Title: I have two goals for today
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2I have two goals for today!
- Demystify digital cameras and their settings
- Share ideas for using digital cameras in your
3How does your camera see the world?
- Through the lens!
- Zoomed out
- Zoomed in
- Macro?
4How your camera sees the world
Camera can focus from 1 ft. to infinity
5How your camera sees the world
Camera can focus from 1 ft. to infinity
6How your camera sees the world
Camera can focus from 1-12 in.
7Activity How different lenses see
- Turn off your flash
- In macro mode Zoom all the way out and frame
the toy so you can see the front and the back
(fill the frame!) - Back up and zoom all the way in and repeat
8Activity How different lenses see
- Choose a partner and repeat the exercise, using
their face as your subject - One shot zoomed out
- One shot zoomed in
- Fill the frame!
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10Three essential parts of the camera
Sensor (or film)
11Measuring Light
The Aperture
12Measuring Light
Shutter open 1 sec.
Shutter open 0.5 sec.
Shutter open 0.1 sec.
13Depth of Field
The distance in front of and beyond your subject
that appears in focus
142 Ways to Control Depth of Field
- Aperture (how big the light pipe is)
- Focal Length (how far youre zoomed in)
15Controlling DOF with the Aperture
16Controlling DOF with the Aperture
17Controlling DOF with the Aperture
(1 sec.)
(1/8 sec.)
(1/60 sec.)
19Controlling DOF with Focal Length
115mm lens (i.e. zoomed half way in)
560mm lens (i.e. zoomed all the way in)
20What do the preset modes do?
Math! (among other things)
21Preset modes
Fast Shutter (Sharp Action)
Slow Shutter (Blurry Action)
Portrait (Limited Focus)
Landscape (Infinite Focus)
22Low-light help ISO (Film Speed)
Doubling the ISO cuts the shutter speed in half
ISO 100 Shutter Spd 1/2 sec.
ISO 3200 Shutter Spd 1/64 sec.
23One more helperFlash
Illuminates a scene for between 1/2000 and
1/30,000th of a second
24Activity Panning and the illusion of speed
Trisha is going to scoot across the room. Your
job is to take a picture where she appears in
sharp focus, yet the background is blurry. Camera
SettingsPreset Try Landscape or Slow
ShutterISO 50 or 100Flash OFF
25Activity Stopping Motion with Flash
Pair off - each pair grab one cup and one spoon.
Choose a person to fill the cup with water.
- Camera Settings and Technique
- Choose Auto mode or Fast Shutter
- Turn flash ON
- Get in close
- Keep shooting until you get nice, crisp shots!
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271.) Documentary imagery
- Class activity
- School event
- Field trip
- Home
- A process
28Pictures can tell a story
29Illustrate steps in a procedure
Images from http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Olym
30Activities for Documentary Photos
- Class Activities or Field Trips
- Writing prompt
- Newsletter
- Thank you
- Books
- Alphabet Book
- Rhyming Book
- Classification Book (Things that are cold)
312.) Perspective
- Where is the camera looking from?
- High
- Low
- From the side
32Animal assignment
Become an animal
33Perspective Power
Whos in charge here?
343.) Changes over time
- Short term
- Long term
- What do you see changing?
35Family Aging
Samples from http//zonezero.com/magazine/essays
36Short(er) Term Changes
37Same place at different times of day
9 am
9 pm
384.) Motion or Stillness
- How can you convey motion?
- How can you convey the lack of motion?
39Feeling of Motion
40Stopping Motion (stillness)
41Motion and Stillness
425.) It can obscure things or clarify
43Making the strange familiar and the familiar
44- Making the strange familiar
- and the familiar strange
Photos courtesy of Punya Mishra
466.) Concepts
- Things like
- Symmetry
- Love
- Pain
47Concept Symmetry
(Found in Nature)
48Concept Symmetry
49Concept Love
50Concept Pain
51More ideas on your Handout!
- For complete lesson plans, take a look at
- http//www.kodak.com/US/en/digital/edu/lessonPlans
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53Crash Course in Composition
- Takes time to develop a good sense
- Fill the frame with relevant things
- Try placing your subject off center
- Give people (etc.) room to look
- Consider shape and form Are you showing and
object in 2D or 3D?
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57Static vs. Dynamic Composition
58Static vs. Dynamic Composition
59Static vs. Dynamic Composition
60The rule of Thirds
61The rule of Thirds
62Shape and Form
63Shape and Form
64Shape and Form
65Must-Read Photography Books!
Understanding Exposure By Bryan Peterson
The Art of Outdoor Photography By Boyd Norton