Title: Breakdown Testing on RF Antennas for Fusion Plasma
1- Breakdown Testing on RF Antennas for Fusion
Plasma - Aaron Virshup
- Mentor John Caughman
- ORNL Fusion Energy Division
- December 11, 2002
- Fusion reaction
- Ingredients kept in ionized state (plasma)
- Plasma confined by magnetic fields
- Energy pumped into plasma with RF antennas
- If areas of RF antennas exceed a certain voltage,
an arc of current flows from high to low voltage
areas - Breakdown voltage determined by geometry of
antenna and its environment - Breakdown limits antenna output, damages antenna
and other equipment
4Experimental Setup Mini-RFTF
- Mini-Radio Frequency Test Facility1
- Over 100 kiloWatt RF transmitter
- Magnet coils generate up to 600 Gauss fields
- Setup enclosed in 10-6 Torr vacuum chamber - can
be filled with gasses and plasma
High Voltage Transmission Line
magnetic coils
High Voltage Electrode
vacuum chamber
5High Voltage Tester Circuit
Vac. Cap. To Ground C65.44 pF L31.0 nH
High Voltage Line Z088 ? Loss 0.122 ?
Vacuum Feedthrough Z055 ? Loss 0.101 ?
Feeds to Junction Z050 ? Loss0.014 ?
RF Emitter R106 ? C5.2 pF
1.0 m
1.78 m
1.0 m
Feed to Input Z050 ?
6Circuit Tuning
- Changing the capacitance of the vacuum capacitor
changes the resonant frequency of the antenna - At best resonance, circuit achieves better than
-30 dB match gt 99.999 power transfer
C56.3 pF 63.16 MHz
C76.4 pF 61.51 MHz
C65.44 pF 62.63 MHz
7High Voltage Electrode
- Highest voltage point on antenna
- Breakdown localized to this area
- Asymmetric inner conductor localizes breakdown to
ends closest to outer conductor
8Circuit Models
- Created computational model of circuit parameters
to predict non-breakdown behavior
Voltage Magnitude Along Transmission Line
Input Impedance Magnitude vs.
RF Emitter Voltage
V(x) / Vout
Zin (?)
Input voltage
Distance (m)
9Experimental Model Predictions
Electrode Voltage (V)
Input power (W)
10HV Electrode Voltage Calibration
Vector Voltage Probe
- Capacitor probe mounted underneath HV electrode
measures its voltage - Calibrate cap probe to HV electrode voltage
High Voltage Port
Capacitor Probe
determine V(x)
11Capacitor Probe Calibration
12Magnetic Deflection
Electron Paths
- Magnetic fields deflect electrons away from outer
conductor - Increase in path length ? increase in voltage
13Magnetic Fields in Mini-RFTF
- Insulation effect observed in NSTX test reactor -
has not yet been quantified
14Breakdown Testing
- Plot breakdown voltage vs. gas pressure
- Gas provides additional electrons to breakdown
arcs and should decrease breakdown voltage - 10 ms pulses through antenna every 10 s
15Preliminary Results
Breakdown Voltage vs. Pressure
Breakdown Voltage (V)
- Created precision model of antenna that gives
impedance and voltage distribution - Correctly predicts impedance vs. frequency
- Predicts voltages as high as 60 kV for 100 kW
input power - Calibrated capacitor probe to HV electrode as
function of gap distance - Model predicts strong significant positive
dependence of breakdown voltage vs. magnetic
field strength - Preliminary results qualititatively agree with
previous results - Hope to test magnetic field dependence in next
two days
- The ERULF program and fusion energy research at
ORNL are supported by the US Department of
Energy. - The ORSS program is directed by Dr. Ron Winters,
and is administered by the ACM and GLCA
consortiums. - John Caughman, Mentor
- David Rasmussen, Plasma Technology Group Leader
- Andy Fadnek
- Rick Goulding
- Dennis Sparks
- References
- 1 F. W. Baity, D.W. Swain et al. The
ORNL/ASDEX Upgrade RF Breakdown TesterResults
and Plans. Presented at 14th Topical Conference
on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, CA.