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Controversy still exists as to the role of benzene and NHL development. ... NHL risk factors include infectious agents (HIV, Epstein Barr virus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Presentation to the Casualty Actuarial Society
William A. Brauer CPCU
Top-Ten Reasons Benzene Litigation Is An Emerging
Mass Tort
  • Industrial Exposures-Large pool of potential
  • Common compound
  • Some Scientific Support on Causation
  • Signature Disease- Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • History of Work Comp case awards
  • Latency Period
  • Recruitment by Plaintiff Bar
  • Some 7 figure verdicts
  • Multiple defendants
  • Mealeys has a Litigation Reporter on it

Web Recruitment a Mass Lit Hallmark
Law Firms Dominate Benzene Web Searches
Benzene Cases-Plaintiff Wins
  • Ryan v. BP Amoco NoCV223271 Mo Cir Jackson
    13.3 million in compensatory damages. Sept 2005
    Environmental case. Resident next to Spring Creek
    Refinery died from leukemia
  • Camizzi v Akso Products Inc. et. al. BC
    289503,Calif Super, Los Angeles County
    Missionary and part time aircraft painter awarded
    2.2 million for leukemia alleged from benzene in
  • Mason v. Texaco, 948 F.2d 1546 (10th Cir. 1991).
    Otis Mason died of leukemia caused by exposure to
    benzene, an industrial solvent and gasoline
    component, for which the jury awarded 34
  • Watts v. Radiator Specialty No.2002364
    Miss Cir Ct2004 2million NHL Liquid Wrench.
    Judge granted defense motion for jnov. Dr Barry
    Levy involved. Appeal filed.
  • Mobil Oil v. Ellender 968 S.W. 2d 917 (Tex 1998)
    6.00 mil punitive, 622,88 compensatory AML
    failure to warn/ conscious indifference toward
    the safety of contract workers Beaumont Refinery

It Takes Some Substantial Early Verdicts to Fuel
What is Benzene ?
  • Benzene, also known as benzol, is a hydrocarbon
    liquid and an effective solvent. Highly
    flammable, colorless, with a sweet odor. Benzene
    evaporates quickly and dissolves slightly in
    water. Most people can smell benzene in air at
    1.5-4.7 ppm and smell benzene in water at 2 ppm.
    Most people can begin to taste benzene in water
    at 0.5-4.5 ppm. One part per million is
    approximately equal to one drop in 40 gallons.
    Benzene is found in air, water, and soil. Benzene
    comes from both industrial and natural sources.
  • Various industries use benzene to make other
    chemicals, such as styrene (for plastics), cumene
    (for various resins), and cyclohexane (for nylon
    and synthetic fibers). Also used in manufacturing
    of some types of rubbers, lubricants, dyes,
    detergents, drugs, and pesticides.
  • Because of its wide use, benzene ranks in the top
    20 in production volume for chemicals produced in
    the United States.
  • Originally derived from coal tar, now produced
    from petroleum.
  • Used as a substitute for lead, benzene now makes
    up 1 to 2 percent of every gallon of gasoline and
    it is released as a by-product of fuel

Some Current or Historical Benzene Products
  • crude oil
  • refined petroleum products
  • asphalts
  • charcoal lighter fluid
  • cigarette lighter fluid
  • cleaners
  • contact cements
  • gasoline
  • glues

hydraulic fluids inks lacquer thinner mineral
spirits paints and coatings (some) pesticides
rubber cement solvents
The USEPA and the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) classify benzene as a
Group A or Group 1 human carcinogen. The EPA
has set the maximum permissible level of benzene
in drinking water at 0.005 milligrams per liter
(0.005 mg/L) OSHA has set a permissible
exposure limit of 1 part of benzene per million
parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace during an
8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek. (1978), down
from 10 ppm in 1971. The short term exposure
limit for airborne benzene is 5 ppm for 15
Occupations With Current Or Historical Benzene
Exposure Potential
  • Adhesive productionBarge WorkersChemical
    WorkersDock WorkersGasoline distribution
    workersIndustrial plant workers who use solvents
  • Installers using glues, solvents Newspaper
    Press WorkersOffshore Oilrig Workers
    PaintersPaper and PulpPesticide
    ManufacturingPlumbers Pipefitters Printers
    Refinery WorkersRubber WorkersShoe / Leather
    workersSynthetic Rubber Production
    TankermenTruck Drivers

