Discovering Interesting Regions in Spatial Data Sets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discovering Interesting Regions in Spatial Data Sets


Representative-based Clustering Using Randomized Hill Climbing (CLEVER) ... Representative-based Clustering with Gabriel Graph Based Post-processing (MOSAIC) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discovering Interesting Regions in Spatial Data Sets

Discovering Interesting Regions inSpatial Data
  • Christoph F. Eick for Data Mining Class
  • Motivation Examples of Region Discovery
  • Region Discovery Framework
  • A Fitness For Hotspot Discovery
  • Other Fitness Functions
  • A Family of Clustering Algorithms for Region
  • Summary

Discovering Interesting Regions inSpatial Data
  • Christoph F. Eick for Data Mining Class
  • Motivation Examples of Region Discovery
  • Region Discovery Framework
  • A Fitness For Hotspot Discovery
  • Other Fitness Functions
  • A Family of Clustering Algorithms for Region
  • Summary

Next 2-3 Classes
  1. Region Discovery Framework
  3. Hierarchical Clustering
  4. Clustering Algorithms for Region Discovery
  5. Critical Issues with Respect to Clustering
  6. Programming Project-specific Discussion
  7. Similarity Assessment

1. Motivation Examples of Region Discovery
Application 1 Hot-spot Discovery this
presentation, EVJW07 Application 2 Regional
Association Rule Mining and Scoping DEWY06,
DEYWN07 Application 3 Find Interesting Regions
with respect to a Continuous Variable Application
4 Regional Co-location Mining EPWSN07 Applicati
on 5 Find representative regions (Sampling)
Wells in Texas Green safe well with respect to
arsenic Red unsafe well
2. Region Discovery Framework
  • We assume we have spatial or spatio-temporal
    datasets that have the following structure
  • (x,y,z,tltnon-spatial attributesgt)
  • e.g. (longitude, lattitude, class_variable)
    or (longitude, lattitude, continous_variable)
  • Clustering occurs in the (x,y,z,t)-space
    regions are found in this space.
  • The non-spatial attributes are used by the
    fitness function but neither in distance
    computations nor by the clustering algorithm
  • For the remainder of the talk, we view region
    discovery as a clustering task and assume that
    regions and clusters are the same

Region Discovery Framework Continued
  • The algorithms we currently investigate solve the
    following problem
  • Given
  • A dataset O with a schema R
  • A distance function d defined on instances of R
  • A fitness function q(X) that evaluates clustering
    Xc1,,ck as follows
  • q(X) ?c?X reward(c)?c?X interestingness(c)size(
    c)? with bgt1
  • Objective
  • Find c1,,ck ? O such that
  • ci?cj? if i?j
  • Xc1,,ck maximizes q(X)
  • All cluster ci?X are contiguous (each pair of
    objects belonging to ci has to be
    delaunay-connected with respect to ci and to d)
  • c1?,,?ck ? O
  • c1,,ck are usually ranked based on the reward
    each cluster receives, and low reward clusters
    are frequently not reported

Challenges for Region Discovery
  1. Recall and precision with respect to the
    discovered regions should be high
  2. Definition of measures of interestingness and of
    corresponding parameterized reward-based fitness
    functions that capture what domain experts find
    interesting in spatial datasets
  3. Detection of regions at different levels of
    granularities (from very local to almost global
  4. Detection of regions of arbitrary shapes
  5. Necessity to cope with very large datasets
  6. Regions should be properly ranked by relevance
    (reward) in many application only the top-k
    regions are of interest
  7. Design and implementation of clustering
    algorithms that are suitable to address
    challenges 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

3. Fitness Function for Hot Spot Discovery
  • Class of Interest Unsafe_Well
  • Prior Probability 20
  • ?1 0.5, ?2 1.5
  • R 1, R- 1
  • ß 1.1, ?1.

