Title: Paleontological Stratigraphic Interval Construction and Analysis Tool
1Paleontological Stratigraphic Interval
Construction and Analysis Tool
2Nicknamed PSICAT
Paleontological Stratigraphic Interval Constructio
n and Analysis Tool
- Background
- Technical Details
- Demo
- Future Work
4What is PSICAT?
- PSICAT is a Java-based graphical editing tool for
creating and viewing core description diagrams.
It captures data as you draw and provides various
visualization and analysis options.
5Core Description (1)
6Core Description (2)
- Primary record of the core
- Traditionally drawn by hand
- Drafted in a graphics application
- Good for publication
- Harder to work with when you want data
7Technical Details (1)
- Captures the data e.g. depths, grain sizes,
lithologies, behind what you draw - Integrate images and external data sets into your
diagrams - Open source, cross platform
- Designed to be modularpick and choose only the
pieces you need - Can easily be extended to capture new data or
provide new visualizations and analyses
8Modular Architecture
9Data Model
ltmodelsgt ltmodel id"0" type"Project"
parent""gt ltproperty name"name"gtSample
Projectlt/propertygt lt/modelgt ltmodel id"1"
type"Interval" parent"0"gt ltproperty
name"depth.top"gt0.00lt/propertygt ltproperty
name"depth.base"gt0.58lt/propertygt ...
lt/modelgt ltmodel id"2" type"Interval"
parent"0"gt ltproperty name"depth.top"gt0.58
lt/propertygt ltproperty name"depth.base"gt1.1
2lt/propertygt ... lt/modelgtlt/modelsgt
10Human Computer Interaction
- Humancomputer interaction is a discipline
concerned with the design, evaluation and
implementation of interactive computing systems
for human use - Applied HCI
- Direct Manipulation
- Sketch Based Interfaces
- (Informal) Usability Studies
12Future Work
- More import and export options
- More data capture columns
- Finish the search functionality
- Formal usability study?