Title: ?????a
- G?at? ??af??µe p????aµµata (p????. d?a?e??)
- ??? ??af??µe p????aµµata
- t? e??a? p????aµµat?sµ??
- µe??d?????a
- afa??et???t?ta (abstraction)
- d?a????sµ?? µeta?? t? ?a? p??(p????aµµa,ded?µe?a..
.) - ?a?ade??µata
2?? e??a? p????aµµat?sµ??
- ? s?ed?asµ?? a??????µ?? ?a? ? ???p???s? t??? se
???sse? p????aµµat?sµ?? ??a t?? ep???s?
- 1. ???sµ?? p??ß??µat??
- 2. ??a??s?? p??ß??µat??
- 3. S?ed?as? a??????µ??
- 4. ???p???s? a??????µ?? se p????aµµa
- 5. ????µ? ? epa???e?s? t?? ????????µ????
p?????µµat?? (5.1 Ap?sfa?µat?s? 1-2-3-4) - 6. S??t???s? ? e??µ???s? t?? p?????µµat??
4A????s?? ???ß??µat??
- ????ß?? a?a?????s??
- t? e??a? ta ded?µe?a (inputs)
- t? e??a? ta e?a??µe?a/ap?te?esµa (outputs)
- t? ??e?a?eta? ?a ???e?
5?? e??a? a??????µ???
- ??at?p?s? t?? d?ad??as?a? µetas??µat?sµ?? t??
ded?µ???? st? ap?t??esµa - ??f???eta? se ?e?d????ssa (pseudocode)
6S?ed??sµ?? ???????µ??
- Stad?a?? ????pt??s? (Stepwise Refinement) ?a??
p??? ?at? (top-down design) - ?? p??ß??µa stad?a?? d?asp??eta? se ??a a???µ?
ap???ste??? ?p?p??ß??µ?t?? - ? stad?a?? d??spas? (e???pt??s?) s??e???eta?
µ????? ?t?? ft?s??µe se at?µ??? ?p?p??ß??µata
(?p?p??ß??µata p?? de? e??a? ??????/d??at? ?a
d?aspas???? pe?a?t???) - ?pa???e?s?/????????s?
7???spas? se ?p?p??ß??µata
8??aspas? ??e??????e?...
- A????t?? s?ed?asµ??(modular design)
- ?fa??et???t?ta (abstraction)
- ??a????sµ?? a??µesa st? t? ?a? t? p??
- ??at?p?s? d?epaf?? (interface)
- ?a??????? a??pt??? (parallel development)
- ?pa?a???s?µ?p???s? (reuse)
- ?pa???e?s?/????????s?
- ?pa?te?ta? ???sµ?? d?epaf??
- pa?aµet???? p?? pa???e?/ep?st?efe?
- ?e?t???????t?ta (t? ?a?e?)
- sfa????e? µetaß??te? p?? ep??ea???ta? ap? t??
d?ad??as?a (side-effects)
- ??a???ß?s? t?? t? ???eta? ????? t?? ???s? t?? p??
???eta? - ? d?ad??as?a p????aµµat?sµ?? ap?te?e?ta? ap?
s?ed?asµ? ??se?? se d??f??a ep?peda
afa??et???t?ta? - ???s??? t? t? ?ap?te s?µpe???aµßa?e?
pe?????sµ??? (p??? ?a???)
11?fa??et???t?ta ?e??d?????a?
- 1. ???sµ?? p??ß??µat??
- 2. ??a??s?? p??ß??µat??
- 3. S?ed?as? a??????µ??
- 4. ???p???s? a??????µ?? se p????aµµa
- 5. ????µ? ? epa???e?s? t?? ????????µ????
p?????µµat?? (ap?sfa?µat?s? 1-2-3-4) - 6. S??t???s? ? e??µ???s? t?? p?????µµat??
??e?a?t?ta G??ssa?
12?fa??et???t?ta ???????µ??
- ?? e??a? ? a??????µ?? ??? p?? ?a ???p????e?