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5
c 50 200 200 350 200
P(c, Unsafe) 20/50 40 40/200 20 10/200 5 30/350 8.6 100/20050
4. Fitness Functions for Other Region Discovery
4.1 Creating Contour Maps for Water Temperature
Fig. 1 Sea Surface Temperature on July 7 2002
Var2.2 Reward 48,5 Rank 3

A single region and its summary
  • Examples in the data set WT have the form
    (x,y,temp) var(c,temp) denotes the variance of
    variable temp in region c
  • interestingness(c)
  • IF
  • THEN 0
  • ELSE
    min(1, log20(var(WT,temp)/var(c,temp)))?
  • with ? being a parameter (with default
  • Basically, regions receive rewards if their
    variance is lower than the variance of the
    variable temperature for the whole data set, and
    regions whose variance is at least 20 times less
    receive the maximum reward of 1.

4.2 Finding Regions with High Water Temperature
  • Examples in the data set WT have the form
  • Fitness function Let c be a cluster to be
  • interestingness(c)
  • IF var(c,temp)ltvar(WT,temp)
  • THEN 0
  • ELSE min(1, log20(var(c,temp)/var(WT,tem
    p)))? )
  • with ? being a parameter (with default

4.3 Programming Project Fitness Functions Purity
(6, 2, 2)
(0, 0, 5)
We assume we have 3 classes in r1 we have 6
objects of class1, 3 objects of class 2, and 2
objects of class1
We assume th0.5 and ?2 i(r1)
(0.6-0.5)20.01 i(r2)(1-0.5)20.25 i(r3)0 q
(X)q(r1,r2,r3) 0.0110b 0.255b
Programming Project Fitness Functions Variance
r3 Var(r3)1100
r1 var(r1)80
O Var(O)100
r2 Var(r2)200
r4 Var(r4)20
We assume ?1 and b10 i(r1) 0 i(r2)log10(2)0.
3010 i(r3)1 i(r4)0
Programming Project Function MSE
(2,2) (4,4)
(-1,-1) (-7,-7) (-4,-4)
MSE(r1)(1212121212)/22 MSE(r2)(3
4.4 Regional Co-location Mining
Regional Co-location
Task Find Co-location patterns for the following
Global Co-location and are
co-located in the whole dataset
A Reward Function for Binary Co-location
  • Task Find regions in which the density of 2 or
    more classes is elevated. In general, multipliers
    lC are computed for every region r, indicating
    how much the density of instances of class C is
    elevated in region r compared to Cs density in
    the whole space, and the interestness of a region
    with respect to two classes C1 and C2 is assessed
    proportional to the product lC1lC2
  • Example Binary Co-Location Reward Framework
  • lC(r)p(C,r)/prior(C)
  • ?C1,C2 1/((prior(C1)prior(C2)) maximum
  • kC1,C2(r) IF lC1(r)lt1 or lC2(r )lt1 THEN 0
  • ELSE sqrt((lC1(r)1)(lC2(r)1))/(
    ?C1,C2 1)
  • interestingness(r) maxC1,C2C1?C2 (kC1,C2(c))

The Ultimate Vision of the Presented Research
Spatial Databases
Measure ofInterestingness Acquisition Tool
Database Integration Tool
Fitness Function
Data Set
Family of Clustering Algorithms
Region DiscoveryDisplay
Ranked Set of Interesting Regions and their
Visualization Tools
Architecture Region Discovery Engine
How to Apply the Suggested Methodology
  1. With the assistance of domain experts determine
    structure of dataset to be used.
  2. Acquire measure of interestingness for the
    problem of hand (this was purity, variance, MSE,
    probability elevation of two or more classes in
    the examples discussed before)
  3. Convert measure of interestingness into a
    reward-based fitness function. The designed
    fitness function should assign a reward of 0 to
    boring regions. It is also a good idea to
    normalize rewards by limiting the maximum reward
    to 1.
  4. After the region discovery algorithm has been
    run, rank and visualize the top k regions with
    respect to rewards obtained (interestingness(c)si
    ze(c)?), and their properties which are usually
    task specific.

