Title: Modelling Imprecise Arguments in a Weighted Argument System
1Modelling Imprecise Argumentsin a Weighted
Argument System
- Adrian Groza
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
- Department of Computer Science,
- Adrian.Groza_at_cs.utcluj.ro
5th International Conference on
Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing
- Motivation and Research Hyphothesis
- Weighted Argument Systems
- Running Scenario
- Conclusion
3Research Hyphotesis
- Real arguments are a mixture of fuzzy and
ontological knowledge
Human arguments
Logic-based agents
Fuzzy logic
4The semantic web
5Plenty of Arguments on the Web
Vision create an infrastructure for
mass-collaborative editing of structured
arguments in the style of Semantic Wikipedia.
- WWAW World Wide Argument Web1
- based on the Argument Interchange Format Ontology
Definition large scale network of
inter-connected arguments created by human agents
in a structured manner.
1I. Rahwan, F. Zablith, and C. Reed. Laying the
foundations for a World Wide Argument Web. Artif.
Intell.,171(10-15)897921, 2007.
6Mix of fuzzy and ontological knowledge
- It may be very hard to reverse the trend of
eating junk food. - (B) It is cheap and easy for people to eat junk
food, - opposite to the nutrition food.
- (C) At the store where I shop, a candy bar costs
less than a dollar - and is ready to eat.
- (D) Candy bar can be classified as junk food.
- (E) Fresh fruits and vegetables tend to be
inconveniently packaged and cost more. - (F) Fresh fruits and vegetables can be classified
as nutritious foods. - (G) It is also highly profitable for
manufacturers because - (H) junk food has a long shelf life in the retail
Food JunkFood ? NutritionalFood
CandyBar ? JunkFood
FreshFruits ? NutritionalFood Vegetables ?
7Fuzzy concepts
JunkFood Food ? (?NutritionalValue.Little ?
Pizza ? JunkFood?0.7? Pizza ?
8Fuzzy Logic and Argumentation
- Godel semantics
- maps the weakest link principle in argumentation
an argument supported by a conjunction of
arguments is as good as the weakest premise -
min?,? - when several reasons to support a consequent are
available, the strongest justification is chosen
to be conveyed in an argumentation protocol -
9Fuzzy Logic and Argumentation
- Lukasiewicz semantics
- fits the concept of accrual of arguments
independent reasons supporting the same
consequent provide stronger arguments (i.e law)
- min??,1 - difficulty to identify independent reasons an
argument presented in different forms contributes
with all its avatars to the alteration of the
current degree of truth - An argument subsumed by a more general concept
- Pizza ? NutritionalFood ? AcceptableFood
10Fuzzy Logic and Argumentation
- Negation
- The subject of a debate cannot be easily
categorised as true or false the degree of truth
for an issue and its negation are continuously
changing during the dispute - Argument bases are characterised by a degree of
inconsistency - Rules supporting both a consequent and its
negation co-exist in the KB - The inconsistency is naturally accomodated in
fuzzy logic
A ? neg A ? 0
- Motivation and Research Hyphothesis
- Weighted Argument Systems
- Running Scenario
- Conclusion
12Weighted Argument Systems (WAS)
- extend the Dung abstract argument systems by
adding numeric weights to every edge in the
argument graph. - the weights correspond to the relative strengths
of attacks between arguments.
Definition A Dung abstract argument system is a
pair D ltX, Agt where X ?1,..., ?k, is a
finite set of arguments, and A in X X is a
binary attack relation.
- given the attack relation (?1, ?2) ? A if one
accepts ?1, it would be inconsistent to accept
?2. - it happens that the only consistent set of
arguments to be the empty set.
Definition A WAS is a triple W ltX, A, wgt,
where ltX,Agt is a Dung abstract argument system,
and w A ? R is a function assigning positive
real valued weights to attacks.
- Inconsistency budget ? ? 0,1
- characterises how much inconsistency one is
willing to tolerate within the argument base. - the attacks up to a total weight of ? cannot be
taken into consideration
2P. Dunne, A. Hunter, P. McBurney, S. Parsons,
and M. Wooldridge. Inconsistency tolerance in
weighted argument systems. In AAMAS, pages
851858, 2009.
- Motivation and Research Hyphothesis
- Weighted Argument Systems
- Running Scenario
- Conclusion
14Running scenario
- ?1 The house is in good location, it is large
enough for our family and it is affordable we
should buy it. - ?2 The house suffers from subsidence, which is
expensive to fix we shouldnt buy it.
- A (?1, ?2), (?2, ?1)
- estimate the relative weights of the attack
relations (use fuzzy description logic) - the set of arguments which require the smallest
inconsistency budget is preferred in order to
take the decision of buying the house or not.
15Computing the strength of the arguments
- Specify the house selling domain
0 1 2 4 5 10 km
50000 70000 100000
70 80 150 m2
3F. Bobillo and U. Straccia. fuzzyDL An
expressive fuzzy description logic reasoner. In
FUZZ-08, pages 923930.2008.
16Computing the strength of the arguments
- Specify the house selling domain
1 4 10 years
17Computing the ß-solutions
- The strengths of the arguments a1 and a2
- Inconsistency budget principle
- The argument that requires the smallest
inconsistency budget is preferred - ß ?0, 0.65) no attack relation can be
disregarded - ß ?0.65,0.667) the relation (?1, ?2)0.65 can
be eliminated - ß ?0.667, 1 the attack relation becomes the
empty set - ß 0.65 the smallest inconsistency budget
- The solution is given under the Lukasiewicz
- We advocated the use of fuzzy reasoning and DL in
argumentation systems, aiming to fill the gap
between human arguments and software agents
arguments. - We identified links between fuzzy reasoning and
some issues in the argumentation theory - the weakest link principle, the accrual of
arguments, inconsistency - We applied the newly proposed WASs and the notion
of inconsistency budget.
Thank you !
19- Argument Interchange Format Ontology (AIF)
- Aiming to unify the majority of conceptual work
in argumentation theory under one umbrella - Extendable ontology
Information nodes
Scheme nodes
Passive information claim, premise, data,
locution, etc.
Preference application node legis posterior,
legis specialis, legis superior, etc.
Conflict application schemes negation, rebuttal,
undercutting defeater, etc.
Rule of inference schemes modus ponens, modus
tolens, defeasibile modus ponens, etc.
This presentation
Protocol Interaction Application node (Modgil
Context application node social, intentional,
dialectical (Letia, 2008)
Argumentation schemes argument from expert
opinion (Rahwan, 2007)