Title: Complex Emergency and Disaster Management Programs of Study
1Complex Emergency and Disaster Management
Programs of Study
2- Importance of the Problem
3Trend in Global Disaster Events, 1970-99
Number of Events (Nat. Dis.)
Source CRED Conflict Data through 1996
4Disaster Causes and Effects We Know Where They
Will Happen
5Humanitarian Assistance Spending
6Program History
- Increasing student involvement in CE/DM areas
- Strategic planning exercise
- Self study
- Advisory Board of IO/NGO executives
7Students to be Prepared for the Following
Professional Roles
- Information management specialists
- Senior and mid-level emergency program managers
- HPN sector program coordinators
- Food and nutrition project managers
- Reproductive health project managers
- Mental health/trauma/management of psychosocial
aspects of disasters/CEs - Policy analysts and academic career track
8Key Competencies CE/DM Program
- Identify the key information requirements for
vulnerability and risk assessment, initial
disaster assessments and monitoring and
evaluation systems for CE/DM - Utilize internet technology to access necessary
technical expertise for CE/DM in real time
settings - Coordinate effectively with the international
CE/DM system
9Key Competencies CE/DM Program (cont)
- Prioritize key interventions according to
disaster type, population context, and stage of
disaster life cycle - Design interventions programs in compliance with
SPHERE minimum standards - Perform a do-no-harm analysis
- Identify linkages between relief and development
programming - Develop a project or program proposal, consistent
with key donor agency guidelines
10Key Competencies CE/DM Program (cont)
- Manage personal risks such as landmines, combat
situations, kidnap and hostage situations,
psychological stress
11Research and Practice Themes
- Early warning/Vulnerability/Risk assessment
research - Evaluation methodologies
- Nutritional assessment techniques
- Behavioral research on post conflict and post
disaster recovery transition - Development of information management and
IT-assisted learning tools
12Strategic Partners
13Disaster Management Initiatives
- Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian
Assistance (CDMHA) - A program focusing on disaster preparedness,
mitigation, response and recovery in the Americas
through - Training,
- Research, and
- Facilitating civil-military cooperation (major
partner is USSOUTHCOM). - CDMHA also facilitates public-private sector
14Disaster Management Initiatives
- Complex Emergency Response and Transition
Initiative (CERTI) - Addresses unstable conflict/hazard context of
Sub-Saharan Africa - Provides analytical support to USAIDs Africa
Bureau for Crisis Mitigation and Recovery (CMR) - Undertakes policy analysis and applied research
towards more effective linkages between emergency
and development programming
15A few points of interest for FEMA EMI conference
- Africa Collection for Transition (ACT) Library
full-text search digital library for disaster/CE
management in international settings (esp.
Africa) - Global higher education assessment and inventory
16Additional Resources
- For further information about courses and
programs in CE/DM (mock_at_tulane.edu) - Nancy Mocks website
- www.tulane.edu/mock
- Linking Complex Emergency and Transition
Initiative - www.certi.org
- Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian
- Assistance
- www.cdmha.org