Title: To Avoid Creating Interviewer Effects, do not:
1Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH)
Consumer Operated Service Program (COSP)
Interviewer Training
2Description of the Project
- The Consumer Operated Service Program (COSP)
will study the impact of participating in a
consumer-operated service by examining the
following outcomes
- Empowerment
- Housing
- Employment
- Social Inclusion
- Satisfaction with Services
- Costs
3The Survey ProcessIn order to avoid errors when
collecting data
- Read questions as worded
- Do not probe directively
- Do not bias answers by the way you relate to the
respondents - Record your answers accurately
- Do not assume any answers, always ask the
respondent questions directly
4Preparing for the Interview (1)
- Understand Purpose of Survey
- Practice
- Reserve Interview Location
- Take Required Forms
- Take Supplies
5Preparing for the Interview (2)
- Prepare Yourself
- Create a Favorable Environment
- Review Informed Consent Confidentiality
- Explain Interview Format
6First Contact (1)
- Give your name and title of organization
- Provide brief summary of project
- Do not ask questions that may elicit undesired
responses - Assume respondent is willing to do interview and
you are trying to find a convenient time
7First Contact (2)
- Ask if the respondent has any accessibility
accommodation needs - Remind the respondent about confidentiality and
the informed consent procedure - Respect the respondents right to say No
8Being Culturally Competent
- Disability Etiquette
- Basic Guidelines
- Common Courtesies
- Conversation
- Terminology
- Words to Avoid
- Preferred Terminology
9Three Goals of Standardization
- Each respondent is exposed to the same question
experience - All answers are recorded in the same manner
- Any differences in answers should be directly
attributable to differences between respondents,
not to differences in the process that produced
that answer
10Avoid Creating Interviewer Effects
- Do not offer your own opinion during the
interview - Do not display approval or disapproval through
your tone of voice, facial expression, or side
comments - Do not discuss your own experiences with the
respondent - Do not read questions using your own words
instead of those written on the questionnaire
11Listening Skills
- Good listening skills help interviewers
- Probe for more information when necessary
- Gauge the respondents level of comfort or
discomfort with the questions - Hear and understand the respondents answer so
that it is recorded correctly
12Body Language Non-verbal Cues
- Non-verbal cues can be conveyed through
- Facial expressions
- Posture
- Hand and foot movements
13Reading the Questions (1)
- Read questions exactly as worded
- Read questions in the order in which they are
presented in the questionnaire - Ask every question unless there are skip
instructions - Read questions with no additions, deletions, or
14Reading the Questions (2)
- Read each question slowly at about two words per
second - Use a tone of voice that conveys assurance,
interest, and a professional manner that is
neutral and non-judgmental - Emphasize underlined words to enhance meaning
- Do not read aloud anything printed in bold in the
15Using Interviewer Probes
- Show interest
- Pause
- Repeat the question
- Repeat the reply
- Get clarification
- Ask respondent to be specific
- Ask a neutral question
16As an interviewer you must
- Read questions with no additions, deletions, or
substitutions - Read each question at two words per second
- Use a neutral, non-judgmental, and professional
tone of voice - Emphasize underlined words
17As an interviewer you must
- Read questions exactly as they are worded in the
questionnaire - Read question in the order in which they are
presented - Ask every question on the questionnaire
18Short Feedback Phrases
- I see
- Uh-huh/Um-hmmm
- Thank you
- Thanks
19Long Feedback Phrases
- Thats useful/helpful information
- Its useful to get your ideas on this
- Thanks, its important to get your opinion on
that - I see, thats helpful to know
20Interviewing TipsDuring an interview, keep in
- Read each of the responses
- on the response cards.
- When reading a list, repeat
- the question stem at least
- three times.
- Emphasize underlined words
- Do not read bolded text.
21Recording the Responses
- Common errors made by interviewers include
- Omitting an answer
- Recording the wrong answer code
- Circling more than one answer or entering more
than one number - Writing illegibly
- Using abbreviations that are not recognizable by
the data entry staff
22Taking Breaks
- Be aware of signs that may indicate that a
break is needed - Fidgeting
- Non-verbal behavior that might mean the
respondent is tired, restless or experiencing
extreme emotion - Need for a drink or snack so that medication can
be taken
- End an interview immediately if the respondent
is - Uncooperative
- Rude
- Threatening or hostile toward the interviewer
- Responding in a sexually charged manner
24Interviewers should refrain from
- Touching other than to shake hands
- Using profanity
- Acting out (yelling, slamming furniture)
25What about the respondent who gives an I dont
know answer? Consider what s/he might really
- The respondent...
- may not understand the question
- may be thinking about his/her answer
- doesnt want to answer the question
- doesnt have an opinion on the subject
26When interviewing a person with a hearing loss
- Make sure the respondent always has a clear and
direct view of your face while you are talking - When communicating through interpreter, always
look at the respondent, not at the interpreter - Speak with a normal voice, neither shouting nor
whispering is appropriate
27When interviewing a person with a visual
- Speak in a normal manner, unless you have learned
that the person also has a hearing loss - Read absolutely everything do not rely on visual
information - If other people enter the room, always verbally
describe what is going on and who is entering
28When interviewing a person with a physical
- Do not use insensitive language
- Do not hesitate to shake the persons hand
- Do not express too much sympathy for the person
29Editing the Interview
- Make sure every question has been answered
- Correct errors made in coding
- Make sure notations are clearly written in the
proper place on the questionnaire
30Interviewers have an important job
- Remember that the quality of the data
collected depends on how well you do - your job