Title: New Social Security Number Requirements for International Students
1New Social Security Number Requirements for
International Students
PresentedByInternational Student and Scholar
2Agenda for Todays Meeting
- Introductions
- Social Security Number Requirements for
International Students before October 13, 2004 - The New Requirements
- Documentation that Students Must Present
- What are the BU Issues for Compliance?
- Next Steps
3Social Security Number Requirements for
International Students Before October 13, 2004
4Social Security Number Requirements for
International Students before October 13, 2004
- For any applicant who is not a U.S. citizen,
Social Security Administration regulations
require that it first match the applicants
information with the Department of Homeland
Securitys immigration database before a social
security card can be issued - A person in J-1 status will be issued a social
security card once the data match is made - A person in F-1 status must also provide a letter
from the schools Designated School Official
5Social Security Number Requirements for
International Students before October 13, 2004
- At BU, the designated school officials are in
the ISSS - The letter must verify that the F-1 student is
enrolled in a full-course of study AND is
eligible to be employed - The letter must be on office stationery and have
an original signature. An individual letter must
be issued for each student - Thus, most new international students do not
receive a social security number until at least
three weeks after classes begin
6The New Requirements
7The New Requirements
- Took effect October 13, 2004
- Applies only to students in F-1 non-immigrant
status - A Social Security Number will only be issued if
the F-1 can show PROOF that he or she has a job,
or has been offered a job - If there is no job or job offer, then no Social
Security Number for the F-1. The F-1 can apply
for a SSN at any point in the future once he or
she secures employment
8The New Requirements
- The Social Security Administration states that it
has changed its regulations due to - national security concerns
- identity theft
- the need to protect the integrity of the Social
Security Number
9The New Requirements
- In its publications that announce the new
requirements, the Social Security Administration
reminds employers that F-1 students may work
while the Social Security Number application is
being processed - See Employer Responsibilities When Hiring
Foreign Workers - Available on the web at http//www.socialsecurity
10The New Requirements
- The Social Security Administration states that
there is no provision in the Social Security Act
that employers must have their employees SSNs
before hiring them - Neither is there any provision in the Act that
prohibits an employee from beginning work if he
or she has not yet obtained an SSN
11The New Requirements
- We believe that any disadvantages that might
exist for F-1 students who do not yet have their
SSNs, versus students who do, will be minimized
once the schools employer community understands
that F-1 student applicants for on-campus jobs
should receive their SSNs very quickly after
providing evidence to SSA that they have job
offers. - Supplementary information from the SSA that
accompanies the October 13, 2004 final rule
12The New Requirements
- Also, F-1 students, once they apply for an SSN,
can request that SSA issue them an
acknowledgement letter. This dated letter
confirms that SSA has received an application for
an SSN. An F-1 student can show this letter to
an employer as proof that they have filed for an
SSN. - Supplementary information from the SSA that
accompanies the October 13, 2004 final rule
13Documentation That Students Must Present
14Documentation That Students Must Present
- To show proof of on-campus employment, the F-1
must present
- A letter on school letterhead from the Designated
School Official with an original signature that
identifies - the student by name
- the on-campus employer (bookstore, Biology
Department, etc) - nature of the on-campus employment (teaching,
waiting on tables, monitoring a laboratory, etc)
15Documentation That Students Must Present
- The F-1 must also present
- A pay slip or pay stub from the students
employer OR - A letter from the employer on employers
letterhead that verifies employment
16Documentation That Students Must Present
- The Employers letter must include
- identity of student employee
- nature of job the student is, or will be engaged
in - anticipated or actual employment start date
- number of hours the student is expected to work
- Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- employer contact information, including telephone
number and name of immediate supervisor - original signature and signatory title, and date
17Documentation That Students Must Present
- If an F-1 student will receive or is receiving an
assistantship or fellowship in exchange for
teaching or other services, the F-1 may present
his or her letter of award, if it outlines the
stipulations of the work portion of the
fellowship or assistantship
- In such cases, the SSA will not require any
additional statement from the employer, but will
require the letter from the Designated School
18Documentation That Students Must Present
- If the employer is the Designated School Official
- the letter verifying employment must come from a
separate source, such as the department or
payroll official that issues the paycheck and is
responsible for wage reporting
19Documentation That Students Must Present
- All documents must be originals. Photocopies or
notarized copies will not be accepted - In lieu of the separate letter from the
Designated School Official, the DSO may sign off
on the information provided in the employers
letter - The sign-off must contain the DSOs original
signature, printed name, telephone number and
20What are the BU Issues for Compliance?
21What are the BU Issues for Compliance?
- Payroll systems that require a social security
number before hire may need to develop
work-arounds with their software vendor - Due to lag payrolls, waiting for the first pay
stub before applying for an SSN may be
problematic for students - Current funding/offer letters (other than
assistantship letters) will need to meet all of
the SSA requirements including the Employer
Identification Number (EIN) - Some on-campus employers do not routinely issue
offer letters
22What are the BU Issues for Compliance?
23Next Steps
24Next Steps
- A plan will need to be developed to educate ALL
on-campus employers (departments, offices)
regarding the new regulation - The Smart Forms listserv and other listservs
may be a vehicle for communication - A version of this workshop may need to be offered
to on-campus employers
25Next Steps
- Employer Responsibilities When Hiring Foreign
Workers - http//www.socialsecurity.gov/employer/hiring.htm
- SSA Final Regulation http//a257.g.akamaitech.ne
2004/pdf/04-20614.pdf - SSA Program Operations Manual System (POMS)
- http//policy.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0100203470
27If I Have Questions, Whom Should I Contact?
28If I Have Questions, Whom Should I Contact?
- The Social Security liaison in the Office of
International Student and Scholar Services is
- Karen Keefe-Guzikowski, Assistant
Directorkkeefe_at_binghamton.edu - 777-2510