13?p?peda ?fa??et???t?ta?
- ?fa??et???t?ta ?????aµµat?? ?? ?a?e? e?a
p????aµa ??? p?? t? ?a?e? (d?ad??as?e?
/s??a?t?se??) - ?fa??et???t?ta ?ed?µe??? ?? e??a? ta ded?µe?a
µ?a? d?µ??/t?p?? ??? p?? e??a? ???a??µe?a
(d?µ??/af???µ???? t?p??) - ?fa??et???t?ta ??t???? ?? ?a?e? µ?a e?t??? ???
p?? t? ?a?e?
14??p?? ?ed?µ????
- ?p??? ??p?? a???µ??, ?a?a?t??e?
- S???et?? ??p?? p??a?e?, d?µe?, ??ste?
- ?f???µe??? t?p?? (abstract data types)
- ?d?af??e?a ?? p??? t?? ???p???s? t???
- ??epaf? d?aµ?s?? s??a?t?se?? p??sßas??
- S???e???µe??? d?afa?e?a ?a? aµes? p??sßas?
- G?a?te e?a p????aµµa p?? ?p??????e? t? eµßad?
e??? ??????????. ?? ????????? ????eta? µe d??
a???µ??? t? µ???? ?a? t? p?at?? (se µet?a). ??
eµßad? ?p??????eta? ?? µ???? x p?at??. ?.?. ea?
t? µ???? e??a? 10 µet?a ?a? t? p?at?? 5 µet?a
t?te t? eµßad? e??a? 50 tet?a?????a µet?a.
- ?ed?µe?a e??a? d?? p?a?µat???? a???µ?? (µ???? ?a?
p?at??) - ?p?te?esµa e??a? e?a? p?a?µat???? a???µ?? (t?
eµßad? to? ?????????? p?? ????eta? ap? ta
- ??aßase ta ded?µe?a
- ?p?????se t? eµßad?
- ??a???? ap?te?esµat??
- d?aßase_ded?µe?a(µ????,p?at??)
- a????sµa?p?????se_eµßad?(µ????,p?at??)
- e?a????_ap?te?esµat??(µ????,p?at?? eµßad?)
19???ßase ?ed?µ??a
- Interface
- ??aßa?e? ?a? ep?st?efe? d?? t?µe? µ???? ?a?
p?at?? (µ??ada µet??se?? µet??) - Functionality
- ??aßase
- µ????
- p?at??
- e?e??e a? e??a? ?et??a
20?p?????se ?µßad?
- Interface
- ?a???e? d?? pa?aµet???? (µ???? ?a? p?at??)
- ?p?st?efe? eµßad?
- Functionality
- ?p??????e? eµßad?
- eµßad? µ???? x p?at??
21??a???? ?p?te??sµat??
- Interface
- ?a???e? t?e?? pa?aµet???? (µ????, p?at?? ?a?
eµßad?) - Functionality
- e?a?e? t? ap?te?esµa
µ???? p?at??
?µßad? µ???? x p?at??
23?e?a?t??? ????pt??s? ??sa?????
- get(µ????) /d?aßase µ????/
- get(p?at??) /d?aßase p?at??/
- /e?e???? µ????/
- if (µ????lt0) print(?a??? µ????) exit
- /e?e???? p?at??/
- if (p?at??lt0)print(?a??? p?at??) exit
- ?p?t???? ???p???s? e??pa???e? ???s? ???ssa?
p????aµµat?sµ?? - s??ta??