5. A Family of Clustering Algorithms for Region
  • Supervised Partitioning Around Medoids (SPAM).
  • Representative-based Clustering Using Randomized
    Hill Climbing (CLEVER)
  • Supervised Clustering using Evolutionary
    Computing (SCEC)
  • Agglomerative Hierarchical Supervised Clustering
  • Hierarchical Grid-based Supervised Clustering
  • Supervised Clustering using Multi-Resolution
    Grids (SCMRG)
  • Representative-based Clustering with Gabriel
    Graph Based Post-processing (MOSAIC)
  • Supervised Clustering using Density Estimation
    Techniques (SCDE)

Remark For a more details about SCEC, SPAM,
SRIDHCR see EZZ04, ZEZ06 the PKDD06 paper
briefly discusses SCAH, SCHG, SCMRG
SCAH (Agglomerative Hierarchical)
Inputs A dataset Oo1,...,on A distance Matrix
D d(oi,oj) oi,oj ? O , Output Clustering
Xc1,,ck  Algorithm 1) Initialize
Create single object clusters ci oi, 1 i
n Compute merge candidates based on nearest
clusters 2) DO FOREVER a) Find the pair
(ci, cj) of merge candidates that improves q(X)
the most b) If no such pair exist terminate,
returning Xc1,,ck c) Delete the two
clusters ci and cj from X and add the cluster ci
? cj to X d) Update inter-cluster
distances incrementally e) Update merge
candidates based on inter-cluster distances
SCHG (Hierarchical Grid-based)
Remark Same as SCAH, but uses grid cells as
initial clusters Inputs A dataset
Oo1,...,on A grid structure G Output Clusterin
g Xc1,,ck   Algorithm 1) Initialize
Create clusters making each single non-empty grid
cell a cluster Compute merge candidates (all
pairs of neighboring grid cells) 2) DO FOREVER
a) Find the pair (ci, cj) of merge candidates
that improves q(X) the most b) If no such
pair exist terminate, returning Xc1,,ck
c) Delete the two clusters ci and cj from X and
add the cluster cci ? cj to X d)
Update merge candidates ?c?X (MC(c,c) ? MC(c,
ci) ? MC(c, cj ))
Ideas SCMRG (Divisive, Multi-Resolution Grids)
Cell Processing Strategy 1. If a cell receives
a reward that is larger than the sum of its
rewards its ancestors return that cell.
2. If a cell and its ancestor do not receive
any reward prune 3. Otherwise, process the
children of the cell (drill down)
Problems with SCAH
Too restrictive definition of merge candidates
No look ahead
Non-contiguous clusters
6. Summary
  1. A framework for region discovery that relies on
    additive, reward-based fitness functions and
    views region discovery as a clustering problem
    has been introduced.
  2. Evidence concerning the usefulness of the
    framework for hot spot discovery problems has
    been presented.
  3. As a by-product some known and not so well known
    flaws of hierarchical clustering algorithms have
    been identified.
  4. The ultimate vision of this research is the
    development of region discovery engines that
    assist earth scientists in finding interesting
    regions in spatial datasets.

Why should people use Region Discovery Engines
  • RDE finds sub-regions with special
    characteristics in large spatial datasets and
    presents findings in an understandable form. This
    is important for
  • Focused summarization
  • Find interesting subsets in spatial datasets for
    further studies
  • Identify regions with unexpected patterns
    because they are unexpected they deviate from
    global patterns therefore, their regional
    characteristics are frequently important for
    domain experts
  • Without powerful region discovery algorithms,
    finding regional patters tends to be haphazard,
    and only leads to discoveries if ad-hoc region
    boundaries have enough resemblance with the true
    decision boundary
  • Exploratory data analysis for a mostly unknown
  • Co-location statistics frequently blurred when
    arbitrary region definitions are used, hiding the
    true relationship of two co-occurring phenomena
    that become invisible by taking averages over
    regions in which a strong relationship is watered
    down, by including objects that do not contribute
    to the relationship (example High crime-rates
    along the major rivers in Texas)
  • Data set reduction focused sampling
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