Title: Supernova Remnant Cas A, 17-18 light years in diameter
150-500 million K Gas
10 thousand K gas
White Dwarf
Neutron star
Supernova Remnant Cas A, 17-18 light years in
Planetary Nebula Ring Nebula, 1/3 light year
2Type II Supernova
Core burns all fuel, from hydrogen all the way to
iron then the star collapses!
Only Massive (10 solar masses) or more will do
in much less than the age of the universe
3But havent been able to use type IIs, yet! Too
hard to calibrate
- Type Ia come from binary star systems that have
one member that is a white dwarf (WD). - The WD is less than 1.4 solar masses
- Explodes if it goes over (one jelly donut too
4- A WD is a star core
- From a low mass (4 solar masses, about)
- Envelope was blown off
- Left with core of less than 1.4 solar masses,
- NO nuclear burning
- It sits there and cools off (unless it eats
one jelly donut too much)
5- The limit of 1.4 solar masses and is derived from
basic physics
- The limit has name Chandrasekhar limit
- When accreted mass on white dwarf pushes the WD
over the 1.4 solar mass limitgt
6- Exceeding limit tends to lead to more uniform in
brightness explosions - And what isnt the same (some are slower than
others), weve been able to calibrate - Need to get extra mass onto WD gt
- Binary system
7Mass Transfer!
8Bottom line WL is non-zero!
Are there any ways out?
Either SNeIa are different in past
Or grey dust or ??
9What are some of the problems
- Distant objects might not be same as same as
nearby ones gt - Standard candles arent so standard
- Intervening material which increases with D
might also matter.
- Distant faint hard to see
10Can distant SNeIa be different from nearby ones?
- Yes, because the material that makes up stars
depends on when the star formed gt
- Stellar Evolution, part two
- stars explode, dump their material back to
interstellar medium enriched with metals
(anything heavier than helium)
11- Metals are not made in BB!
- The very first stars in galaxies should be just H
and He.