Life sentence in Finland and other Nordic Countries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life sentence in Finland and other Nordic Countries


All restrictions on prisoners' rights shall be based on legislation ... The average time in prison has been 13,5-14 years (only a few cases so far ! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life sentence in Finland and other Nordic Countries

Life sentencein Finland and other Nordic
  • Vital and fatal questions
  • Tallinn 16.10 2008
  • Ulla Mohell
  • Counsellor of Legislation
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Finland

Life sentence in Finland and other Nordic
  • 1. Life sentence in Finland
  • Some basic information
  • Life sentenced prisoners
  • Treatment and conditional release
  • 2. Current situation inin other Nordic Countries
  • 3. Council of Europe recommendations
  • Rec (2003)23 on the management of life sentenced
    and other long-term prisoners
  • Rec (2003)22 on conditional release
  • Prison Rules (2006)2

Life sentence in Finland
  • New legislation on enforcement of imprisonment
    and remand imprisonment
  • Came into force 1.10.2006
  • New provisions on conditional release
  • Life sentenced prisoners are also entitled to
    conditional release based on a court decision
  • Before 1.10.2006, possible only by pardon granted
    by the President of Finland
  • New structure with 5 regional prisons
  • New legislation is based on Human Rights
    conventions and recommendations given by the UN,
    the CoE and the CPT

Some basic principles in the new legislation
  • The content of imprisonment shall (only) be the
    loss of liberty. All restrictions on prisoners
    rights shall be based on legislation
  • Living conditions in prisons shall be as close as
    possible to the regular circumstances and ways of
    life or society (work, living conditions the
    normalisation principle)
  • Any negative effects resulting from the loss of
    liberty shall be prevented (visits, contacts with
    the outside world)
  • Prisoners retain all their fundamental rights
    these rights can only be restricted by an act and
    in accordance with the international human rights
  • Prisoners shall be treated justly and with
    respect for their human dignity

(No Transcript)
Length of unconditional imprisonment In Finland
  • minimum 14 days
  • maximum 12 years
  • in case of concurrent sentences (many sentences)
    the maximum is 15 years
  • in case of consecutive sentences the maximum is
    20 years
  • life sentence
  • sentenced only in case of murder or some other
    aggravated crime

Length of fixed-term prison sentence in Finland
  • Average length of unconditional prison sentence
    in Finland 14.1 months
  • Average length in prison before conditional
    release 8.2 months

Life sentence in Finland
  • The number of life sentenced prisoners has
    increased during the last two decades
  • 1.10.2008 148 life sentenced prisoners (4,2
    of prison population)
  • Life sentenced prisoners are not segregated from
    other prisoners
  • Life sentenced prisoners are entitled to take
    part in all activities in prison
  • Entitled to be placed in open prison on same
    conditions as fixed term prisoners (also outside
    the prison)
  • Entitled to prison leaves (normally after 8 years
    are served)
  • Entitled to escorted leaves once a year if not
    normal prison leaves

Sentence plan (including release plan)
Conditional release
Probationary freedom under supervision
Permission for prison leaves
Placement and replacement in prison
Work and other activities in prison
Life sentence in Finland
  • Sentence planning is extremely important in case
    of life sentenced prisoners
  • Sentence planning includes allocation,
    activities, prison leaves, and the date of first
    possible conditional release
  • Sentence plan of life sentence prisoners covers
    the whole prison term and the parole period
    (conditional release)
  • The aim is to increase the predictability of
  • The idea of progressive system is of utmost
  • By following the sentence plan a prisoner will
    gain certain benefits/incentives transfer to a
    more open environment, prison leaves, allocation
    to an institution outside prison, and earlier

Conditional release in Finland
  • Conditional release is a customary measure
  • Benefits to all prisoners without exceptions
  • Postponement of a conditional release occurs very
  • Main rules
  • first-timers after having served ½ of the
  • recidivists after having served 2/3 of the
  • if the offence is committed under the age of 21,
    after having served 1/3 (1/2) of the sentence
  • some few prisoners (dangerous recidivists) after

