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
P. 76-77 Graphic displaying locations in the USA
that experienced record temperatures. Locations
are from urban cities (heat island), not to
mention the fact that records are always
occurring. Check these facts to see if it has
been hotter previously in these locations.
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 106-7 Increased pcp and floods from GW
counter with nile flood history and other
The Real Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
p. 126 Arctic and Antarctic, scientists are
seeing faster changes and earlier, more dramatic
effects of climate change than anywhere else on
Earth. And the most dramatic impact of global
warming in the Arctic is the accelerated melting.
Temperatures are shooting upward there faster
than at any other place on the planet.
The Real Truth
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