Whats the Exposure in People Terms?
  • As many as 238,000 people may be occupationally
    exposed to benzene in the United States
    currently. Source NIOSH
  • Although benzene far less common than it once
    was, just as with asbestos there is a latency
    period between exposure and disease manifestation
    and a case presenting today may come from a
    worker who was exposed to historically higher
    workplace levels.
  • Efforts to reduce VOCs both in the ambient air
    and in the workplace and improvements in
    industrial hygiene have reduced the numbers of
    workers occupationally exposed. Adding to
    current exposure estimates a modification for
    employee turnover, a provision for any number of
    older workers and retirees who worked with and/or
    around benzene products or benzene containing
    workplaces at some points in their careers
    increases the total number of occupationally
    exposed workers.
  • The total number of current and former workers
    with appreciable occupation exposures is no doubt
    far over the current estimates.
  • Very likely that were in the same ballpark with
    the numbers of those who welded or were
    significantly exposed to silicates. Estimates
    for each of those exposures were in the realm of
    one million workers.

Significant Number of Potential Recruits
The Medical-Epidemiological Background
  • A considerable number of human studies provide
    evidence linking benzene and cancer. Initially,
    increased risks of leukemia, chiefly acute
    myeloid leukemia (AML), were reported among
    workers with high levels of benzene exposure in
    the chemical, shoemaking, and oil refining
  • Long term studies of workers at three Ohio plants
    (Pliofilm which made rubber sheeting with a
    benzene solvent evaporative) going back to the
    1940s provided the first epidemiological
    evidence that benzene was carcinogenic.
  • The National Cancer Institute and Chinese Academy
    of preventative medicine conducted a long term
    study of over 74,000 workers at 672 factories in
    12 cities and found elevated risks of hematologic
    neoplasms even at exposure levels less than 10ppm
  • There is a lengthy history of control of benzene
    by both OSHA and European governmental agencies

It is postulated that it is metabolites of
benzene, called quinones which are the instrument
of harm and these generally react with the
hematopoietic tissues. These cells, found within
the bone marrow, produce blood cells. The
Leukemias fit into the general class called
neoplasms of the Lymphhopoietic and Hematopoietic
tissues. Cancers such as lymphomas (solid tumors)
multiple myelomas (cancers of the plasma cells
and lymphoid leukemias originate in the lymphoid
line of cells in areas such as the lymph
nodes.Clinical and epidemiological evidence
consistently indicate that acute myeloid leukemia
(AML) and its variants, alternatively called
acute nonlymphocytic leukemias (ANLL) can be
caused by benzene exposure.Many plaintiffs
suffering from multiple myelomas (MM) have filed
benzene suits Though some statistics suggest a
link, the science is not generally supportive of
benzene causation of MM. Likewise,plaintiffs
have also filed suits linking their Non-Hodgkin's
Lymphoma (NHL) to benzene exposures. Controversy
still exists as to the role of benzene and NHL
How Does Benzene Cause Disease/Injury?
A Caveat On Exposure Levels
  • Benzene levels in various workplace studies,
    dating back to the 1940s and 50s were high
    (ex. The Pliofilm Ohio plant). Current OSHA
    standards (1ppm reduced from higher historical
    limits) make current day comparisons and domestic
    studies difficult. Clean Air Act and OSHA
    standards have also led to the reformulation and
    reduction of or elimination of benzene in many
  • The Italian shoe worker study No worker who
    started after Italian law reduced the benzene
    content in glue to a maximum 2 in 1963 developed
    aplastic anemia, a precursor of AML
  • Benzene litigation continues to grow due to the
    gaining popularity of "trace benzene" cases (a
    term coined by Gordon Rees) in California and
    other jurisdictions. In "trace benzene" cases,
    plaintiff's counsel frequently chooses to sue the
    manufacturers and distributors of all products
    the plaintiff used at work, including products
    with benzene content as small as 0.001.
  • Many studies are foreign as US workplaces
    generally OSHA compliant