- s?µµas?????a
25/program that computes the area of a rectangle
(use of procedures) inputs length, width in
meters outputs area in square
meters/ include ltstdio.hgt void
get_data_check(float length, float width
) float compute_area(float length, float width
) void display_sum(float length, float width,
float area) main() /orismos
metavlitwn/ float length, width
/input variables/ float area
area/ / diabase dedomena/elegxos/ get_data_
check(length, width ) / ypologismos/
area compute_area(length, width ) /
ejagwgh/ display_area(length, width , area)
26/function that reads program input
data/ void get_data_check(float length, float
width ) printf(Enter length in meters
) scanf(f,length) printf(Enter width in
meters) scanf(f,width) if (lengthlt0)
printf(error length should be
positive\n) exit(0) if (widthlt0)
printf(error width should be
positive\n) exit(0)
27/function that computes the area of a
rectanlge/ float compute_area(float length,
float width ) float area
/holds area/ area length
width /compute area/ return area
28/function that displays the output of the
program/ void display_area(float length, float
width, float area) printf(The area of a
rectangle with f m length and f m width is f
sq. m.\n, length, width, area)
- ???s?µ?p???s? ???µat?? p?? ß?????? st?? e?????
e?µ??e?a t?? ??d??a - ??????d?aßast?? ??d??a?
- ?e?µ????s? s????a st?? ??d??a
- ?eta???t?sµ?? p.?.
- gtcc foo.c -o foo
- pa?a?e?
- t?? a?t??e?µe???? ??d??a (µp??e? ????)
- e?te?este (t?e?te) p????aµµa
- eµpe????? epa???e?s?(µe?e??? 1,0, ???a a??a)
- ?a?? (s??ta?t??a)
- d?????s? ??d??a
- gtfoo
- Enter length in meters 17
- Enter width in meters 2
- The area of a rectange with 17 m length and 2 m
width is 34 sq.m - gtfoo
- Enter length in meters -0.5
- Enter width in meters 12
- error length should be positive
- gt
32??ßas? ??t??es??
- ??e?e? ???a
- p??? ??a?a - a??a µe epa???e?s?
- ?pa???e?s? eµpe????a, a?a??t??a
- ????????s? ??se??
- ?a??t?ta, a????? se µ??µ?
- ??a??t????/?µpe?????? ????d??
33??ßas? ??t??es??
- ??e?e? µa pa?a?e? ?a??? ap?te?esµata ? t?e?e?
µe????? (crashes) - ap?sfa?µat?s? (µp??e? ?a sa? ß????se? ?a
ße?t??sete t?? ??s? sa?)
34???t??a ?????aµµat?sµ??
- ??ad??as?a?? ? ???sta?t??? e?t???/ d?ad??as?a,
p.?. C, Pascal, Modula-2 - ??t??e?µe??st?ef?? a?t??e?µe??/e?d?pe??ß??µa-???
????µ???t?ta, p.?. C, Smalltalk, Java - S??a?t?s?a?? s????t?s?/ap?t?µ?s? e?f??se??,
p.?. Miranda, ML - ?????? s??s?/µ??a??sµ?? s??epa?????, p.?. Prolog
35???sta?t???? ??a?t? ????t???? G??sse?
- ????t???? ???sse? ????? ?????te?? afa??et???t?ta.
?e? ?p???e? ? ?????a t?? ap????e?s?? se s??s? µe
a?t?? t?? ???sse? ?a? ep?µ???? t?? te?est?
a???es?? t?µ?? (assignment operator). - Ta ???s?µ?p???s??µe C (d?ad??as?a??)
36??ad??as?a?? ???t???
- ?e?t???? ?????a ? e?t??? ? p??sta??
- ? ?????a t?? d?ad??as?a? pa???e? t? ßas???
µ??a??sµ? ??a afa??et???t?ta - ? ??? e?????? (control flow) e??a? a???????a???
µ??f?? - ?p???e? ? ?????a t?? ap????e?s??
- ?etaß??t?? ????? d?e????s? (???? µ??µ??), t?p?
?a? t?µ? p.?. int x 123456
37??ad??as?a?? ???t???
- ?p???e? ? ?????a t?? ap????e?s??
- ?etaß??t?? ????? d?e????s? (???? µ??µ??), t?p?
?a? t?µ? p.?. - int x 123456
0 1 2 ... 1021 ...
d?e????s? (s?µß?????)