Title: Testing Galfit
1Testing Galfit
- Clemens Trachternach1, Olaf Schmithüsen1, Gijs
Verdoes Klein2, Ewout Helmich2, Dominik Bomans1
,Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar1, Oliver-Mark Cordes3,
Thomas Erben3, Hendrik Hildebrandt3, Patrick
1Astronomisches Institut, Ruhr-Uni
Bochum 2Kapteyn Instituut, Rijks-Universiteit
Groningen 3Argelander Institut für Astronomie,
Uni Bonn
2CFHTLSCanada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy
- 36 CCDs
- 1 deg² FoV
- 1.2hr exposure time in i-band
- MagZP 25.75 mag
- Seeing 0.95
- Comparable to the KIDS data
3Contaminant correction
- Galfit does ?²-minimization at all costs
- Galfit needs to know that there is a second
object (or third, or) to fit it with a new
component - Need to think of selection criteria for primary
AND secondary objects - One possibility (the one I made my tests with)
- Object inside fitting region, near primary object
and not more than a few magnitudes fainter - Object just outside fitting region but brighter
than primary - ? add component
4Contaminant correction
Run 1a Run 1b Run 2a Run 2b
DETECT_MINAREA (min. area for 2nd object) 30 50 50 70
MINAREA_PRIMARY 100 100 150 150
Number of objects 35.000 25.000 25.000 20.000
Objects fitted 11367 11453 7239 7278
Needed time 90 h 75 h 80 h 74 h
5Running Galfit with different profiles
DETECT_MINAREA (for 2nd object)
30 MINAREA_PRIMARY 100 35000 objects in
catalogue 11800 objects as primary objects
Profile Expdisk Sersic B/D (SersicExpdisk)
total time / time per obj. (2.6GhZ P4 4GB Ram) 39.5 h 12 s 47 h 14.4 s 102 h 32 s
6Galfit got stuck
7Galfit got stuck
- Need a maximum number of iterations
- If this already exists
- ? Check why it didnt stop