Title: An
1Course on Bayesian Methods in Environmental
Basics (continued) Models for proportions and
Francisco José Vázquez Polo www.personales.ulpg
c.es/fjvpolo.dmc Miguel Ángel Negrín Hernández
www.personales.ulpgc.es/mnegrin.dmc fjvpolo
or mnegrin_at_dmc.ulpgc.es
2Course on Bayesian Methods in Environmental
- Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
2. Bayesian inference. Conjugate priors 2.1
Analysis of proportions 2.2 Analysis of count
3. Software WinBUGS
3Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
Thomas Bayes (1702 - 1761)
4Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
He set out Bayess theory of probability in the
paper An essay towards solving a problem in the
doctrine of chances (Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society of London, 1763). The paper
was sent by Richard Price, a friend of
Bayes. This paper introduced the concept of
inverse probability set of hypothesis prior
probabilities, likelihood of the data A
5Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
Bayes Theorem
The posterior probability of Hi given A is
proportional to the product of the prior
probability of Hi and the likelihood of A when Hi
is true.
6Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
- Some settings in which Bayesian statistics is
used today - Economics and econometrics
- Marketing
- Social science
- Education
- Health policy
- Medical research
- Weather
- Environmental
- Etc.
7What does probability mean? The frequency
definition of the probability of an event The
probability of an event is the proportion of the
time it would occur in a long sequence of
observations (i.e. as the number of trials tends
to infinity). Example when we say that the
probability of getting head on a toss of a fair
coin is 0.5, we mean that we would expect to get
a head half the time if we flipped the coin a
huge number of times under exactly the same
conditions. Requires a sequence of repeatable
experiments. No frequency interpretation possible
for probabilities of many kinds of events
8- Probability as degree of belief
- The subjective definition of probability is
- A probability of an event is a number between 0
and 1 that measures a particular persons
subjective opinion as to how likely that event is
to occur (or to have occurred). - Applies whenever the person in questions has an
opinion about the event - If we count ignorance as an opinion.
- Different people may have different subjective
probabilities regarding the same event. - The same persons subjective probability may
change as more information comes in.
9- Properties of probabilities
- These properties apply to probability whichever
definition is being used. - Probabilities must not be negative. If A is any
event, then - P(A) 0
- All possible outcomes together must have
probability 1. - If S is the sample space in a probability model
then - P(S) 1
10Example Do you have a rare disease? Suppose
your friend is diagnosed with a rare disease that
has no obvious symptoms. You wish to determine
how likely it is that you, too, have the
disease. That is, you are uncertain about your
true disease status. Your friends doctor has
told him that the proportion of people in the
general population who have the disease is 0.001.
The disease is not contagious. A blood test
exists to detect the disease, but it sometimes
gives incorrect results (0.05)
11- Prior distribution
- Before we see any data, we have some idea about
what values the parameters might take - Experts, experience, previous studies, and so on.
- Example
- e.g. there are very few people 3m tall
- Our subjective uncertainty about the parameters
before we see the data
12- Prior Terminology
- Uninformative prior
- Uniform, as wide as possible
- Sometimes called flat priors
- Problem often difficult to define
- Informative Prior
- Not uniform
- Assume we have some prior knowledge
- Conjugate Prior
- Prior and posterior have same distribution Often
makes the maths easier
13Noninformative or reference priors Useful when
we want inference to be unaffected by information
apart from the current data. In many scientific
contexts, we would not bother to carry out an
experiment unless we thought it was going to
increase our knowledge significantly - i.e. we
expect and want the likelihood to dominate the
14- Informative priors
- Elicitation is the process of extracting expert
knowledge about some unknown quantity of
interest, or the probability of some future
event, which can then be used to supplement any
numerical data that we may have. - If the expert in question does not have a
statistical background, as is often the case,
translating their beliefs into a statistical form
suitable for use in our analyses can be a
challenging task. - Prior elicitation is an important and yet under
researched component of Bayesian statistics
15- Example (continuation)
- Two possible events
- You have the disease
- You dont have the disease
- Before taking any blood test, you think your
chance of having the disease is similar to that
of a randomly selected person in the population.
So you assign the following prior probabilities
to the two events - Prob (Have disease) 0.001
- Prob(Dont have disease) 0.999
16- Data
- You decide to take the blood test.
- The new information that you obtain to learn
about the different models is called data. - The different possible data results are called
observations. - The data in this example is the result of the
blood test. - The two possible observations are
- - A positive blood test () suggests you have
the disease. - - A negative blood test (-) suggests you dont
have the disease.