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • AML is a blood cancer in which stem cells
    (myeloid cells) produce abnormal blood cells
    known as "myeloblasts or leukemia cells. These
    do not mature into healthy white blood cells,
    instead these abnormal "blast" cells multiply out
    of control displacing or crowding out healthy
    blood cells, thus causing low numbers of red and
    white blood cells, and platelets.
  • The leukemia cells can spread outside the blood
    to other parts of the body, including the central
    nervous system (brain and spinal cord), skin, and
    gums. Sometimes leukemia cells form a solid tumor
    called a granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma.
  • Bone marrow failure occurs as cancerous cells
    replace normal bone marrow. The bone marrow is
    part of the body's immune system. Problems with
    the immune system can make it harder for the body
    to fight infection. Patients with AML have an
    increased risk of bleeding as healthy blood cells
    drop. They become more prone to infection as the
    immune system is compromised.
  • The goal of treatment is to kill the cancer cells
    with chemo. Further treatment called
    consolidation is necessary, which may consist of
    addl chemo, bone marrow transplant or stem cell
    transplant. Radiotherapy, and monoclonal
    antibodies may also be utilized
  • Approximately 13,400 new cases of AML diagnosed
    annually accounting for less than 1 of all
    cancers and 34 of all leukemias. AML has a
    slight male predominance (1.21.0). AML median
    patient age at diagnosis is 65 years. Incidence
    of AML is rare below the age of 40 but increases
    progressively with age. Overall, the 5-year
    survival rate in adults under 65 is about 33.

AML is the Signature Disease in the Litigation
Multiple Myeloma (MM)
  • In multiple myeloma abnormal plasma cells, which
    produce the fluid portion of the blood, build up
    in the bone marrow ultimately forming tumors and
    preventing the bone marrow from making enough
    healthy stem cells that develop into red and
    white blood cells and platelets. The tumors
    within the bone may cause extreme pain and
  • There is far less consensus as to a causative
    link between benzene and MM.
  • Strong influence of race on the incidence of
    myeloma and the occurrence of familial clusters
    of MM cases suggest that genetic factors are
    involved in causation. Other risk factors for
    multiple myeloma are autoimmune disorders,
    chronic immune stimulation, and ionizing
  • Has a longer latency period than AML making it
    perhaps harder to find in studies
  • As a point of reference there are an estimated 15
    to 16,000 cases of MM diagnosed annually

  • Multiple Myeloma in a Multinational Cohort of
  • Than 250,000 Petroleum Workers by
    Country and Industrial Division
  • Country and Industrial Division
    Observed Deaths v. Expected Deaths
  • US Refinery
  • US, UK, and Canada Refinery
    145 157.91
  • US, UK, and Canada Distribution
  • US and Canada Production and pipeline
    6 9.27
  • US, UK, Canada, and Australia All divisions
    205 220.93
  • Data from Wong and Raabe
  • Case-control studies from other countries also
    support the finding of no causal relationship
    between multiple myeloma and benzene exposure
    from American studies.
  • Source Benzene and Multiple Myeloma Appraisal
    of the Scientific Evidence
    Journal of the American Society of Hematology Vol
    94 No 4 August 1999

