Europe on the Edge and then Walking into the Abyss - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Europe on the Edge and then Walking into the Abyss


Just as in Western Europe, socialist thought and parties appeared in Russia, but ... As 1914 came, Europe sitting upon a keg of gunpowder ready for a spark to set it ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Europe on the Edge and then Walking into the Abyss

Europe on the Edge and then Walking into the Abyss
  • Politics, Culture, the New Imperialism and the
    Coming of War 1870-1914

  • Before 1914, Europeans still believed in the
    values and ideals of reason, science, and
  • However, by the end of the 19th century a
    dramatic transformation in the realm of ideas and
    culture challenged many of these assumptions
    creating a new view of the physical universe, an
    appeal to the irrational, alternative views of
    human nature and radically innovative forms of
    literary and artistic expression
  • These new ideas, though opening up a new modern
    consciousness, would also create a sense of
    confusion and anxiety

Emergence of a New PhysicsTraditional
Scientific View
  • Science was one of the chief pillars on which the
    optimistic and rationalistic view of the world
    was supported
  • Additionally, the West still held to the
    Newtonian mechanical conception of the universe
  • Moreover, matter was thought to be composed of
    indivisible solid material bodies called atoms

Emergence of a New Physics
  • Marie Curie and Radium
  • The first crack in this view was made by Marie
    Curie her husband Pierre who discovered that
    the element radium gave off rays of radiation
    that came from within the atom itself
  • Atoms were now no longer small, hard material
    bodies, but small world containing subatomic
    particles that behaved in a random and
    inexplicable fashion
  • Max Planck and Quanta
  • Building upon the work of the Curies, Max Planck
    rejected the idea that a heated body radiates
    energy in a steady stream, but instead rather
    discontinuously, in irregular packets he called
  • Concept of quantum theory vs. Newtonian physics

Emergence of a New PhysicsAlbert Einstein and
  • It was to be Albert Einstein and his theory of
    relativity that would challenge and replace the
    Newtonian worldview
  • According to this new theory, space and time are
    not absolute but relative to the observer, and
    both are interwoven into what Einstein called a
    four-dimensional space-time continuum
  • Einsteins theory rested upon his formula of
  • Rejection and than acceptance of Einsteins

Friedrich Nietzsche and Superman
  • In the decades before 1914, there were also
    contradictions in the intellectual sphere
  • Due to the influence of science, confidence in
    human reason and progress still remained
    dominant however, there was a small group of
    intellectuals who attacked the idea of optimistic
    progress, dethroned reason, and glorified the
  • The greatest and most influential of these
    figures was Friedrich Nietzsche
  • What was to blame for this enfeeblement of
    Western civilization? Christianity
  • slave morality
  • God is dead
  • Rise of the superman

Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis
  • The optimism about the rational nature of the
    human mind was further undermined by a Viennese
    doctor by the name of Sigmund Freud
  • Unconscious
  • The Interpretation of Dreams, (1900)
  • Freud strongly believed that human behavior was
    determined by the unconscious, by earlier
    experiences and inner forces that people were
    largely oblivious to
  • Repression
  • These forces were oblivious because of
    repression harmful events were blotted from
    conscious awareness but remained within the
    unconscious where it still influence behavior
  • The id, ego, and superego
  • Rejection of Freuds ideas

Social Darwinism and Racism
  • In the second half of the 19th century, many
    scientific theories were wrongly applied to
    achieve other ends
  • The one that would have the most far-reaching
    consequences was the application of Darwins
    theory of evolution to society, and was known as
    Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism and Racism
  • Herbert Spencers Social Statistics
  • The most popular exponent of Social Darwinism was
    the British philosopher Herbert Spencer
  • Progress came from the struggle for survival
  • This could apply to both people and states
  • As applied to Society Race
  • Darwins ideas were also applied to human society
    in radical ways by extreme nationalist and
  • The extreme nationalists argued that nations were
    also engaged in a struggle for existence and
    only the strongest fittest survived
  • German volkish ideology and Houston Stewart
  • Jews seen in biological terms

Attack on Christianity and Church Responses
  • Weakening of Religion
  • The growth of scientific thinking as well as
    modernization presented new challenges to the
    Christian churches
  • Industrialization urbanization weakened the
    hold the churches had on the masses
  • In addition, many of the political movements of
    the late 19th century were hostile to established
    religion - anticlericalism
  • Science became a major threat to religion as the
    century progressed - Darwins theory of evolution
  • Pius IX and Leo XIII
  • Pope Pius IX and the Syllabus of Errors (1864)
  • However, under his successor, Leo XIII, the
    Catholic Church tried to compromise with
    modernity with mixed results

Culture of Modernity
  • The revolution in physics and psychology was
    paralleled by a revolution in literature and the
  • In the period before 1914 writers and artists
    rebelled against the traditional literary and
    artistic styles that had dominated Europe since
    the Renaissance creating what is now known as
  • Literature
  • Emile Zolas Naturalism
  • Yeats, Rilke, and Symbolism
  • Art
  • Pissarro, Monet, Morisot, and Impressionism
  • Cezanne, Van Gogh, and Post-Impressionism
  • Picasso Cubism and Kandinsky Abstraction

Politics New Directions and New Uncertainties
  • Just as uncertainties marked the intellectual and
    cultural life of Europe, so was it true of
    Europes political life
  • The steady progress in liberal principles and
    political democracy after 1871 was soon slowed
    and to an extent halted after 1894
  • The new mass politics opened the door to changes
    many liberals found unacceptable
  • Right-wing politics
  • Demands of Women
  • Lastly, tensions continued to grow as the
    authoritarian governments of central Europe
    refused to meet the demands of the reformers

