Title: ASCENT: Adaptive SelfConfiguring sEnsor Networks Topologies
1ASCENT Adaptive Self-Configuring sEnsor Networks
EECS 600 Advanced Network Research, Spring 2005
Shudong Jin January 24, 2005
- Motivation of ASCENT
- How ASCENT works, with examples
- Analysis/Simulation/Experimental results
- Several open issues
3Motivation Power Management
- Wireless sensor networks utilize high density of
nodes - Redundancy allows network to remain functional
without all nodes participating - Intentionally limit the number of communicating
nodes at a given time, to save total network
energy and energy usage of active nodes - Dense sensor nodes self-configure to establish a
topology - Large number of nodes precludes manual
configuration - Environmental dynamics precludes design-time
pre-configuration - This paper attacks the self-configuration
problem. - Section II, a discussion on sensor network
scenario (constraints, objectives, and
4Basic Ideas of ASCENT
- Each node assesses its connectivity and adapts
its participation in the multi-hop network
topology based on the measured operating region
(why local?). - Signals when it detects high message loss,
requesting additional nodes in the region to join
the network in order to relay messages. - Reduces its duty cycle if it detects high message
losses due to collisions. - Probes the local communication environment and
does not join the multi-hop routing
infrastructure until it is helpful to do so.
5ASCENT and routing
- ASCENT determines topology ASCENT simply decides
which nodes should join the routing
infrastructure. - It runs above the link and MAC layer, and below
the routing layer. - ASCENT is not a routing or data dissemination
6General Process
Communication Gap
Active Neighbor
Passive Neighbor
7Node States
- Active
- Forwards data and routes packets
- Passive
- Monitors network for neighbors and data loss
rates - Periodically checks if necessary to become active
- Test
- Sends neighbor announcement message
- Monitors network for neighbors and data loss
rates - Forwards data and routes packets
- Sleep
- Turns radio off and goes to sleep
8State Transition Diagram
After Tt
- Neighbors lt NT
- And
- Loss gt LT or
- Loss lt LT and Help
Neighbors gt NT (high ID for ties) Or Loss gt
previous Loss
After Tp
After Ts
9Parameter settings and tradeoffs
- NT Neighbor Threshold
- LT Loss Threshold
- Tt Test state timer
- Tp Passive state timer
- Ts Sleep state timer
10Determining Data Loss and of Neighbors
- Each node adds a sequence number to each packet
- Sequence number allows node to detect lost
packets from each neighbor - Requires every node to maintain state about nodes
that have sent a packet that has been received by
the node - Number of active neighbors (N) is the number of
neighbors with link packet loss smaller than the
neighbor loss threshold (NLS) - NLS 1 (1/N)
- If N 4, NLS 75
- If N 10, NLS 90
- Intuitively, the more neighbors there are, the
more likely that collisions will occur so the
neighbor loss threshold is increased (why 1-1/N?
not justified).
Seq No. Regular Packet Data
11Analysis probability of collision
CSMA with a random back-off, chosen from S slots
12Analysis - delay
13Analysis energy saving
a Tp/Ts ß power in sleep power in idle
14Simulation/Experimental Setup
- Discrete event driven simulator collisions occur
if two or more events received within contention
period - Transmission success probabilities
- 0-A 1
- A-B linearly decreasing from 1 to 0
- B- 0
- Routing protocol directed diffusion
- TtTpTs 2530, NT 4, LT 20
- Uncongested network
- Energy model TxRxIdleSleep on the order of
15Simulation/Experimental Setup (cont.)
- Node density is determined by the number of nodes
between two nodes that are just within radio
range of each other - Sources and sinks are placed on opposite sides of
the network - It is not explained how many nodes are along each
side (i.e. if the layout is more like a line or a
16Packet Loss versus Node Density
Analysis, simulation, and experimental
results Packet loss withASCENT is not
affectedby node density.
17Event Delivery Ratio versus Node Density
Experiment three hops. Simulation six
hops.Event delivery ratioonly requires
onemessage to reachsink, which is highlylikely
with diffusionrouting. ASCENT allows
highdelivery unaffected bynode density
18Network Lifetime versus Node Density
Network lifetime isdefined as the time for90
of the nodesalong the source-to-sink path to
run out ofenergy. ASCENT greatlyextends the
networklifetime. Network lifetime is
nearlythree times with ASCENTand a node density
of 40. (why not linear?)
19ASCENT Summary
- ASCENT runs above the link and MAC layer and
below the routing layer - Independence of ASCENT from link and routing
layers allows possibility of finding best fit for
given application - Establish a small number of nodes to maintain
good connectivity and allow other nodes to sleep - Sleeping nodes occasionally awaken to see if
network changes require nodes to participate in
forwarding data and routing packets
20Open issues for discussion
- Many, just to show a few.
21Issues with Help Messages
- Broadcasting help message will cause nodes to go
from passive to test states needlessly in areas
where help is not needed, increasing collisions
in that area temporarily
Passive Neighbor
Active Neighbor
Neighbor sending help message
22Issues from Aging of System
After a certain amount of time, active nodes will
eventually die off.Neighboring active nodes must
detect this loss and issue help messageor
neighboring passive nodes must detect loss and
switch to teststate.
23Issues from Aging of System (cont.)
Ideally, one node becomes activewhen only one
node stops working.All active nodes have four
neighbors. Possible (more than likely?)
thatmultiple nodes will become active.Already
active nodes will now havemore than four active
24Issues from Aging of System (cont.)
- Decision to become active is based only on nodes
own (very local) observations and not through
information exchange with neighboring nodes - Nodes may therefore decide to become active
unnecessarily - Lifetime of network could be extended with more
information before nodes decide to become active. - More communication may then be required
- But, just a little local connectivity information
may help.
25Issues with Active State Transition
- Should there be a state transition away from the
active state? - Better to drain a node completely or to drain an
area of nodes more slowly? - Spread energy usage to all nodes
- Different sets of active nodes (dynamic vs.
static) - Prevent partitioning for as long as possible
- Impact on routing protocols
- Routing setup more often
- Chance to find good routing sometimes rather than
risk a long-lasting bad route
26Issues with Neighbor Threshold Value
- Dependent upon application
- Assumes mostly homogeneous network
- Different nodes/sensors may need different
numbers of the same kind of node/sensor as a
neighbor - E.g. only one temperature sensor needed in an
area, but tracking sensors will need other such
sensors in the area to also be active to usefully
track object - Satisfying all threshold values may force most
nodes to be active
27Other thoughts, and more?
- Dynamically change Ts and Tp depending on density
of active and passive neighbors - Ts should be smaller if node is in a sparse area
(i.e. node is more likely to become active
sooner). - How to know number of passive neighbors?
- Routing protocol must be able to easily adapt to
network changes - Useful experiment would be to run ASCENT on a
large network and examine which nodes become
active - Make decisions location-aware