The Numbers Linking Benzene And MM Just Arent
There In This Extremely Large Cohort
Source Environmental Health Perspectives Vol 104
Supp 6 Dec 1996 Does Benzene Cause Multiple
Myeloma? An analysis of the Published Case
control literature Shewet Bwezabah et. Al.
The Tenuous MM Link
  • The odds ratios for those studies that have
    examined benzene exposure are approximately 1.0.
    Exposures to chemicals in categories containing
    benzene, exposures to petroleum products, and
    employment in petroleum-related occupations do
    not appear to be risk factors for multiple
    myeloma. Products of combustion described as
    "engine exhaust" have a suggested association,
    while products of combustion described as
    "cigarette smoking" do not, cigarette smoking
    often being considered a surrogate for benzene
    exposure. Much of the literature on risk factors
    for multiple myeloma is ambivalent. The current
    published case-control literature on benzene
    exposure is not ambivalent and does not indicate
    that benzene exposure is a risk factor for
    multiple myeloma.
  • Source Environmental
    Health Perspectives Vol 104 Supp 6 Dec 1996 Does
    Benzene Cause Multiple Myeloma?
  • Plaintiffs cite studies that support MM causation
    by benzene.
  • Swedish Paint Industry Study Tracked painters
    first employed 1956 or earlier, excess was
    particularly marked for multiple myeloma (SIR

Some Studies Still Indicate A Benzene MM Link
(Or Is It Another Chemical And Not Benzene?)
  • While we agree that the causal relation between
    benzene and MM remains unproven, there are
    sufficient data to make this association highly
  • Source Environmental and
    Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI)
    LETTER Drs Goldstein and Shalalt Feb 2000 in
    Blood Magazine
  • Australian Petroleum Industry Study Standardized
    Mortality Ratio
  • (SMR) of 2.6
  • Monsanto Study 4172 workers SMR 2.6 (95 CI 0.7
    to 6.7) in the gt6 ppm-years group
  • A case-control study of multiple myeloma in
    Japan Occupational exposure to chemical
    products including organic solvents or petroleum
    showed a significant association with increased
    risk (OR 8.05
  • Cancer risks in New Zealand painters Multiple
    Myeloma (OR 1.95, Risks for MM were greater among
    car or spray painters and sign writers (OR 2.81)

  • NHL risk factors include infectious agents
    (HIV, Epstein Barr virus (mononucleosis),
    Heliobacter pylori bacteria (stomach ulcers),
    immunosuppression during organ transplants,
    genetic susceptibility and environmental risk
    factors. Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls
    (PCBs) and phenoxy herbicides are also seen
    factors. Epstein Barr associated with about
    one-half the cases however virus not conclusively
    established as a cause. DNA from Simian Virus 40
    (SV40), turned up in high percentages in various
    studies. Studies have also shown that patients
    exposed to chemoradiotherapy and chemotherapeutic
    agents may develop lymphoma.
  • One research team conducted a systematic
    review of all case-control and cohort studies
    (mega study) that identified probable
    occupational exposures to benzene and NHL
    morbidity or mortality
  • We identified 43 case-control studies of NHL
    outcomes that recognized persons with probable
    occupational exposure to benzene. Forty of these
    43 (93) studies show some elevation of NHL risk,
    with 23 of 43 (53) studies finding statistically
    significant associations between NHL risk and
    probable benzene exposure.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
  • 56,390 NHL cases diagnosed in the USA in
    2005. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the sixth most
    common cancer in males and the fifth most common
    cancer in females in the United States. The
    age-adjusted incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
    rose by 74 percent from 1975 to 2002 - an annual
    average percentage increase of 2.7 percent.
  • Lymphoma is a general term for a group of
    cancers that originates in the lymphatic system.
    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma represents a diverse group
    of cancers, with the distinctions between types
    based on the characteristics of the cancerous
    cells. The groups are often classified as
    indolent or aggressive, low, intermediate and
    high grade. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a group of
    diseases and not just one type. Each histologic
    grouping is diagnosed and treated differently,
    and therefore expectations are that causations
    will be ultimately prove to be individualistic
    and not blanket.

Aplastic Anemia
  • Aplastic anemia is caused by bone marrow failure,
    resulting in hypoplasia with an inadequate number
    of all cell lines. Severe aplastic anemia
    typically has a poor prognosis and can progress
    to leukemia. Fatal aplastic anemia following
    benzene exposure was first reported in workers in
    the nineteenth century.
  • Relatively rare, only several thousand cases per
    year diagnosed in US.

