Title: Washington School Counselor Conference Cultivating Talent, Confidence
1Washington School Counselor ConferenceCultivatin
g Talent, Confidence Promisemis.spps.org/counse
2A School Counselors Journey
3What if everything is an illusion and nothing
exists, then I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
- There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope
you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way,
is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a
5Chinese Proverb
- One bamboo doesnt make a raft
6- Michael
- Jordan
- I built my talents on the shoulders of someone
else's talent. I believe greatness is an
evolutionary process that changes and evolves era
to era.
7School Counseling History1908-1941
- Frank Parsons May 1, 1908
- 1918 900 Vocational Counselors
- 1932 - Back to the Basics
8School Counseling History1942-1959
- Aptitude Tests - Military
- 1946 Charles Bardon Act
- 1959 - 15,000 School Counselors
9School Counseling History1960-1979
- More Comprehensive SC Programs
- 1970 Career Ed was Top Priority
- 1974-76 Budget Cuts
- 1979- 45,000 School Counselors
- Carl Rogers Influence
10 Carl Rogers
- It is more important who you are than what you do.
11School Counseling History1980-1999
- Testing Duties Increased
- More Elementary Counselors
- 1997 ASCA National Standards
- What do School Counselors do?
- 1999- 88,000 School Counselors
12Dan Labore
- It is better to start small than to take on too
13Current School Counseling Cultivating Talent,
Confidence Promise
- Making Plans Better Prepared
- Budget Cuts
- 2002 ASCA National Model
- More School Leaders
- Services for Diverse Populations
- How are students different?
- 100,000 School Counselors
14- Stevie Wonder
- Things can happen in a band, or any other type of
collaboration, that wouldnt happen otherwise.
152 New Things to Try Cultivating Talent,
Confidence Promise
- School Counseling Program Had Success
- Around the Country
- Start Small
16Academic Improvement Racine Case High School
Cultivating Talent, Confidence Promise
- Year 1 - 12 9th grade - 18 increase
- Year 2 - 250 9th - 1.5 to 2.5 GPA
- Year 3 - 500 9th - 2 att. increase
- Year 4 - 500 9th - 21 fewer Fs
17Columbia Middle SchoolAlabama Cultivating
Talent, Confidence Promise
- High Rate of Bullying
- S-W Bully Prevention Program
- Classroom Lessons
- Student Survey
- Website
- Bully Hotline
- Lowest Rate in District
18King AcademyDes Moines Public Schools
Cultivating Talent, Confidence Promise
- 60 4th/5th graders not proficient in Reading
and Math - Group Interventions
- 85 proficient in at least one area
- 50 proficient in both areas
- 35 proficient in one area
19Highland Park High SchoolSt. Paul, Minnesota
Cultivating Talent, Confidence Promise
- No Students - Academic/PS/Career Plan
- 97 Completed 6 Year Plan
- 4 Areas
- Matched with
- Career Plan
- High School Academic Plan
- Post-Secondary Plan
- 6 Increase in Post-Secondary
20Highland Park High School St. Paul, Minnesota
Cultivating Talent, Confidence Promise
- Personal/Social 9th Grade Survey
- Anger, Mean Girls, Stress, Gang Prevention,
Personality Types - 72 Increased Knowledge/Pre-Post
- Teacher Emails
- 75 reported doing better
- 60 higher grades
21 Mother Teresa
- If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed
just one.
22Maya Angelou
- People may forget what you said and did, but they
will never forget how you made them feel.
23Connect and Check
24Carlos Santana
- You will be part of the solution
- if you have joy in your heart.
- Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize
you havent fallen asleep yet.
26Cultivating Talent, Confidence Promise
We will define our future
- The future depends on
- what we do in present.
28- Yogi
- Berra
- The future aint
- what it used to be.
29Future School CounselingCultivating Talent,
Confidence Promise
- Schools Achieve Mission
- Comprehensive SC Programs
- Data Driven Programs
- Career Domain
- School Counseling Graduates Doing Well
- All Students
- Students Who Need Us Most
- More School Counselors
30Dr. Mike McCollor
- Make yourself invaluable to students and you will
have a job.
31A School Counselors Journey
32Melody Beattie
- Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life,
- It turns what we have into enough and more.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, - brings peace for today,
- and creates vision for tomorrow.