Title: LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: Measurement of Unit Performance
1LESSONS TO BE LEARNED Measurement of Unit
- Paper to the NTSA DoD Training Transformation
Technologies Meeting -
- Jack Hiller, Chief Scientist, Mission Systems,
ITSD, Northrop Grumman Corp. -
- September 5, 2003
- Useful References
- 1. Determinants of Effective Unit Performance,
ARI, 1994 - 2. Assessing and Measuring Training Performance,
2000, ARI Technical Report 1116
3Evaluation vs. Assessment
- Evaluation
- Standards or criteria permitting objective
performance scoring. - Mission or task outcomes that are observable.
- Assessment
- Rating criteria indefinite/fuzzy.
- Too many variables and chance factors.
4Evaluation vs. Assessment (Cont.)
- Increasing Role for Assessment Approaches
- FCS Units of Action may command far-ranging
support, similar to brigade and higher. - Terrorist options for inflicting damage are
virtually infinite, so predefined mission task
standards for decision making might lack
relevance. - Joint operations command decisions are far
ranging, encompassing complex multiple
dimensions Diplomatic, Information, Military,
Economic (DIME) -
5Lessons To Be Learned The Primacy of Defined
- Examples for problems in Measurement Purpose
- 1. We will collect all the data and get it to
you. NTC Commander - 2. We are building a ten thousand item database
which will answer all questions about the
determinants of unit effectiveness.
6Lessons To Be Learned The Primacy of Defined
Purpose (Cont.)
- 3. Data collected in BOS categories to support
NTC AARs were problematic for use in - a. Take Home Packages.
- b. Systematically analyzing for Lessons
Learned in DOTLMS. - c. Systematically analyzing for trends in
7Unknown Measurement Reliability, and Thus
Uncertain Validity
- Four developers of infantry battle drills were
asked to independently rate the performances of a
number of trained squads. -
- 1. Infantry LTC scored performances uniformly
NOGO. - 2. Platoon SGT rated performances uniformly GO.
8Unknown Measurement Reliability, and Thus
Uncertain Validity, (Cont.)
- 3. PhD researcher rated about half GO and NOGO.
- 4. Highly experienced infantry researcher
refused to rate, because conditions did not
follow prescribed directions. - The evaluation test turned into an assessment
exercise. - Be wary of scores from untrained raters.
9Scope of the Measurement Domain Implications
for the JNTC
- The domain is large, with 4 DIME dimensions
crossing the 7 DOMTLPF categories forming a
matrix with 28 cells, with many relevant for
rating. - Automation technology should be enlisted to
support measurement personnel, O/Cs.
10Scope of the Measurement Domain Implications
for the JNTC (Cont.)
- PDA wireless computers can facilitate
- Prompting what is to be observed against defined
performance standards. - Recording ratings and comments.
- Recording the audio-visual, time tagged context.
- Rapid, easy retrieval of data for analysis and
for preparation of AARs. - Cumulative storage of data to support lessons
learned and performance trends analysis.
11An Approach for Measuring Adaptable and Creative
- Provide rating directions and
- Calibration training for assessment personnel?
Premature. - Instead
- Provide a three or five point rating scale for
creativity. - Direct assessors to explain their rating.
- After experience has been accumulated, it may be
possible to revisit 1 and 2. - Initial assessors need to be acknowledged experts.
- Establish the multiple purposes for measurement.
- Map each articulated purpose to the measures to
be collected for it. - Establish a mechanism to implement the lessons to
be learned.