  • Typical Pleadings in a Benzene Lawsuit
  • Plaintiff worked with and was exposed to various
    benzene containing, or alternatively aromatic
    hydrocarbon-containing chemicals, solvents and/or
    paints, manufactured, processed, supplied and/or
    sold by defendants.
  • Plaintiff was exposed to said products by means
    of inhalation and dermal absorption from direct
    dermal contact by said products.
  • Plaintiffs exposure to the defendants aromatic
    hydrocarbon-containing chemicals, solvents,
    paints and/or fuels was the proximate cause of
    his development of AML (or variants ANLL), or
    less commonly multiple myeloma (MM), or NHL

  • Plaintiffs in toxic exposure cases often attempt
    to substitute less burdensome, alternative expert
    opinions in lieu of precise dose-response and
    exposure levels (such as mathematical models and
    comparisons to subjects in epidemiological
  • Chemicalexposure plaintiffs must prove both
    general and specific causation. National Academy
    of Sciences/World Health Organization causation
  • Level of exposure to toxin must be
  • Must prove that toxin is capable of
    causing disease
  • Proof that the level of exposure was
    sufficient to cause

  • Merrell Dow v. Havner, 953 S.W. 2d 706 (Tex1997)
    Tex Sup Ct. held that epidemiological studies
    must demonstrate a doubling of the risk, i.e. 2.0
    risk ratio at 95 confidence show a doubled risk
    in multiple studies, as a single study is not
    persuasive and reflect the actual exposure and
    disease of the plaintiff in the case.
  • Frias v. Atlantic Richfield Company, 104 S.W. 3d
    925 (2003) alleged benzene caused aplastic anemia
    (AA). Court found the plaintiff's description of
    exposure ("consistently," "regular,"
    "occasional") so indefinite that the frequency
    and duration of the plaintiff's exposure was too
    speculative to prove causation.
  • Parker v. Mobil Oil Corp., 2005 N.Y. App. Div.
    LEXIS 3326 (N.Y. Mar. 28, 2005) court set forth 3
    step process
  • (1) determining the plaintiff's exposure to
    the toxin, (2) ascertaining whether scientific
    literature supports proof that the plaintiff's
    level of exposure to the toxin is capable of
    producing the illness, and (3) establishing
    specific causation by demonstrating the
    probability that the particular plaintiffs
    illness was caused by the toxin
  • In Nonnon v.City of New York, NYS 2ns 2006 WL
    1529293 N.Y.A.D.1Dept) the court allowed
    testimony of an expert that lacked exposure
    analysis, abserved the testimony was not novel
    and distinguished the case from Parker v. Mobil
    because no scientist could make an accurate
    measurement of the doses of the combined
    carcinogens the residents near a city landfill
    were exposed to

  • Grant v Bristol Meyer Squibb 97F. Supp. 2d(D.
    Ariz.,2000) If the available body of
    epidemiology demonstrates that risk is not
    doubled, then causation evidence is
  • Austin v. Kerr-McGee 25 S.W.3d TexasApp 2000 Pltf
    died of CML,alleged due to exposure to benzene in
    mineral spirits. Court affirmed trial courts
    exclusion of expert testimony. No study cited
    posited that benzene causes CML specifically but
    only found specific relationships between benzene
    and other forms of leukemia (AML)
  • Mitchell v Gencorp 165 F.3d 778 7thCir 1999
    Evidence that benzene exposure caused AML not
    probative to show causation of CML in the absence
    of adequate data directly related to CML
  • Exxon Corp v Makofski 116 S. W. 3d 176 Tex App
    2003 Pltf alleged benzene in underground water
    caused ALL-acute lymphocytic leukemia. Parties
    experts agreed benzene caused AML, studies had
    not reached same conclusion with ALL, most common
    in children. One study associated ALL and other
    lymphatic leukemias with exposure to benzene AND
    OTHER SOLVENTS but appellate court in overturning
    trial court found the study told us nothing
    definitive about benzene and ALL.
  • Edwards v. Safety-Kleen Corporation, 61 F.Supp.2d
    1354 (S.D. Florida 1999). Plaintiff alleged that
    decedent's death (from myelodysplastic syndrome -
    a bone marrow and blood disease ("MDS") was
    caused by his exposure to benzene. In excluding
    the expert testimony regarding decedent's benzene
    exposure levels, the court found that while the
    formula used by the expert was well-established,
    his methodology was neither tested nor reliable.

