Title: Employer Based Training Accreditation: an overview
1Employer Based Training Accreditation an overview
- Quality and Responding to Employer Needs
- QAA, HEA, fdf Event
- 2nd December 2009
- Bop Dhillon Associate Director fdf
- Ken Phillips EBTA Manager
2 3What is EBTA?
- The Employer Based Training Accreditation scheme
is co-ordinated by Foundation Degree Forward
(fdf) and is working to promote and facilitate
higher education accreditation for training
provided in the workplace
4Who is involved?
- Charles Pickford, fdf executive lead
- National Employer Advisory Board
- Ken Phillips Bop Dhillon, EBTA Managers
- Kate Fletcher Bulman, Business Development
Officer - Fdf core team and 5 national consultants
- 40 HEI partners the EBTA Community of
5The EBTA Process
Initial Enquiry
Undertaken by EBTA Manager
Employer preferred HE partner or 33 EBTA HE
Undertaken by trained EBTA consultant/fdf
Initial Scoping Visit
Scoping of In-Company Training
Identification of HEI Partner
Facilitated by EBTA consultant/fdf
Proceed to Full Accreditation
4 days free consultancy through EBTA
6- The Employer Perspective
- (Ken)
- Creative and Cultural Sector North West Vision
and Media, West Midlands Renaissance Group, Sony
Games - Engineering Marshalls Aerospace, Flybe
- Retail and Merchandising TESCO, Booths, Jewson,
ASDA, Morrison's, Coop Group - Food Mars Confectionary
- Petrochemicals Petroplus, Murco
- Travel and Tourism Thomas Cook, Co-op Travel,
8Benefits for Employers the EBTA View
- Recognition, reward and retention of staff
- Value Added provides evidence of return on
investment for employers who pay for training
learning applied (and impact made tangible)
immediately in the workplace - The benefits of the Digital Pass being
accredited, is trainees can be assured they are
being rigorously tested up to a standard the
media industry expects, and as a bonus have
academic credits which can form part of their
lifelong learning - Academics and employers brought together to plug
the skills gaps in the industry wider potential
for industry development of bespoke accredited
9Benefits for Employers their View
- Formally recognising the knowledge that our
managers already had, underpinning their
knowledge with formal learning, comparing Booths
business practices with other retailers and
considering current industry initiatives our aim
was to increase the awareness, motivation and
confidence or our managers. fdf/EBTA has allowed
this to become a reality (Booths) - Through EBTA, Murco is now able to form a
productive and progressive partnership with the
University of Glamorgan and Pembrokeshire College
that will not only provide long-term business
benefits but aid employee career progression and
retention levels (Murco) - From a commercial point of view it shows our
commitment to investing in our people and
delivering the professional service that our
clients expect (Maria Hadfield, HR and
Development Manager, Quill Pinpoint Accounting
10- The HEI Perspective
- the EBTA Community of Practice
- (Bop)
11The EBTA Community of PracticeWhat Why?
- A community of approaching 40 HEIs
- Why HEIs to date
- Convened around a common purpose to support
innovative practice in workforce development by
accrediting employer training at higher education
levels - Sharing experience and expertise for their mutual
benefit - Facilitate capacity building and ability to
respond to opportunities for accreditation - Captured within a Memorandum of Understanding
12- Community of Practice Events
- Quality Assurance June 2009
- Costing, Funding and Pricing Accreditation July
2009 - Shell Frameworks, 15th December 2009
- Financial aspects, 9th March 2010
13- Quality Assurance Issues
- (Ken)
14Guiding Principles
- Innovative and creative
- Responsive and flexible
- Prioritises the needs of employers and employees
- Focuses upon outcomes rather than inputs
- Aims to achieve maximum accreditation possible
- Facilitates progression and lifelong learning
15Forms of Accreditation
- Validation of a bespoke HE award
- Credit recognition (specific credit)
- Credit recognition (general credit)
- Learning Through Work/CPD/Shell Awards
- Plus APL/APEL and Kite Marking/Endorsement
16- Quality Assurance
- Issues of context
- Overlapping qualifications frameworks and
implications for quality and credibility of HE - Variations in application of credit, learning
volumes across the sector - Need for flexibility in HE structures
17- Quality Assurance
- Perceived as high risk control over monitoring
quality - Staff development, eg. assessment
- Role of external examiner and subject experts
- Development of negotiated learning structures
18 19- Costing, Funding and Pricing Accreditation
- Costing
- Need to understand various elements of cost
- Variable costing models and relationship to
pricing - Costing models associated with collaborative
activity, e.g. FE-HE, HE-Employer partnerships - Dialogue re costing and pricing with employers
20- Costing, Funding and Pricing Accreditation
- Funding
- Need for clearer guidance on legitimate
application of funding for different forms of
accreditation, e.g. co-funded ASNs - Challenges associated with HEIs shoe-horning
costing and pricing into mainstream HEFCE funding
21- Costing, Funding and Pricing Accreditation
- Pricing
- Pricing strategy cognisant of market forces,
margins, institutional missions, etc. - Whats the starting point for determining price?
- Relationship to cost - informed but not
determined by
22- Costing, Funding and Pricing Accreditation
- Generic
- Staff development
- Risk factors for HEIs
- Market analysis and benchmarking other HEIs and
the private training sector - Communications with employers
23- Lessons for HEIs to Date
- (Bop)
24- Dos and Donts for HEIs Responding to EBTA
- Do
- Demonstrate appreciation re the target audience
and their expectations - Be specific about how you can effectively respond
to the employers needs focus upon the emphasis
placed by the employer re needs and how your
institution could add value - Ensure that your institutional expertise is
relevant to the employer and context - Evidence specific expertise, in context
- Be careful in making unsubstantiated assumptions,
e.g. employers needs, how the employer wants to
do things, HEI developing the programme, etc - Include a clear breakdown of costs, timeframes
- Where relevant include prior experience of
undertaking similar accreditation - Offer a clear approach to accreditation for the
25- Dos and Donts for HEIs Responding to EBTA
- Dont
- Make generalisations
- Waffle - avoid irrelevancies and padding out
- Name drop, especially where this cant be
supported by evidence of outcomes - Attempt rush to shoehorn employer training into
existing solutions/HE provision unless
specifically requested
26Contact Details
- Ken Phillips
- Mobile 07785 521 692
- E-mail k.phillips_at_fdf.ac.uk
- Bop Dhillon
- (Based at EMDA, Nottingham)
- Mobile 07909 527745
- E-mail b.dhillon_at_fdf.ac.uk
- Website
- http//www.ebtafdf.co.uk/