Womens Rights Movement
  • Custody and Property
  • In the 1830s, women began to join reform
    movements to improve their position
  • Their initial goal was to change the family
    marriage laws that made it difficult for women to
    secure divorce and property laws that gave
    husbands complete control over their wifes
  • These early efforts were not exactly successful
  • Suffrage
  • By the 1840s 50s, the womans movement
    entered the political arena with the call for
    equal political rights, especially the right to
  • The British womens movement was the most vocal
    and active in Europe, though it was split between
    moderate the radical forces
  • Although few followed these methods, demands for
    womens rights were heard throughout Europe, but
    it was only after 1914 when they were finally
    given the right to vote

Liberalism Transformed in Britain
  • In dealing with the problems created by the new
    mass politics, liberal governments were forced to
    follow policies that undermined the basic tenets
    of liberalism and this is no more apparent than
    in Britain
  • Workers, Labour and the Liberal Party
  • The Liberals, led by David Lloyd George,
    recognized that they had to enact a program of
    social welfare or lose the support of the workers
  • Liberalism, based upon the idea that the
    government that governs least governs best, was
    forever transformed

Growing Tensions in Wilhelmine Germany
  • Germany, only recently united, experienced
    growing pains as it experienced telescopic
  • The problem is that Germany is still very
    authoritarian and conservative, at least in the
    circles of power
  • But the growth in industrialization and
    modernization creates a whole series of contrasts
  • Social Democracy is growing as well as the demand
    for more political participation and democracy
  • The ruling political and industrial elite oppose
    this, and try to divert the publics attention
    with an activist foreign policy
  • However, the tensions between traditionalism and
    modernization remain, a ticking time-bomb ready
    to explode

Imperial Russia
  • Industrialization and Socialism
  • In Russia, there was also great tension between
    the forces of traditionalism and modernization as
    industrialization reshaped the face of Russia
  • Just as in Western Europe, socialist thought and
    parties appeared in Russia, but were soon
    suppressed and they resorted to revolutionary
  • The Revolution of 1905
  • These tensions came to a head with Russias
    defeat by Japan in 1905, resulting in the 1905
  • The government of Nicolas II capitulates and
    grants parliamentary government with the Duma
  • However, the experiment with democracy is

The New Imperialism
  • In the 1880s, the nation-states of Europe
    embarked upon an intense scramble for overseas
  • This revival of imperialism, or what is called
    new imperialism, led Europeans to carve up most
    of Africa and Asia, further increasing the
    tensions between the powers in Europe
  • Why did this happen and what can explain it?

Causes of the New Imperialism
  • Competition among European Nations
  • Social Darwinism and Racism
  • Humanitarianism and Missions
  • Economic Gain

Creation of EmpiresAfrica
  • The British and Africa
  • The Cape Colony the Boer Republic
  • Cecil Rhodes
  • From the Cape to Cairo
  • The Boer War (1899-1902)
  • Scramble to Carve the Continent
  • By the 1880s, the rest of Europe intervened in
  • France would control most of North Africa,
    including Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco
  • Britain, Egypt and the Suez Canal
  • By 1914, all of Africa except for Liberia and
    Ethiopia had been conquered by Europeans

Creation of Empires Asia
  • Although Asia had been open to Western influence
    since the 16th century, very little of its
    territory had fallen under direct European
  • This was to change in the middle of the 19th
  • James Cook and Australia
  • China and the "Open Door"
  • Matthew Perry and Japan

Responses to Imperialism
  • We have seen several examples of European
    imperialism and how they imposed their beliefs
    and culture upon these conquered people, but how
    did they respond?
  • We will look at three examples of how indigenous
    peoples responded to foreign rule
  • Boxers and a Chinese Republic
  • Meiji Modernization of Japan
  • British Control of India

International Rivalry and the Coming of War
  • Before 1914, Europe experience a period of peace
    lasting nearly 50 years
  • Although there had been some wars, but none
    really involving the Great Powers or leading to a
    general war
  • The reason for this was Bismarcks retraining

The Bismarckian System of Alliances
  • Bismarck knew that the creation of a united
    Germany upset the balance of power
  • Bismarck, France and the Three Emperors League
  • The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and who
    would benefit from it, Austria or Russia
  • The Congress of Berlin (1878)
  • After the Congress, the European powers sought
    alliances to safeguards themselves
  • Bismarcks alliance system worked to keep the
    status quo intact, however, he was dismissed by
    William II in 1890

New Directions and New Crises
  • Germanys search for a place in the sun
  • With the dismissal of Bismarck, William II took
    an active interest in foreign policy seeking
    Germanys place in the sun
  • However, in pursuing this new activist foreign
    policy, Germany undid most of Bismarcks system
  • Triple Entente
  • Franco-Russian Alliance (1894)
  • Now the Germans faced enemies on both borders, so
    they sought out additional allies, specifically
    the British
  • Anglo-German Naval Race
  • Signing of the Entente Cordiale (1904) and the
    Triple Entente
  • Europe was now divided into two opposing power
    blocs, the Triple Alliance versus the Triple
    Entente - it was only a matter of time before
    some spark set off war between the two

Crisis in the Balkans
  • The first step in the road to war in 1914 began
    in the Balkans with the Balkan Crisis of 1908-09
  • The next step were the two Balkan Wars in 1912
  • Results of the Balkan Wars and the cold war
    between Austria-Hungary and Serbia/Russia
  • As 1914 came, Europe sitting upon a keg of
    gunpowder ready for a spark to set it off
  • It would take a little accident to set it off
    with the European age of progress about to come
    to a inglorious and bloody end
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