  • Curtis v. MS Petroleum, Inc., 174 F.3d 661 (5th
    Cir. 1999). 5th Circuit, while recognizing that
    establishing exposure level is one of the
    "minimum facts" necessary concluded that "the law
    does not require Plaintiffs to show the precise
    level of benzene to which they were exposed."
    Thus, because the expert's testimony was
    supported by evidence that plaintiffs' symptoms
    were consistent with an exposure to high levels
    of benzene, the alleged level of exposure was
    probable, and the testimony admissible.
  • Sutera v. Perrier Group of America, Inc., 986
    F.Supp.2d 655 (D. Mass. 1997). Plaintiff alleged
    that his consumption of mineral water caused him
    to contract Acute Promyleocytic Leukemia ( a
    variant of AML) the court noted that all of the
    epidemiological studies involved subjects whose
    exposure to benzene was through inhalation, and
    the dosage and duration of the exposure was
    "substantially greater in order of magnitude"
    than plaintiff's. It also found the studies
    unreliable because they do not "explore the
    exposure necessary to trigger the
    cancer-producing mechanism.
  • Espinosa v. Does, NO BC322590 Calif.Super., Los
    Angeles Not necessary for Espinozas disease to
    be linked directly to Univars solvents because
    Pltf. came into contact with a number of solvents
    and needs only to show that Univars products
    were a substantial factor in causing her disease.

Summary judgments not a cinch. Battling experts
may generate a triable issue of material fact,
preventing entry of summary judgment.
Benzene exposures are not solely occupational but
EPA Benzene is the most significant air toxic
for which cancer risk could be estimated,
contributing 25 percent of the average individual
cancer risk identified in this assessment. Based
on EPAs national emissions inventory, the key
sources for benzene are onroad (49) and nonroad
mobile sources (19), and open burning,
prescribed fires and wildfires (14).

Air quality in "hot spots" will have to be
dramatically improved. Benzene levels would have
to be reduced by as much as 40 percent in Houston
to comply with EPA limits. Houston Business
Journal 9/27/2006
Exposures are not solely occupational product
Benzene in Cigarette Smoke
  • A confounding factor in the etiology of and
    epidemiological study of other cancers, cigarette
    smoking is associated with an increased risk of
    leukemia. Benzene, an established leukemogen, is
    present in cigarette smoke. Cigarettes have been
    found to release between 50 and 150 micrograms of
    benzene per cigarette, so smoking and second-hand
    smoke are important sources of exposure to
    benzene. Cigarette smoke accounts for about half
    of the US national exposure to benzene and for
    about 89 of total benzene exposure among
    smokers. Secondhand smoke may account for up to
    10 of benzene exposure among nonsmokers.

The cancer culprit New research shows that
benzene in cigarettes is responsible for a
significant proportion of deaths from leukemia
and acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Large numbers of potential litigants some 85,000
    AML and other hematopoietic/lymphomatic cancers
    develop annually. If just 2 /- have suitable
    occupational exposures that could produce 1000 to
    2000 potential cases annually (11,000 welding
    fume cases filed to date, 30,000 silica cases
    filed to date)
  • There is some scientific support to causation and
    a grave and often fatal disease(s) is involved.
    Unlikely to see unimpaireds, only certifiably
    diagnosed cancer victims as plaintiffs.
  • Major jurisdictional differences
  • Significant defense costs Commonly
    multi-defendant actions. Consider what the total
    cost to the insurance industry may be.
  • Major asbestos firms moving in Simmons
    Cooper/Madison County, Baron Budd
  • Were Going to See More of it
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