Title: Life at the Top of the World
1Life at the Top of the World
- Sally Nie
- LIBR 500
- sallyn_at_interchange.ubc.ca
2For the last two years, Ive been living in
Barrow, Alaska. . .
Arctic Ocean
3I was a librarian at Ipalook Elementary School
- Largest Elementary School in Alaska
- Serving 700 students!
- Over 20,000 resources in the library!
- Do We Know Dewey? Boy, Do We!
- Hosts the only tree in Alaskas arctic! (by the
library of course!)
4My husband, Matt, was a teacher at the high
- He taught English, Journalism and Leadership.
- He helped train cross country runners on the
vast tundra surrounding the school.
5Who Lives in Barrow?
Inupiat (Alaskan Inuit)
Others including Macedonian, Korean, American
Samoan, and more!
6Wildlife of Barrow
- Ptarmigan
- Caribou
- Bowhead Whale
- Seal
- Walrus
- Lemmings
- Snowy Owl
- Arctic Fox
- Polar Bear
7Things Ive Eaten in Barrow
- Broiled Ptarmigan
- Stewed Caribou
- Moose Chilli
- Halibut
- Salmon
- Seal Flipper
- Broiled Muktuk
- Bowhead whale
8What makes Barrow Different?
- NO
- Trees
- Sunshine / darkness
- depending on the season
- Shopping Malls / Stores
- Movie Theatres
- Bars / Pubs
- Milk (for under 10.00)
9So, what is there to do???
10Go for a Swim!
11Play Hockey!
- Even at 30 below Fahrenheit, hockey fanatics
(such as myself!) were out playing hockey. We
had a canvas tent to block the wind!
12Go Out to Eat
Pepe's North of the Border
13Go on a Polar Bear Tour!
- And try not to see one too close!
14Make Bubbles Freeze
- When the weather was cold enough, bubbles froze
into a cellophane consistency. - You could hold a bubble in the palm of your hand!
- Be it Inupiat cultural celebrations or Filipino
socials. . .there was always something to
celebrate in Barrow!
16If youre interested in finding out more about
Alaskas arctic. . .check out these resources
- North Slope Borough School District
- http//www.nsbsd.org
- Inupiat History
- http//www.co.north-slope.ak.us/ihlc
- KBRW Radio Barrow, Alaska
- http//www.kbrw.org/
- North Slope Borough
- http//www.north-slope.org/