17Likelihood The probabilities of the two possible
test results are different depending on whether
you have the disease or not. These probabilities
are called likelihoods the probabilities of the
different data outcomes conditional on each
possible model. P( have disease) 0.95 P(
dont have disease) 0.05 P(- have disease)
0.05 P(- dont have disease) 0.95
18Bayesian Inference As P(X) is a constant, all we
need to estimate P(? X) are P(?) and P(X
?) Bayes rule becomes P(? X) is called the
posterior distribution Product of the prior and
the likelihood We can ignore the constant of
19- Posterior distribution
- The posterior distribution contains all the
current information about the unknown parameter - All Bayesian inference is based on the posterior
distribution - -Estimation
- Estimating values of unknown parameters that can
never be observed or known - Testing
- Prediction
- Estimating the values of potentially observable
but currently unobserved quantities.
20Using Bayes rule to update probabilities Bayes
rule is the formula for updating your
probabilities about the models given the
data. Enables you to compute posterior
probabilities given the observed data Bayes
rule P(event data) ? P(event) x P(data
event) Posterior ? prior x likelihood
21Bayes rule applied to the example You take the
blood test and the result is positive (). This
is the data or observation. P(have disease
) 0.019 P(dont have disease ) 0.981
22Learning The Bayesian approach is often talked
about as a learning process As we get more data,
we add it to our store of information by
multiplying it by our current posterior
distribution. It has been argued that this can
form the basis of a philosophy of science
23What have you learned from the blood test? The
probability of your having the disease has
increased by a factor of 19. But the actual
probability is still small. You decide to obtain
more information by taking the blood test again.
24Updating the probabilities again We assume that
the blood tests are independent. The posterior
probabilities after the first test will become
your prior probabilities with respect to the
second test. Suppose that the second test is also
positive. The new posterior probabilities
are P(have disease ,) 0.269 P(dont have
disease ,) 0.731
25What if the second test had been
negative? Suppose that the second test is
negative. The new posterior probabilities
are P(have disease ,-) ? P(dont have
disease ,-) ? P(have disease ,-)
0.001 P(dont have disease ,-) 0.999
26Introduction to Bayesian Analsysis.
- Lee, P. (1993) Bayesian Statistics An
introduction. Oxford, UK Oxford University
Press, UK.
- Zellner, A. (1971) An introduction to Bayesian
Inference and Econometrics. John Wiley Sons.
- Chen, M., Shao, Q. e Ibrahim, J.(2000). Monte
Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation.
Springer-Verlag. NY.
- Leonard,T. y Hsu, J.S.(1999). Bayesian Methods.
An analysis for statisticians and
interdisciplinary researches Cambridge Series in
Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics.
- OHagan, A.(1994). Bayesian Inference.
Kendalls Advanced Theory of Statistics (vol.2b).
E. Arnold. University Press. Cambridge.
- OHagan, A.(2003). A primer on Bayesian
Statistics in Health Economics and Outcomes
Research. Centre for Bayesian Statistics in
Health Economics.
27Bayesian Inference
- Estimation
- Point estimates (mean, mode, median)
- - Measures of spread
- Bayesian intervals
28Bayesian Inference
The posterior variance The posterior variance is
one summary of the spread of the posterior
distribution The larger the posterior variance,
the more uncertainty we still have about the
29Bayesian Inference
Precisely what information does a p-value
provide? Recall the definition of a p-value The
probability of observing a test statistics as
extreme as or more extreme than the observed
value, assuming that the null hypothesis is
true. What is the correct way to interpret a
confidence interval? Does a 95 confidence
interval provide a 95 probability region for the
true parameter value? If not, what is the correct
intepretation? A range of values, which is
likely, with a specified degree of certainty, to
contain the true population value of a variable
drawn from the study sample
30Bayesian Inference
Frequentist approach Parameters are considered
"fixed but unknown" We can not assign a
distribution. Bayesian approach Parameters are
considered random and unknown They are random
because they are unknown
31Bayesian Inference
Bayesian intervals Called posterior intervals
or credible sets Recall that the posterior
distribution represents our updated subjective
probability distribution for the unknown
parameter. Thus, for us, the interpretation of
the 95 credible set is that the probability is
.95 that the true ? is in the interval. Contrast
this with the interpretation of a frequentist
confidence interval.
32Hypothesis testing
Frequentist approach
H0 vs. H1 (2 hypothesis) a Type I error
(Probability of rejecting the hypothesis when
hypothesis is true) 1, 5 ó 10 ß Type II
error (Probability of accepting the hypothesis
when hypothesis is false)? p-value ? (accept if
p-value gt 0.05 reject if p-value lt 0.05)
33Hypthotesis testing
Bayesian approach
H0 , H1 , H2, etc. (several hypothesis) We can
estimate the probability of each event from the
posterior distribution of the parameters,
f(?X). Prob(H0) Prob(? ?0) Prob(H1)
Prob(? gt ?0)
In many situations, interest focuses on
predicting values of a future sample from the
same population. -i.e. on estimating values of
potentially observable but not yet observed
quantities Example we can be interested in the
result of the next blood test. The posterior
predictive probability is defined as