Life sentenced prisoners
  • May be released after having served 12 years
  • if the offence has been committed under the age
    of 21 after having served 10 years
  • The following is taken into account
  • the nature and number of the offence/s
  • how the prisoner has followed the sentence plan
  • his/her behavior in prison
  • possible later criminality
  • Decision is made by the Helsinki Court of Appeal
  • Before a prisoner is conditionally released
    he/she may be ordered to probationary liberty
    under supervision
  • If a prisoner is not released, it is possible to
    apply again after one year

Life sentence in Finland in practice
  • There are 148 life-time prisoners in Finland (4,2
  • Since 1.10.2006, the Helsinki Court of Appeal has
    made a total of 9 rulings in favour of
    conditional release for a life-sentenced prisoner
  • 4 have been released from prison
  • 4 prisoners are in probationary liberty under
    supervision (or still in prison)
  • In one case conditional release has been
  • Probationary time is the remaining sentence,
    however, no more than three years

Life sentence in Finland
  • The average time in prison has been 13,5-14 years
    (only a few cases so far !!)
  • The President of Finland has the right to give
  • Before the reform came into force (1.10.2006) the
    average time served by life sentenced prisoners
    was 14-15 years

Life sentence in Sweden
  • New legislation came into force 1.11.2006
  • Life sentence can be converted to a fixed-term
  • The maximum is 18 years, which is the maximum
    fixed-term sentence
  • It is possible to make an application to the
    court after having served 10 years of the life
  • The court takes into consideration, for example,
    the following
  • Prisoners risk to commit new crime
  • Prisoners own efforts to integrate into society
  • Length of the sentence already served
  • As of 12.9.2008 there are 154 life-time prisoners
    in Sweden (2,9 )
  • Up until 19.8.2008, 54 have made an application
    for a fixed-term sentence, 30 of which have been
  • A prisoner is eligible for conditional release
    after having served 2/3 of the sentence

Life sentence in Denmark
  • New legislation came into force 2005
  • Life-time prisoners can be released after 12
  • Decision is made by the Minister of Justice
  • 2007 2 life-time prisoners were conditionally
  • 21.12.2007 17 life-time prisoners (0,8 )

Situation in Norway
  • No life sentence in Norway
  • Fíxed-term sentence, the maximum is 21 years
  • Main rule conditional release after 2/3 is
  • A prisoner with a 21 years sentence is released
    after 14 years
  • Decision is made by the Prison Service
  • In addition, the so-called forvaring-system
    where the court gives the maximum (21 years) and
    the minimum time for the sentence in case of a
    new offence the court may decide that the
    prisoner shall be in prison until there is no
    more risk for a new crime
  • Decision made by the Prison Service and the
    prosecutor together, or the court

Recommendation Rec (2003)23
  • on the management by prison administrations of
    life sentenced and other long-term prisoners
  • Long-term imprisonment is 5 years or more
  • Very important recommendation!
  • General principles
  • Individualisation principle long-term prisoners
    should be treated as individuals
  • Normalisation principle conditions in prison
    should as far as possible be similar to living
    conditions in society
  • Non-segregation principle not to segregate
    lifers solely because of the length of their
  • Progression principle progression towards more
    open conditions and more responsibility of the

Recommendation Rec (2003)23
  • Includes, among others, issues concerning
  • Individual sentence planning
  • Risk and needs assessment
  • Security and safety in prison
  • Counteracting the damaging effects of life and
    long-term sentences
  • Special groups of long term prisoners
  • Reintegration into society

Recommendation on conditional release Rec (2003)22
  • Rule 4 a
  • In order to reduce harmful effects of
    imprisonment and to promote the resettlement of
    prisoners into society () the law should make
    conditional release available to all sentenced
    prisoners including life sentenced prisoners

Prison Rules (2006)
  • Rule 33
  • All prisoners shall have the benefit of
    arrangements designed to assist them in returning
    to society

Vital questions on life sentence
  • A life sentenced prisoner should
  • be treated as an individual
  • not be segregated solely on the grounds of the
    length of the sentence
  • have the benefits of progressive system during a
    prison sentence
  • have right to know the first possible date of
    conditional release
  • be given a possibility to change
  • have contact with close relatives and friends
  • have all possible support in resettlement into
    society after the prison sentence

  • Thank you for your attention!
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